Friday, 21 October 2016

17 Signs That Your Body is Too Acidic and 9 Ways to Alkalize It Quickly!

Bodies which are acidic are unhealthy. An acidic environment is an unhealthy one, where yeast, bacteria and illnesses thrive. If the body is too acidic, the body extracts minerals from important organs and bones so as to neutralize the acid and eliminate it from the body. As a consequence, the mineral reserves of the body like sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium can become very low and can cause damage which can be undetected for years, till its levels become so unhealthy, causing acidosis.

Foods like grains, dairy, sugar and meats are acidic forming foods. However, our bodies are constantly generating acidic waste which needs to be neutralized or eliminated. The body needs alkaline foods in order to neutralize the acids.

Health problems which are caused by mild acidosis:

Immune deficiency
Inflamed and sensitive gums, cavities
Respiratory problems, coughing, shortness of breath
Stiff neck, lumbago, sciatica
Chronic fatigue and low energy
Yeast fungal overgrowth
Heart problems, increased heart rate, arrhythmias
Cardiovascular damage, like reduction in oxygen and constriction of blood vessels
Diabetes, obesity and weight gain
Accelerated free radical damage
Kidney and bladder infections
Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea
Premature aging
Sleepiness, confusion, headaches
Bone spurs, hip fractures, weak brittle bones, osteoporosis
Acne, allergies
Lactic acid buildup, aching muscles, joint pain

Can the Body Adjust pH levels on Its Own?

The body can do this, but it comes with a price. The normal pH level for all fluids and tissues in the body, apart from the stomach, is alkaline, and all bodily systems have a wide range of pH, except for blood. The blood’s pH needs to be from 7.35 to 7.45. For instance, provided that the system becomes overly acidic, the blood can take alkaline forming elements from the small intestine. However, this compromises proper digestion.

You Need to Know Your pH

You can get a numeric representation of your pH by pH testing. A healthy pH should range from 6.75 to 7.25. The perfect reading is 7.36.

The Foods’ Taste Will Tell You If It IS Acidic or Not

A number of people think that lemons are acidic food, and this is a misconception, since they are alkaline forming food. Throughout the process of digestion the acids are oxidized into water and carbon dioxide, and do not create acid in the system.

The main alkalizing minerals are sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. Foods which are rich in minerals are alkaline forming foods. The majority of foods have both, alkaline and acid minerals in them. If the concentration of acid is higher than the food is considered acidic and conversely.

The Body Has Its Own Limits

The human body has its own limits about the amount it can compensate for acid imbalance. Thereby, food consumption is vital for maintaining proper alkaline-acid balance. A number of diseases occur as a consequence of the attempt of the body to rebalance.

The body becomes too acidic if the diet included foods which are acid forming, like sugars, dairy, grains and meats. On the contrary, consuming alkaline forming foods like sea vegetables, fruits and green in abundance can make the body too alkaline. You need to balance.

The Body Has Different Response to Every Food

Your dominant constitutional type instructs your body to have different reactions to different foods. If you are more dominant to oxidative, then vegetables and fruits make your body acidic, and proteins make it more alkaline. However, if your dominant type is autonomic system (ANS), your body becomes acidic when eating proteins and alkaline when eating fruits and vegetables.

Improve Your Alkalinity in This Way

Do regular check-ups on your pH level
Stay away from acidic foods
Drink lots of water
Eat green salad for lunch
Avoid processed foods
Use collard greens and lettuce leaves as wraps
Stop consuming coffee, sugars and soda. Drink green drinks, herbal coffee and herbal tea instead.
Consume almond or coconut milk instead of dairy milks
Add smoothies and green juices to your diet

What You Eat Makes a Difference

The food you eat impacts your health a lot. Your food can either be medicine, or poison for your body.


Sore knees and joints are problems for many people.Althugh they become less supple with age,knee and joint pain are also triggered by uncomfortable footwear.That is why most of people should not wear any shoes which are inappropriate for their feet.

Many conventional treatments have proved unsuccessful,that is just one of the reasons why start to treat themselves with natural remedies which are effective.


The recipe we recommend here has amazing healing properties when it comes to sore knees and joints. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that relieve painful knees and joints. Plus, it abounds in magnesium, silicon, vitamin C and bromelain, all of which make your ligaments and tendons stronger.


a cup of orange juice
a cup of rolled oats
a cup of water
1 cinnamon
2 cups of diced pineapple
raw organic honey (to taste)
½ cup of crushed almonds


In a pot put water and oatmeal and cook for 5 minutes.Then leave it to cool.In a blender place the pineapple,almond,honey,oats,orange juice and cinnamon.Mix these ingredients and add water to this mixture if you like.

You should consume this twice a day.


Pineapple is abundant in vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening your skeletal system. In addition, it’s full of bromelain, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Similarly to pineapple, orange is also rich in vitamin C, meaning it helps to strengthen your bones, tendons and ligaments.
Last, but not least, cinnamon improves circulation, thus stimulating the recovery of your knees and joints. It also has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

When You Mix These 2 Ingredients They Become the Best Cure for Diabetes!

Diabetes is an incurable and severe condition which destroys numerous lives annually. Despite being a threat to the life of the patient, it also causes numerous severe accompanying symptoms.

Yet, there are ways to control it and maintain it in a normal range and relieve the unpleasant symptoms, in order the patient to continue functioning normally.

This combines the effects of the proper diabetes medicines, traditional medicine remedies, and the consumption of healthy foods. However, we will also reveal the recipe of an extremely effective natural remedy for diabetes:


Freshly squeezed juice of 6 lemons
300 grams of celery root

Method of preparation:

Initially, wash the celery root and place it in an enamel pot. Then, add the lemon juice, and close the pot.

Then, put this pot into a larger pot, filled with water. Heat the pot until the water boils, and then, lower the heat and leave the pot to simmer for 2 hours on a very low temperature.  After this time, remove the pots from fire, and leave them to cool, but without opening the smaller pot.

When they are cool, pour the medicine into a suitable jar, close it, and store it in the fridge.


You should drink a tablespoon of this remedy every morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before your breakfast.

The prepared amount is enough for a couple f months. Afterward, your blood sugar levels will be normalized.

Here Is How To Look Years Younger By Using Coconut Oil For 2 Weeks This Way!

Coconut oil is one of the most beneficial ingredients to use when it comes to beauty care. It has a wide range of uses and provides amazing effects.

This is how to use it in order to look much prettier and younger:

Eyelash treatment

In the evening, apply coconut oil to the lashes before going to sleep. This will enhance your lashes, support their growth, and prevent breakage. Moreover, you can use it to remove the makeup.

Whipped coconut oil cream for cellulite

This oil is the best cellulite treatment you can use. Just mix it with some honey and apply this combination on the skin at bedtime. After a few weeks, your cellulite will be gone.

Overnight skin-care

Apply this oil on the face at night in order to clean it, refresh it, and nourish the skin.

Varicose veins

Use coconut oil to massage varicose veins to successfully treat the issue.

Cuticle softener

Massage the dry nail cuticles with this beneficial oil to soften them.

Shaving cream

Commercial shaving creams are high in chemicals and can be very expensive. On the other hand, you can use coconut oil for the same purpose, as it is completely natural, inexpensive, and hydrating.

Coconut oil cream for hands

Apply some coconut oil on your dry hands to soften the skin and make it hydrated and smooth.

Eat This 2-Ingredient Pancake Every Morning And Watch Your Body Fat Disappear

All people just love pancakes, especially children.

The tall stack of pancakes on the kitchen table in the morning is probably the most beautiful view you can have to start the day!

Being extremely delicious, pancakes can be served with various jams, creams, nuts, fruit, honey, and much, much more. Yet, most commercial pancakes include gluten, extra processed sugar, hydrogenated fats, bleached white flour, and more.

Yet, since the preparation of pancakes is easy and fun, there is no need to buy commercial pancakes and pose that health risk to you and your family. This recipe for tasty and healthy pancakes consists of only two incredibly healthy ingredients, bananas and eggs.

Eggs are an extremely delicious ingredient, and they are included in at least one daily meal in almost all households. They are high in vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, and thus help the weight loss process, raise the HDL (or “good”) cholesterol, treat inflammation, and prevent heart disease, as well as other health conditions.

On the other hand, bananas are also highly nutritious, and if added to the recipe, they will provide various health benefits, as well as a solid shape. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber, as well as minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, such as:

Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Net carbs

Bananas effectively regulate blood sugar and provide a feeling of satiety. Bananas include two types of fiber, resistant starch and pectin, and both of them reduce hunger after meals by decelerating the emptying of the stomach, and both regulate blood sugar levels.

Bananas also reduce blood pressure, due to the potassium in them. Therefore, they represent a perfect food for supporting heart health.

Banana Pancake- Recipe


2 eggs
1/2 cup of ripe, finely mashed bananas

You can also add little Cinnamon (optional)

Method of preparation:

In a bowl, place the bananas and the eggs, and mix them well to prepare the batter. Then, place a pan over medium heat, and pour a quarter of the mixture on it.

As soon as it starts bubbling, flip it, and cook it on the other side as well, but shortly. The prepared amount is enough for 5 pancakes, so repeat this procedure until you make them all.

And that is it!

If you are doing daily cardio exercises and replace bread with this pancakes you will notice amazing results in your weight loss process. 

Now, enjoy your delicious protein pancakes, which will promote weight loss and heart health, and provide various other health benefits!

U.S. Government Finally Admits Marijuana Really Does Kill Cancer Cells

Apparently, the fact that cannabis successfully destroys cancer cells is no longer a conspiracy theory in the U.S.

Therefore, can we regard it as a preventative herb against cancer, or can anyone reject the idea of using medicinal marijuana?

According to Amy Willis, to the official cancer advice website, the US government has added a page on the use of cannabis and cannabinoids.

She advises, “The National Cancer Institute, part of the US Department of Health, now advises that ‘cannabinoids may be useful in treating the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment’ by smoking, eating it in baked products, drinking herbal teas or even spraying it under the tongue.”

The site lists numerous medicinal uses of cannabis, such as stress- relief, pain relief, anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity, anti-anxiety, and anti-tumor properties, reduction of muscle spasms due to multiple sclerosis, and much more.

It also explains how lab experiments have shown that cannabis kills cancer cells.

She adds: “Several scientific studies have suggested this in the past, and in April this year the US government’s National Institute on Drug Abuse revised their publications to suggest cannabis could shrink brain tumors by killing off cancer cells.”

Therefore, if this is a sign that the government of the United States would like to admit the anti-cancer properties of cannabis, would the other western nation share their attitude?

Cannabis is an incredibly beneficial herb which can cause no side-effects and can effective treat various severe healthy conditions and diseases, including cancer.

Therefore, it is our duty to support this struggle and attempt to help the numerous people who can greatly benefit from such treatments.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Don’t Spend Your Money On Pedicure, Two Ingredients from Your Kitchen Can Make Your Feet Look Nice

Healthy feet are actually more important or your wellbeing then you think.

Cracks, dryness and other feet issues can easily obstruct your quality of life, and disabling proper movement and body support. Personal hygiene and diets can affect the health of feet, and those need to be incorporated in the best way possible in your everyday routines.

Getting expensive pedicures and using sophisticated products to heal your feet is not always the most productive form of keeping them functional.

Today’s article will show you an easy DIY treatment that will help you keep your feet safe and healthy. This will prevent dry, flaky, scaly, and tired feet in no time.

The ingredients can all be found in your kitchen and the preparation is quite easy.


2-4 cups milk
3 tablespoons baking soda


First, warm up the milk. Then, pour it in a basin or a feet soaking tub and add the baking soda to it. Stir well and dip feet in it for 10 minutes. When done, rinse feet with warm water and dry off gently with a towel. Apply your daily foot cream and enjoy the results.

The Leaves of Soursop Are 1,000 Times Stronger At Killing Cancer Cells Than Chemotherapy!

Among all the healthy products out there, there is one plant, whose leaves will bring health benefits like you never imagined before!

Soursop leaves are 1,000 times stronger in the fight against cancer without any chemotherapy or other radical treatments.

You may have not heard of soursop yet, but we promise that this is a pure miracle worker for your health. It is also known as Graviola and it is actually an exotic fruit with a very specific taste. People who tried it compare its taste to a combination of strawberries and pineapple.

Aside from being super healthy, this fruit also provides amazing health benefits. It is powerful enough to treat some very serious health conditions, and the secret lies in its leaves.

Here is what you need to know:

Fights off cancer
Soursop may be the most effective cancer treatment ever. It is completely natural and used in alternative medicine for killing cancerous cells. It does not bring any side-effects so you can use it as much as you want. The fruit is especially beneficial for those battling lung, breast, and prostate cancer.

Recipe for Soursop Leaf Tea:

Chop up 10 soursop leaves finely and boil them in 3 cups of water. Remove from heat when 2/3 of the water evaporates and only 1/3 remains. Let tea cool off and drink as per usual.

Soursop – Health Benefits:

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
Plenty of people are dealing with urinary tract infection (UTI). The symptoms include a bacterial infection of the urethra, urinary bladder, ureters, and kidneys.

To prevent this, drink soursop tea and heal your urinary tract infection. You can also consume the tea daily to prevent UTI from happening altogether.

Soursop Tea Great for Gout Treatment
Goat represents a condition that is followed by inflamed and painful joints, especially the libs joints. By drinking soursop leaves tea you will face no more problems of this sort. What this tea does is, it flushes the urinary canals and removes uric acid from the blood, which actually causes inflammation.

Effective Against Rheumatism
Painful and swollen joints can also be a result of rheumatism. This is also followed by severe back and waist pain. In this case, though, the muscles get affected as well.

People suffering from rheumatism take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, but only a simple soursop leaves remedy will do. Boil several soursop leaves and mash them well. Apply on painful areas twice a day until you witness results.

Perfect for Eczema
When treating eczema, people usually consume plenty of steroid-based medication which do not bring planet of results. If you want to cure eczema, prepare soursop leaves poultice as described above. Apply on affected areas and praise the best anti-inflammatory properties ever.

Boost the Immune System
The immune system is very fragile in many people and when it is disturbed it can lead to many conditions, such as a cold, cough, flu, and other infections.

Because of this, soursop leaves tea is highly recommended. It provides enormous anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the immune system marvelously and heal it in an instance.

Mix Ginger, Turmeric and Coconut Milk And Drink 1 Hour Before Going To Bed – You Will Be Surprised By The Results The Next Morning!

Heavy meals and poor digestion often lead to many issues and upset the stomach in the evening. This leads to interrupted sleep, heartburn, and acid reflux.

However, these symptoms may be relieved with a natural remedy consisted of turmeric, ginger, and coconut milk.

This natural remedy effectively treats all indigestion issues, boosts the metabolism, and also promotes weight loss. Its impressive effects are due to the healthy properties of the ingredients.


1-inch piece of sliced ginger/ 1 teaspoon ginger powder
2 cups coconut milk
1 teaspoon turmeric
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon organic honey

Numerous studies have shown that ginger can provide beneficial effects in the case of all kinds of various health problems, including:

Nausea and vomiting caused by HIV/AIDS treatment
Painful menstrual periods
Irritable bowel syndrome
High cholesterol
Morning sickness
Nausea and vomiting following surgery
Cancer (colon and ovary)
Weight loss

Coconut milk is a rich source of healthy fats and has potent antimicrobial properties. It is highly effective in the following cases:

Reduces protein loss
Prevents digestive issues
Heals damaged tissues and fights infections
Boosts metabolism
Burns calories

Turmeric has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities, and is extremely beneficial in the treatment f various health issues, including:

Soothes arthritis pain
Helps detoxification
Improves blood circulation and thins the blood
Relieves pain and fever due to illness
Heals and relieves the digestive tract
Prevents ulcers

Black pepper is extremely important as it stimulate the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, which is responsible for most of its healthy properties.

Honey soothes irritations, helps digestion and has countless other health benefits, such as:

Fights Insomnia
Boosts Energy levels
Treats Muscle Fatigue
Regulates blood sugar

Now, this is how to prepare effective natural remedy:

In a larger bowl, mix all the ingredients, except the honey. Stir well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Then, transfer it to a saucepan, and cook it over low heat for 5minutes.

Then, add the honey.


Drink this amazing remedy an hour before going to sleep, and it will greatly boost your overall health, and it will help you wake up full of energy in the morning.

Doctors Are Amazed! This Recipe Strengthens And Restores Bones, Knees And Joints

Improper posture of the body is one of the real reasons of agony in the legs, joints and back. In order to prevent further complications, it is very important to correct it.

Today we are going to present you 100% natural formula that alleviates pain and effectively strengthens the knees, bones and joints.

This astonishing cure gives to a great degree beneficial outcomes and begins from old Greece:

– 1.75 oz (50 g) wheat grain

– 1.75 oz (50 g) sunflower seed

– 3 tbsp raisin

– 3 tbsp of ground sesame

– 1.75 oz (50 g) pumpkin seed

– 10 tbsp of linseed

– 2.2 oz (1 kg) wildflower nectar


Put every one of the ingredient in a bigger dish, mix well and store the mixture in a glass jar.

Consume 1 tbsp of the mixture before you have breakfast and lunch.

This completely successful cure will upgrade and reestablish the versatility of the tendons and ligaments and reinforce the heart muscle and joints.

Another helpful and extremely effective remedy against in the treatment of pain in the joints, legs and back is natural gelatin.

The Health Benefits Of Eating Black-Spotted Bananas

Bananas are perhaps one of nature’s most under-rated fruits. The yellow skinned fruits are easy to overlook, especially when it seems as if there’s always some new and exotic type of fruit that’s being touted as the next big thing. However, the fact remains that bananas are a tasty super food that can give our bodies all the good stuff it needs to thrive. They’re packed full of nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and all-natural sugars, like sucrose and fructose. That’s part of the reason why eating bananas regularly can help to keep the doctor away.

In the United States bananas are the top most consumed fruit and Americans eat more of them every year than apples and oranges combined. Many of us bring home a bunch of bananas from the store and eat them throughout the week. They start off mostly greenish-yellow and spotless, but as time goes by, the bananas continuously ripen. Eventually they begin to develop brown spots, which grow bigger and bigger until the entire banana is covered in brown. Many people are turned off by brown bananas and think it means they’re rotten so they toss them out. It makes sense, most fruits that turn brown are indeed rotten and unappetizing.

However, the more dark patches a banana appears to have, the more ripe it is, and the more TNF it contains. TNF stands for Tumor Necrosis Factor, and it’s a cancer fighting substance that helps fight against abnormal cells in our bodies. Specifically, TNF helps to assist communication between cells in our immune response system and it guides the movement of cells towards areas in our bodies which are inflamed or infected. Research has confirmed that the TNF found in ripe bananas interferes with tumor cells growth and inhibits them from spreading by causing cell death, or apoptosis. This, in conjunction with the high levels of antioxidants which are also found in bananas, boosts our immune systems and can increase our white blood cells as well. The next time you see a banana with brown spots, don’t pass it over. Instead, eat it up and give your body a mini-health boost and some extra energy.

In addition to the brown spots and their immune system strengthening qualities, bananas have a number of other health benefits. Below are a few of the main ones that bananas can give you, and the accompanying video covers even more than just these, so check it out:

1) Heartburn- Bananas are nature’s anti-acid and can provide relief from heartburn and acid reflux. Eating just one banana can immediately bring soothing relief and lessen your heartburn symptoms.

2) Blood Pressure- Bananas help to lower blood pressure and protect against stroke or heart attack because they are low in sodium and high in potassium, making them a heart healthy food.

3) Energy- Eating a banana or two before a workout gives you enough energy to last an hour or more. The low glycemic carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals all support your body increase endurance, while potassium helps to prevent muscle cramps.

4) Anemia- They can help those with anemia by providing much needed dietary iron, which stimulates red blood cell and hemoglobin production and strengthens the blood supply.

5) Ulcers- When you suffer from stomach ulcers many foods are off limits, but bananas can be eaten without having to worry about whether or not they’ll cause pain. That’s because their smooth, soft, mushy texture coats the stomach lining and protects it against corrosive acids and irritation.

6) Depression- They can help overcome depression because they have high levels of tryptophan, which our bodies convert into serotonin. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that makes people relax, feel happy, and improves mood. Thus, bananas can help people feel better and beat depression.

7) Constipation- If you are clogged up, eat a few bananas. They have enough fiber in them to stimulate regular bowel movements and provide natural relief for constipation.

8) Nerves or PMS- When you’re feeling moody and stressed, eat a banana. They help to regulate blood sugar and are rich in B vitamins, which naturally calm the nervous system and make people relax, resulting in an overall improved mood.

9) Temperature Control- Eating a banana on a hot day can cool you off by lowering your body temperature. The same is true for it you have a fever.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


For most of the people, rinsing with mouthwash represents part of their daily routine. All of us know how important the oral care is, but sometimes, too much mouthwash can do more harm than good.  Listerine and many other famous brands of mouthwashes which contain alcohol can increase the potential of oral cancer development. Approximately, 48,000 Americans have been diagnosed with oral cancer annually and 640,000 people globally. Oral cancer can occur on the gums and the cheeks, on the tongue, or on the floor of the mouth.

The presence of different chemicals, toxins and alcohol in the mouthwashes can be putting your health at risk. Here is a rundown on just some of the toxins in case you have never checked out the ingredient list:

Methylparaben – this chemical has been actually present within breast cancer tissues. It is contained in many deodorants, skin creams, women’s cosmetics and mouthwash. Many studies have shown that it accelerates the growth of tumor and increase the risk of breast cancer.

Methyl Salicylate – 23 000mg aspirin pills is the equivalent to just 1 tbsp of this substance. Vomiting, convulsion, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, loss of vision, kidney failure and much more can be caused by overdose.

Hexetidine – failure of neural functions and clotting in parts of the brain control sensory can be caused by ingesting of too much of this chemical. Allergic reactions and unstable heartbeat can be also caused by this carcinogenic chemical.

Alcohol – it causes bad breath, reduces saliva and dries out the mucous membranes in your mouth. Alcohol also increases the risk of developing neck, head and oral cancers.

Chlorhexidin – increased blood pressure related with mouthwash can be caused by this ingredient. The newest research has shown that serious heart issues and increased blood pressure can be caused if you use mouthwash two times a day.

Green Tea and Plaque Removal

However, we have great news for your oral health. The latest study has shown the following: people with existing periodontal diseases and switched their diet to one emphasizing fruits, veggies, spices, lentils, peas, beans potatoes, grains with water as the preferred drink. The results have proved that the consumption of healthy food strengthens the oral health.

Besides the sugar, there are many other foods that have negative impact on the oral health. The scientists have proved that mouth washing with green tea strongly and significantly inhibited the growth of plaque bacteria on the teeth in only few min.

The number of harmful bacteria was nearly cut in half just 7 min after swishing with green tea.

The researchers have also found that green tea works far better in plaque reduction than chlorhexidine without all the chemicals that mouthwash contains. When it comes to health, green tea is clearly the safer choice. For more effective and safer way to practice oral health, you should definitely consider ditching your mouth wash full of chemicals.


We all know that apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, but did you know that it is also a great environment-safe and natural cleaner? Many different things can be cleaned with vinegar because it is a weak form of acetic acid.

In this article, we will present you 10 interesting ways in which you can use ACV, all you have to is to follow these easy steps and the results will amaze you. The best part about vinegar is that it is extremely cheap.

1. If your drain has clogged and you do not have draining out, do not worry. Take some vinegar and some baking soda, and pour nearly half a cup of baking soda into the drain, and then one cup of vinegar. When the foam goes away, pour some hot water in it and wash everything out.

2. If you have some sticky residues from a sticker or a tape on some item, take some white vinegar and saturate the area. After several seconds, scrub away quickly and easily.

3. If your trash can stinks, even when it is empty, you should use white vinegar to solve this problem. The procedure is the following one: take a piece of bread, pour some vinegar over it and let it soak up. Then, put the piece of bread on the bottom of the trash can and let it stay there overnight. The following day, remove the bread and you will notice that the terrible stench has gone. Use this method for removing the stench from any other smelly place.

4. If you are tired of buying different cleaning products, make yourself a cleaner for all purposes. Take a spray bottle and pour white vinegar in it, up to one third of the spray bottle. Fill up the remaining part of the bottle with water a couple of drops of dish soap. You will get a cleaner which is really efficient and safe for both the kitchen and the bathroom.

5. If your home is invaded by fruit flies, you should know that you can easily catch them. Just pour some apple cider vinegar into a small bawl and cover the top with Saran wrap, poking a few holes. This means that you have set the trap: the flies will enter, but they won’t be able to leave.

6. If you do not have much time, and you need to get some wrinkles out of your clothes, pick a spray bottle and add one part of vinegar and three parts of water. After you have misted the clothing, leave it hanging for a few minutes. Once it dries, the wrinkles will be flattened out.

7. If your cat claws at your furniture all the time, do not worry. You should just pour a little vinegar in a spray bottle and sprit the area. The cat won’t come close to that area anymore, as cats hate vinegar and its smell.

8. If your flowers die too quickly and you cannot enjoy their beauty, pour some apple cider vinegar in the water in the vase and stir. This mixture will provide the flowers with the opportunity to stay alive for longer than they used to.

9. If you cannot get your glasses clean, do not worry. Just take a soft cloth and soak it in a little white vinegar. The vinegar will aid you remove all the stains, dirt, and smudges left on your glasses and it will make them crystal clear and shiny.

10. In the end, if your pans and pots have some stains which are very hard to clean, just put the pot or the pan on the stove, add a cup or two of white vinegar and the same quantity of water. Let the mixture boil for nearly five minutes and your cookware will become clean as if they were new

Monday, 17 October 2016

10 Diet Tips

When you embark on a new diet plan, it’s important to know all of the success tips you possibly can so that you don’t go back to your old ways and continue gaining pounds. Let’s look at the top 10 diet success tips women can embrace to lose weight.

#1  Stave off anemia.

When we go on diets, we sometimes don’t get as many iron-rich foods as we did when we were eating anything we wanted. Anemia makes you feel lethargic, so start adding plenty of leafy greens to your menu plan.

#2  Don’t be so strict. Everyone needs to let loose on occasion.

That includes dieting. You need to be able to have some of your  favorite foods here and there. Some women allow themselves one weekend day per week to eat their favorites and some just use a general  moderation approach.

#3  Save up for non food rewards.

Typically, when we celebrate an event, it revolves around food  holidays, graduations, etc. But you should give yourself an allowance for every pound you lose and then spend that money on something you’d enjoy  like a massage or special day out.

#4  Add to your diet, don’t subtract.

Some women who lose weight and keep it off report that they focused on foods they should add each day, and quit worrying about what they had to be deprived of. When you’re adding foods, it makes less room for the more unhealthy ones, and you begin losing weight naturally.

#5  Learn to love water.

You may have had an aversion to it before, but staying hydrated with plenty of water can quell the hunger pangs you may feel during a diet that are actually present just because your body need to be rehydrated.

#6  Eat regularly.

Depending on the diet program you adopt, you may have to eat on a schedule, like 6 small meals a day. But some diet plans just focus on the types of foods you need to eat, not when. Make sure you’re consistently  delivering nutrients to your body, starting with a healthy breakfast that gets your metabolism revved up for the day.

#7  Monitor your weight loss (or gain).

Deciding that you’re going to go on  a diet plan is wonderful if you want to get healthy. But if you hide form the scale, it might cause you to slip more than you realize you’re allowing yourself to do.

Some successful dieters weigh daily, while others have a weekly or monthly schedule.

#8  Watch your hunger cues.

Whether or not your diet plan has you eating on a schedule, start paying attention to your hunger cues. That means eating when your body is hungry and stopping when you’re no longer hungry  not when you allow yourself to get to the point of full.

#9  Learn how to quit stress eating.

Comfort foods when we’re anxious or stressed  out can cause us to pack on the pounds. Instead of stress eating, learn how to  cope in ways that don’t revolve around food. That could mean taking up a new hobby or employing stress relief methods like aromatherapy.

#10  Try new foods.

Growing up, we have our own personal likes and dislikes when it comes to foods. But when you go on a diet, you slash your menu in half (or sometimes more) because the foods you have learned to love aren’t the best for your body. So it’s important to try new foods and methods of cooking to get you through the diet until you’ve lost the weight and can keep it off.

Treadmill workouts

Think the treadmill is exhausting? Reconsider.In the exercise center however keeping away from the treadmill? Don’t! When it’s blustery and dim, the treadmill can be a fabulous contrasting option to preparing outside. The trap is to tailor your exercise center workouts to emulate open air conditions. ‘Without impediments like slopes and wind, your heart rate will be lower on a treadmill,’ says AJ Perera, Wellness First fitness coach. ‘The treadmill additionally moves you forward by pushing your legs, rather than you pulling them forward, so running without a grade is like running on a slight descending slant.’ Set the treadmill to a slope of one for every penny to mimic open air running force and have a superior possibility of receiving your normal step design. Running without a grade is like running on a slight descending incline, making it hard to keep up a proficient running structure.

Treadmill workouts

Stress your framework

Doing likewise run each week can have an undesired impact. Your body is entirely brilliant and rapidly adjusts to a running routine – turning out to be more productive and utilizing less vitality. This implies your pace and perseverance increases level off and you’re running enhancements lessen. ‘To enhance as a runner, you have to over-burden your framework by requesting that it accomplish more,’ says Bud Baldaro, Asics separation running mentor. ‘This could be two miles rather than one, or 15 rather than 12. The key is to expand your separation routinely.’ Blend speed and separation by adding one-to four-minute sprints into longer runs.

An example workout

Have a go at doing this treadmill workout to copy running outside. You can rehash the session the same number of times as you need, helping your body get used to various velocities and diverse grade levels. The key is to keep your body speculating, so that when you keep running outside your body is as of now adapted to manage surprising changes in landscape.

9 Health Ailments Salt, Pepper, & Lemon Can Heal

Salt, pepper, and lemon are some of the world’s most commonly used food ingredients. But, did you know that they can heal 9 of the most common health ailments?

According to a report from Healthy Food House:

Many people throughout the world have used the power of three to treat common ailments. Could it be that conventional drugs are so expensive, that people try to seek natural alternatives?

We give you a few tips on how to treat different ailments with the help of salt, pepper, and lemon:

Sore throat

Combine a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of ground black pepper and one teaspoon of high-quality salt. Stir the mixture in a glass of warm water. Gargle the liquid several times a day to relieve sore throat and severe cough.

Stuffy nose

Combine equal parts of ground black pepper, cinnamon, cumin and cardamom seeds and grind them well into a fine powder. Smell the mixture, and watch how the sneezing will relieve your stuffy nose.


Gallstones are hard deposits of digestive fluids that form in the gallbladder. These block the digestive tract, and cause unbearable pain. Patients usually undergo a surgery to get rid of their gallstones.

But, you can treat the condition with natural remedies. Combine 3 parts of olive oil, 1 part of lemon juice and 1 part of black pepper. Use the remedy to dissolve gallstones.

Canker sores

Stir a tablespoon of Himalayan salt into a cup of warm water. Swish the solution in your mouth after your meals to heal the mucus membranes in your oral cavity. This will help you get rid of bad bacteria and heal the sores a lot faster.

Weight loss

Add a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of raw honey to a glass of water. This elixir will improve your metabolism. Polyphenols in lemons keep you fit and enhance insulin sensitivity, which is essential in the fat-burning process.


Soothe your upset stomach with black pepper. The scent of lemons relieves nausea. Combine a tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of black pepper. Stir the mixture in a glass of warm water. Sip your drink slowly until you notice some improvement.


Combine ½ a teaspoon of ground pepper and ½ teaspoon of clove oil. This mixture will relieve your aching tooth. Floss and carefully brush your teeth twice a day. Cut off sugar and acidic foods.

Cold and flu

Juice half a lemon, and add it to a cup of warm water. This drink relieves cold symptoms. You can also leave the pulp and peel of your lemon halve in the water for 10 more minutes. Take them out, and stir in a tablespoon of raw honey. Consume the citrusy remedy until you feel better.


Soak a piece of cotton in some lemon juice, and stick it in your nostril. Bring your head slightly forward, so the blood does not drip in your throat. This will also prevent nausea. The nosebleed will stop almost instantly.

Use Minced Garlic To Get Your Eyesight Back Without Surgery Or Glasses

It is truth that visual perception break down with age. As indicated by the studies, age – related macular degeneration (AMD) is condition that shows up for the most part at ladies in their fifties.
Adjacent to age, there are a few different reasons for loss of visual perception, for example, the decision of way of life that can either enhance or harm human vision.

In the event that you are experiencing macular degeneration, in this article you can read around couple of sound way of life decisions that can help you in counteractive action of this condition. All you ought to do is to consolidate some specific fixings in your regular eating regimen.


Bringing down cholesterol

Harvard Medical School directed a study which inferred that lessening the level of cholesterol can add to keeping the danger of progressing macular degeneration. Age – related macular degeneration implies that under the retina there is aggregated fat store. Due to that haziness or visual deficiency happen in the center of your vision. In that concentrate, high measurements of Lipitor, a solution which diminishes the levels of cholesterol, was given to 23 subjects with ARMD. The outcomes are entirely noteworthy, the fat stores pulled back and the vision clarity enhanced in ten of the subjects of the study.

Garlic has a vital part in lessening cholesterol. As indicated by the report of Annals of Internal Medicine, devouring just ½ clove of garlic a day can quite diminish cholesterol levels. The substances that the garlic contains can thwart cholesterol union.

Lessening pulse

Circulatory strain assumes a critical part in age – related sight degeneration. Hypertension confines the blood stream, which truly harms the capacity of the retina. It is critical for the retina to have extraordinary measure of oxygen with a specific end goal to work legitimately. This is impractical if there is insufficient blood hold that conveys the oxygen to the retina, and the outcome is frail vision.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews reported that there were two examinations which show that garlic is truly helpful with regards to decreasing systolic pulse.

Furthermore, the studies demonstrate that garlic is a characteristic prescription that if proficient in avoiding ARMD. You can smash it or press it, since the garlic in this structure discharges its successful fixings that enhance your visual perception. It is financially savvy, and simple to utilize it in an assortments of courses in your eating regimen. Garlic is a characteristic medicine, so you can make certain that symptoms will scarcely ever happen, dissimilar to the medications sold in the stores. Begin devouring garlic all the more frequently, and you will feel how invaluable it is for enhancing your visual perception for all time.

Carrots (beta carotene)

It is totally genuine that carrots are amazingly advantageous with regards to visual perception. Carrots are rich in beta carotene. At the point when expended in human framework, beta carotene changes into retinol or vitamin A which is important to battle against numerous eye issues. Insufficiency of vitamin A causes night visual impairment, dry eyes, ulcers and spotty or foggy vision.

Salmon (omega-3 unsaturated fats)

Salmon contains each of the 3 sorts of omega – 3 unsaturated fats. Fish oil contains a critical subsidiary which to a great extent keeps up the strength of the eye. It was demonstrated that age – related macular ailments happen as an aftereffect of atypical vein extension. There are a few looks into which demonstrate this can be anticipated by a subordinate of docosahexaenoic corrosive. Specialists are persuaded that it can confine the strange development of the vein which is a wellspring of numerous eye harms.

Read This And Never Throw Away Avocado Seeds Again

Avocado is known as one of the most beneficial fruit for our entire health, and avocado seeds are very useful and powerful. We are going to show you why.

Avocado seeds contain over 65% of the amino acids. They are also rich in fiber, even more than many other foods.


1.  Avocado seed is very effective against arthritis, because it’s an anti-inflammatory.

2.  The avocado seed is great against any kind of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, like diarrhea. Also it is used in medicines against infections and stomach problems.

3.  Due to some recent studies, it was found that it increases the collagen level, helping to make your skin firm and reduce wrinkles, and it is a good source of rejuvenation.

4.  Strengthen your immunity and great anti-disease agent.

5.  Avocado seeds are very effective when against burning fat. They also make us to fill full, it is perfect what we need to lose weight.

6.  Have high levels of energy to keep you energized all day.

7.  You can eat this seeds in salads, make tea from them, or use them in smoothies or shakes.

8.  They prevent the growth of tumors thanks to the flayonol content.

But first, consult your doctors if you have any nut or peach seed allergies.


Some of us have allergic reactions to avocado. There are two main forms of allergy: people with a tree-pollen allergy have local symptoms in the mouth and throat after eating avocado; and the second, known as latex-fruit syndrome, is connected to latex allergy and signs include generalized urticarial, abdominal pain, and vomiting and can sometimes be life-threatening

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Strengthen Your Knee Tendons and Ligaments With This Simple Recipe

Our knees are included in our most important movements every day, such as walking, standing, running, jumping, so their function if of high importance to the entire body.

Yet, they use their natural lubrication over time and the ligaments and tendons become less flexible. In this way, they are more susceptible to injuries.

Since they are a vital link between our body and the ground, we need to support the health of our knees and strengthen the ligaments and tendons. In this way, we will promote a better support of the body.

Fortunately, there is an extremely effective natural recipe which strengthens the knees and enhances their lubrication.

The main ingredients of the following recipe  include a gelatin, pineapple, cinnamon, and oats. Using them, you can make a tasty and healthy smoothie, rich in silicon, magnesium, bromelain, and vitamin C.

It will provide potent anti-inflammatory effects and will soothe the discomfort and pain.

Gelatin is an excellent way to nourish the tendons and ligaments. Unflavored, natural gelatin is the healthiest choice because of the higher amount of “collagen protein.”


2 cups of pineapple chunks
7 g cinnamon
1 cup of instant oatmeal
2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin (40 grams)
1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
40 g honey
40 g crushed almonds
250 ml water

Method of preparation:

Initially, you should cook the oat and add the orange juice.

Next, add the unflavored gelatin, honey, almonds, cinnamon, and pineapple chunks in a blender, and mix them well until you get a homogeneous smooth mixture.

Then, add the oatmeal in the blender as well and blend once more. You can add a few ice cubes if you like to consume it cold.

Enjoy its taste and multiple health benefits!

Goodbye Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids And Triglycerides

Several months ago, a student was actually confused when his professor showed him the results of all blood parameters of a patient. Namely, he was shocked as the levels of his lipids, cholesterol, blood glucose, triglycerides and urea, were extremely high. The student could not believe that someone can actually live in such a body condition.

When the professor handed him the second results, the student saw that actually, the patient was his professor!

Yet, this sheet analysis showed completely different situation. “Just take a look at this and compare the numbers of the parameters and check the dates on both sheets” – the professor advised.

The blood was found to be perfect, all results were in the recommended, healthy range, and it seemed that the professor was entirely healthy.

The last shock was when the student saw that the difference between the dates of the examinations was only a month!

The student was left puzzled, so his professor explained that this change was due to his own doctor, who suggested a treatment from a close friend of his. This treatment was to be repeated several times, and the results were brilliant!

The professor also added that it should be repeated it once annually, in order to control the condition, and if they discover a tendency to breakdown, he should do the whole treatment once more.

This is the secret that saved the professor’s health:

You should buy a raw pumpkin and peel 100 – 120 grams of it. The, place them in a blender and add some water. Blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.

This smoothie should be consumed regularly for a month. You should drink it 20 minutes before your breakfast, on a daily basis.

Remember to analyze your cholesterol and blood before, and after the treatment. This procedure is completely safe and has no side- effects, as it includes only a raw, natural vegetable and water.

The professor, who was a well-known chemical engineer, examined the pumpkin and its properties, and found that some compounds in it are able to eliminate LDL cholesterol from the arteries, through the urine, and it also provided energy and cleansed the arteries.

NO MORE – Heart Attack – Stroke – Clogged Arteries – WITH THIS POWERFUL DRINK

Garlic and lemon are two ingredients that not only can be used in cooking to add flavor to dishes, but also provide you with numerous health benefits, and because of this it is no wonder that they are considered as one of the most powerful natural remedies. Although they are beneficial when used separately, but combining two ingredients with powers like theirs it is even better

What you may did not know is that the best and the most effective natural remedy for clogged arteries is actually this combination- combination from garlic and lemon juice. The recipe below is the best natural remedy for improving your arterial health in case you want to prevent having a heart attack or stroke because clogged arteries are one of the symptoms of condition known as arteriosclerosis, which leads to the mentioned conditions.



*1l water

*6 peeled lemons, cut into small pieces

*30 cloves garlic, chopped into small pieces


First you will need to puree these two ingredients in a food processor, then put the mixture that you have just got into a pot and put it to boil. When it starts to boil, leave it aside so it can cool off. Then put the cold mixture in a jar

and refrigerate.

How to use it:

1.First dosage: Drink 50ml a day for 3 weeks.
2.Take one week break.
3.Second Dosage: Drink 50ml every day for 3 weeks.

You can repeat the treatment every 6 months.


With this powerful mixture you will: improve your blood flow, the liver function and also in the same time it cleanses the liver, reduce the LDL blood cholesterol and lower your blood pressure, reduce triglycerides levels in the blood, prevent the formation of tumors and boost immune system, improve kidney function and prevent water retention, regenerate cells as a result of its antioxidant effect. And last but not least and what many people would like to hear is that this mixture can also activate fat-burning metabolism in the body.

Complete Guide To Removing Warts, Moles, Skin Tags and Oil Clogs Naturally

Skin disorders are very frustrating, even though they are not life threatening they sure are problematic when it comes to esthetics. They make us self-conscious and a bit depressed sometimes. Treatments can be long and costly, hence, we are bringing you some cheaper and natural solutions that actually work.

1. Garlic

As we already know garlic has numerous benefits, but here comes one that you can notice easily. Garlic has been proven to help with removal of warts and removal of moles without surgery. And the interesting thing about it, it is cheap and easy to use. You can start by squashing garlic juice and applying it on the spot you want to be treated. You might want to apply some Band-Aid to protect the spots. Just repeat this process twice a day until you see a difference.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is extremely helpful in the treatment of skin conditions. The anti-inflammatory properties of ACV help treat most of the conditions. ACV is considered to be one of the best tools to treat warts.

It is important to cleanse your skin before applying the ACV. Start by pouring a little bit of ACV in a cup and then dip a cotton ball in it. Apply the cotton ball on the wart and secure it by taping it with Band-Aid or bandage. It is recommended to do this before going to sleep. In the morning just remove the cotton ball and cleanse the skin.

3. Banana

Banana can also be used as a treatment for skin tags or warts. Banana is actually pretty simple to use. Just peel the banana and apply on your skin tags or warts and cover them with a bandage or duct tape. Best time to use this treatment is also before going to sleep. Usage of over a week will show results such as softening the skin tags.

4. Raw Honey

Honey as the savior. Honey has been recognized as one of the best products that nature has given us. Honey has antibacterial and antiviral properties which are very soothing to our skin. They fight most of the bacteria off and help prevent many skin conditions. All you have to do is supply yourself with some raw honey and follow this simple procedure.Apply 1 tablespoon of raw honey on the targeted area and cover it with a Band-Aid. Leave it on for 24 hours and then cleanse the skin. Repeat this procedure on a daily basis with some breaks in-between.

5. Lemon

Lemon is added to the list today mostly because of the citric acid it contains. The citric acid acts as a bleaching agent for your body and for your skin. Lemon juice is recommended for treatment and removal of dark aging spots. Just squeeze some lemon juice into a bowl and dip cotton balls into it. Apply the cotton balls on the spots. Do this twice a day for optimal results.

6. Steam

Steam has been used as a sort of medicine for centuries. Steam can also be applied here as a tool for removal of blackheads. It is the same process as inhalation. All you have to do is boil the water and pour it in some cup or bowl and direct the steam towards your face. The steam will unclog your pores and make it easier for you to remove the blackheads.

These are only a few of dozens of cures and remedies you can try. Not all of them might work for you at the beginning but they sure are better than spending thousands of dollars on treatments.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Peel Of Lemon Can Remove Joint Pain Forever

Lemons are ones of the healthiest fruits on the planet, as they are just loaded with essential nutrients which support tour general health.

However, you have surely heard about the benefits of its juice a well, haven’t you?

Lemons are abundant in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A,C, B1, B6, potassium, bioflavonoids, folic acid, magnesium, pectin, phosphorus, calcium.

This makes them extremely effective in the fight gainst various illnesses, such as diabetes. Their regular consumption strengthens immunity and has a beneficial effect on the digestion, intestines, and the liver.

The consumption of some lemon juice in a glass of water in the morning relieves the morning sickness during pregnancy, and its smell treats nausea and helps stomach problems.

Additionally, the lemon peel has potent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe nerve pain and the blood vessels, while the lemon leaves treat fever symptoms.
However, lemons are also very efficient tin the case of joint pain, they can be used in two ways:

. Peel two lemons and put them in  a glass jar. Pour some olive oil over them, close the jar, and leave it for 2 weeks. Afterward, the oil is ready for use. Soak a gauze in the oil, place it on the painful areas, secure with a bandage, and leave it to act during the night.

. You should grate a lemon peel, but only its yellow part, and apply it on the affected areas. Secure with a bandage, and leave it thus to act fro a few hours.

Try these two natural remedies for joint pain and use the amazing health benefits of lemons once more!

The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse: How Apple, Ginger and Lemon Can Flush Pounds of Toxins From Your Body

The role of the colon is of vital importance for the overall health as it removes the waste from the body and cleanses the toxins which endanger health.

In order to improve its function, you need to cleanse all the accumulated waste and dangerous chemicals. The following homemade recipe is 100% natural and simple but provides impressive effects in cleansing your colon.

Remember that during the colon cleanse procedure you must stay home as you will need to visit the toilet often while removing the toxins. It consists of ingredients which are high in essential nutrients, including sea salt, lemon, apples, and ginger.

Numerous studies have found that the consumption of only an apple a day greatly reduces the need for prescription drugs, while ginger stimulates the colon, and thus reduces stomach bloating, and eliminating waste.

On the other hand, lemon is abundant in vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant and is also one of the best detox tools you can use.  Sea salt helps digestion, pushes waste through the body, and eliminates toxins.

You will only need 5 minutes to prepare this remedy:

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
½ teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon ginger juice
½ cup 100 percent pure organic apple juice
½ cup warm, purified water

Method of preparation:

Add 3.5 oz. of filtered water in a pan and warm it up, but do not boil it. Pour it into a glass, add the sea salt, and stir well. Then, add the ginger, lemon, and apple juice, stir well once again and drink it right away.


Initially, drink this remedy three times daily, a dose in the morning, before your breakfast, before lunch, and around 6-7 pm in the evening. Make sure you drink plenty of water during this treatment, at least 8 glasses daily.

It is best to drink water from the morning till mid-afternoon, as you will thus prevent frequent urination urges during the night.

Even though it is completely natural and safe, in the case of pregnancy, allergies, or some other disease, or you take some prescription drugs, you should consult your doctor before you start this colon cleanse procedure.

It should not be consumed in the case of diabetes, as it is rich in natural sugar from the apple juice.

You can do this colon cleanse method for one day or maximum a week. In this way, you will speed up your metabolism, help digestion, and completely detoxify your body.

Ketogenic Diet Treats Migraines, Autism and Depression and Kills Cancer Cells!

The number of studies which imply that nutritional ketosis is the solution to various problems, including obesity, is quite big. A person who is on a ketogenic diet has their metabolic engine changed from burning carbs to burning fats. A person on this diet needs to consume beneficial fats like coconut oil, grass-pastured butter, and avocado, raw nuts such as pecans and macadamia nuts, and organic pastured eggs. Moreover, 50 to 70% of the food intake should be consisted of these fats. There is minimal intake of carbs, thereby the body needs to burn fats for fuel. This is the reason there is less sugar in your body, and it does not allow the body to use fat in favor of burning sugar.

During this process, the human body produces ketones. These ketones are made from fats which are processed in the liver. The main goal of this diet is to make the body reach this metabolic state. However, reaching this state is not done through calories starvation. It is done by carbohydrates starvation. The human body can adapt to whatever you consume, and if it lacks carbohydrates, but is overloaded with fats, it is going to start burning ketones at is main source of energy.

Some of the Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

Promotes Weight Loss

Reducing carbs consumption is very simple, yet very effective way of losing weight. The consumption of dietary carbs is very low when on the ketogenic diet. On the contrary, fat consumption is increased and protein is consumed in moderation. This stimulates the body to burn fats as its prime energy source and to utilize the stored fats and produce ketones.

Fights Cancer

Sugar feeds cancer cells, thus promoting cancer growth. Therefore, a diet which lacks sugar and carbohydrates is powerful against cancer. The healthy cells in the body are able to utilize fat as energy source. However, cancer cells cannot.

Dr. Eugene Fine said that ketones alter the accessibility of the energy processes in the unhealthy cells, thereby killing cancer. The review which was brought out in Redox Biology offers promising results for gastric, prostate and colon cancer. Furthermore, according to another preliminary paper, published by Dr. Fine’s team, a diet that is insulin inhibiting is safe and feasible in some patients who were in advanced cancer stage.

Protects the Brain

Ketogenic diet has also been linked to various neurological disorders. There was a study brought out in Behavioral Pharmacology, and according to it, this diet is very beneficial for minimizing the symptoms of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Moreover, other studies suggest that this diet is extremely beneficial for people with autism. According to an article, there are similarities between epilepsy and autism and many autistic people suffer from seizures as a consequence of over-excitement of the brain cells. Another research has proven that children with autism, who were on this diet for six months, showed certain improvements