Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Homemade 2 Ingredient Gel to Get Rid of Stretch Marks, Aging Spots, Acne, Sunburns And Scars

You probably know much about the benefits provided by aloe vera gel and coconut oil, but speaking of skin problems, you sure cannot imagine how great this combination is.

Aloe vera and coconut oil are commonly added to body lotions. They are used separately, but can you guess what happens when you combine their powerful health benefits?

Aloe vera is amazing in:

  • treating sunburns
  • soothing irritated skin and skin allergies
  • treating stretch marks, aging spots, acne and scars
  • hydrating and rejuvenating skin

Coconut oil is used as:

  • natural moisturizer that slows skin aging
  • lotion for dry skin
  • antibacterial and antifungal agent
  • oil that gives skin a natural glow

To make this magical gel you need:

  • 1/3 cup pure aloe vera gel, not juice
  • 1/2 cup organic coconut oil (solid)
  • essential oil of your choice (vanilla, lavender, rose)


Combine both coconut oil and aloe veragel in a mixing bowl.

Mix the ingredients for 5-10 minutes until you get a thick and bright-colored cream. Add in a few drops of essential oil.

Transfer your cream in a glass container with a lid and keep it at room temperature.

How to use it:

Apply it onto your skin, same as you do with any body lotion. But, it is more efficient when applied after showering, because your skin is moist and the pores are open.

Amazing Natural Remedy To Dissolve Kidney & Gallbladder Stones

Sand or stones in the kidneys and gallbladder is a problem that occurs quite often, and it is mainly caused by the water and the food that we consume.

Therefore we present you one amazing natural remedy that will help you to break down and dissolve kidney and gall stones.


  • 1 cup / 250 milliliters. natural olive oil
  • 0.6 lbs / 250 grams lemon (not peeled)
  • 250 grams parsley root (ground)
  • 6 oz / 250 grams Honey


First, wash the lemon well, then chop it into pieces and finally grind it in blender. Next you should do is to peel the root of parsley, than just like the lemons, chop it into pieces and grind it in blender.

In the grounded ingredients add the honey and olive oil and stir until the mixture is completely smooth.

Keep the mixture in a glass bottle in the refrigerator, so it wouldn’t spoil.

Consume one tablespoon of this remedy every morning on an empty stomach and every night before bedtime.

Its composition has a pleasant taste and is also healthy for other uses, such as the fight against infections and bacteria.

It is important to mention that during the therapy, you should drink more fluids.

The Boiled Egg Diet – Lose 24 Pounds In Just 2 Weeks

If you want to lose 24 pounds in just 2 weeks try this amazing boiled egg diet According to many health experts and nutritionists, the boiled egg diet is able to help you burn up to 24 pounds in just 2 weeks. One of the most common health problems in the United States is plumpness.

As a result of obesity people may experience diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. Many of the people try hard to lose some weight. If you’re not able to reduce the calorie intake it will be almost impossible to lose weight.

However, you should not stay hungry or you should not stop consuming the necessary nutrients. In order to reduce the calorie intake you should have a healthy diet. This means that you need to consume a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, grains and beans.

You also need to exclude the high calorie desserts, fast food, fizzy drinks and sweets from your everyday diet. We recommend you to try this best 3 week diet plan if you want to start eating healthy and lose some weight.

Whit this diet you will be able to achieve great results in a short period of time. You guessed it, eggs are the main ingredient in this diet. In order to provide our body with energy we need a lot of calories.

We may harm our body, weaken the metabolism and increase the risk for serious health problems if we reduce the intake of nutrients. Since they contain protein and numerous nutrients, eggs are considered as healthy food.

Eggs provide the necessary vitamins and nutrients for our body. If you want to build up your metabolism you need to start this diet and stop consuming unhealthy food.

Eggs are rich in nutrients, high quality protein, good fats, minerals and vitamins. Selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B5 and vitamin B12 are found in one egg. Besides that, eggs also contain minerals and vitamins such as folate, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc and iron.

A small amount of carbohydrates, five grams of fat, six grams of quality protein and 77 calories can be found in one large egg. All of the healthy nutrients come from the yolk. The white only contains protein.

First week:


For breakfast you need to consume two boiled eggs and fruit. For lunch have two slices of meal bread and fruit. Cooked chicken and salad are perfect for dinner.


For breakfast you need to eat two boiled eggs and fruit. Consume cooked chicken and green salad for lunch. For dinner one orange, salad and two boiled eggs are sufficient.


As usual have two boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast. For lunch you need to consume one tomato, one slice of meal bread and low fat cheese. For dinner have cooked chicken and salad.


For breakfast you need to consume two boiled eggs and fruit. For lunch you only have to consume fresh fruit. For dinner you need to consume steamed chicken.


For breakfast you need to have two boiled eggs. For lunch you can have two boiled eggs and steamed vegetables. For dinner you can have barbecued fish and salad.


For breakfast you can have two boiled eggs and for lunch you need to consume fruit. Steamed chicken and salad are enough for dinner.


As usual for breakfast you need to have two boiled eggs and fruit. For lunch you need to have tomato salad and steamed vegetables with chicken. For dinner eat steamed vegetables.

Second week:


For breakfast have two boiled eggs and fruit. For lunch you need to have salad and chicken. For dinner have one orange salad and two boiled eggs.


Consume two boiled eggs for breakfast. Consume two boiled eggs and steamed vegetables for lunch.

Consume salad and barbecued fish for dinner.


For breakfast you need to consume two boiled eggs and fruit. For lunch you can have cooked chicken and salad. For dinner consume an orange salad and two boiled eggs.


As usual have two boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast. Consume steamed vegetables, two boiled eggs and low-fat cheese for lunch. Consume steam chicken and salad for dinner.


Consume two boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast. Consume tuna salad for lunch. Consumes two boiled eggs and salad for dinner.


For breakfast have two boiled eggs and fruit. For lunch have cooked chicken and salad. For dinner you can have fruits.


For breakfast have two boiled eggs. For lunch and dinner have steamed vegetables and steamed chicken. Start this 3 week diet plan if you want to eat healthy and lose some weight.

Before starting with this diet you need to consult your doctor. If you start exercising every day you will achieve even better results.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Top 5 Essential Oils to Balance Hormones Naturally

Most people think hormonal imbalances only affect women. Men can also get affected. Symptoms vary for each person but the most common ones include weight gain, stress, depression, mood swings, fertility problems, and fatigue. Luckily, there are proven essential oils that can balance hormones naturally when combined with healthy lifestyle choices.

Clary Sage Oil

Since medieval times, Clary sage has been used to treat various health conditions triggered by hormonal imbalances and pain. A recent study published in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research indicated that inhaling Clary sage can reduce cortisol (stress hormone) by 36% and improve levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones (TSH). Participants included postmenopausal women above 50 years, some who had being diagnosed with depression. According to the researchers, Clary sage oil had an anti-depressant effect which improved mood and significantly lowered cortisol levels.

Other studies have also found numerous benefits of Clary sage oil in treating hormonal imbalances. The main benefit of Clary sage it has the ability to regulate estrogen production in the body. Many health problems that currently affect people including some types of cancers, infertility and PCOS occurs as a result of high estrogen levels. This is partially brought about by consumption of foods that are high in estrogen.

Since Clary sage regulates estrogen production, it is considered as a useful essential oil when it comes to treating hormonal imbalances. If your goal is to find a natural remedy for postmenopausal symptoms or if tests indicate that you have high estrogen levels, consider adding Clary sage oil to your regular regimen. You can topically apply it to your skin or add it to a warm bath and enjoy a soak.

Thyme Oil

Studies indicate that thyme essential oil has the ability to balance progesterone levels in the body. In particular, thyme oil stimulates the production of progesterone. Most men and a good number of women have low progesterone levels. This is linked to health conditions like PCOS, infertility, sexual dysfunction, depression, and others.
Its ability in promoting the production of progesterone makes thyme oil an essential component that can be helpful in balancing hormones in your body. Additionally, it is highly recommendable rather than the use of synthetic treatment like hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). Most people who opt for HRT become dependent on prescription medications, some of which produce adverse side effects.

Some of the health benefits provided by thyme oil include stimulating menstrual flow, eases nervousness and anxiety, and fights insomnia. It also helps reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and increases circulation.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil is very effective in balancing out testosterone levels in both males and females. For many years, sandalwood has been used as a natural aphrodisiac. This makes it an essential component men’s cologne and some perfumes. Additionally, it has an incredible scent. If you have low testosterone, consider adding a few drops to your homemade deodorant or lotion. Its benefit goes beyond giving you a nice smell – you will also reap additional health benefits like improving your sex drive and boosting your hormonal levels.

Rose Essential Oil

For many years, Rose essential oil has been used as a natural aphrodisiac credit to its ability in supporting hormone health in the body. It has also been found to be effective in enhancing mood. By regulating the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, Rose essential oil improves mood and reduces stress.

Other Essential Oils

Lavender oil and chamomile oil are beneficial in reducing stress. By naturally reducing cortisol levels, these essential oils help the body when trying to fight a disease. Frankincense oil is another great essential oil which fights inflammation. It also helps to lower levels of stress hormones. A Dutch study found that lemon essential oil which is derived from lemon peel improves liver function like hormone regulation by reducing liver cholesterol. The liver also regulates the sex hormone, specifically estrogen.

How to Use Essential Oils

There are various ways to use essential oils. You can mix them with your topical lotion or cream and apply directly in different parts of your body. They are readily absorbed into your body because they have small molecular size. Unlike many pharmaceutical products, essential oils from natural sources can balance opposing conditions without triggering other imbalances. Combining them together strengthens their healing properties.

The Bottom Line

If you think hormonal imbalances have taken toll of your health, it is recommendable to consider adding these essential oils to your regular regimen. Toxic chemicals and stress that come with our modern lifestyle choices make our bodies vulnerable to hormonal imbalances. While it is difficult to control all toxic chemical ingestion, you can make lifestyle changes to strengthen the immune system and reduce stress. Combined with the use of essential oils from companies such as AMEFlore, it is possible to bring balance to your hormonal systems. Simply combine these essential oils with your personal care products and apply directly to your skin.

3 of The Best Home Remedies to Stop Vertigo Attacks Fast

Vertigo is a very unpredictable condition because it causes episodes of dizziness and loss of balance to occur spontaneously. These attacks may only be brief but they can happen frequently and make living a normal life extremely difficult.

The most common cause of vertigo is due to an inner ear problem such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV for short. Other symptoms besides dizziness and loss of balance that people with this condition will often experience include double vision, headaches, nausea, and slurred speech.

A lot of times vertigo is considered a symptom of another condition, which means in order to get rid of it for good you must treat the actual health disorder that is responsible for it. There are various diseases that can cause vertigo and some of the most common ones include:

  • Labyrinthitis
  • Blood Vessel Disease
  • Migraine
  • Meniere Disease

The best way to find out what is causing vertigo is to get a diagnosis done by a qualified doctor. Doctors have different ways to determine the cause of vertigo. Probably the most common way to determine the cause of vertigo is to have a blood test done. Sometimes a MRI scan of the head is done in order to determine the cause of this condition.

Medications for Vertigo Treatment

Prescribed medications are the most common way doctors treat patients suffering from vertigo. Medications such as meclizine, metoclopramie, and diazepam are often prescribed.

Doctors will also sometimes recommend over the counter medications such as Dramamine and Benadryl to treat vertigo symptoms.

However, the problem with these medications is that they’ll cause side effects if they are taken long term and sometimes they don’t help relieve the symptoms.

Home Remedies to Stop Vertigo

For these reasons, natural remedies are often preferred over medications. The 3 remedies for vertigo listed below don’t cause any side effects and in some cases they can cure vertigo for good because they treat the root cause of the problem.


One of the best home remedies for the treatment of vertigo is ginger. A lot of studies have already proved that ginger is one of the best ways to treat and get rid of vertigo symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. The reason why ginger is so effective at treating these symptoms is because it contains phenols which help relax the stomach, intestines, and nervous system.

The best way to use ginger for vertigo is to take ginger capsules. Whenever you feel symptoms coming on take a 500 to 1,000 mg ginger capsule.

Another way to take advantage of ginger is to boil fresh ginger root in a cup of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Once the tea cools down drink it to relieve symptoms such as nausea and dizziness.

You can also reduce vertigo symptoms by drinking ginger ale. Just make sure you choose ginger ale that is made with real ginger instead of the artificially flavored brands.

Finally, applying some ginger oil on the skin around your neck, head, and ears to get rid of vertigo. To do this simply use your fingertips to gently rub a small amount of the ginger oil on your skin. For the best results, you should warm up the oil and then massage it into your skin in a circular motion to get the best results.

Ginkgo Biloba

This herb is well known because of its health benefits and has been used for years to treat various health problems. It is one of the best home remedies for treating vertigo due to its ability to increase the blood circulation to your brain.

As mentioned earlier blood vessel disease is a common cause of vertigo. By improving the flow of blood to your head it will stop vertigo symptoms indirectly by treating the blood vessel disorder.

To use ginkgo biloba to get rid of vertigo naturally you will need to get it in powder form. Take a teaspoon of ginkgo biloba powder and mix it with some water and drink it immediately.

Cold water is fine but using hot or warm water would better because it will dissolve the powder when you mix it so your body will absorb it easier.

Indian Gooseberry

Also known as Amla, Indian gooseberry is a herb that helps stop vertigo in various ways such as relieving stress, improving sleep, reducing inflammation in the inner ear, and improves digestion. This herb is especially great for reducing migraines, which is a common cause of vertigo attacks.

The reason gooseberry is one of the best ways to naturally treat vertigo is because it is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. To take advantage of these health properties in this amazing herb you can chew on the raw herb for 5 to 10 minutes or until symptoms stop.

Another way to use this herb as a home remedy for vertigo is to drink Indian Gooseberry juice as soon as you feel symptoms like dizziness or nausea coming on.

The Conclusion

These are 3 of the best home remedies to stop vertigo attacks. There are many other remedies that can help but these three usually help the most. The key is to be consistent with using these remedies regularly daily to not only stop symptoms but keep them from returning once they stop.

This Plants That Will Cause Breasts Growth Without Surgery!

Many women would like to have Breasts Growth but are uncomfortable with the idea of undergoing cosmetic surgery. Luckily, there are some options that could help to increase breast size naturally, with no implants required. Mother Nature has provided humans with a wealth of plant life that can improve health as well as provide many other benefits. Here are some examples of plants people can use to try and increase the size of their breasts.

Saw Palmetto: This plant is found in the Southeastern U.S. and was popular as both food and medicine with Native Americans. This herb is known to balance hormones and block some enzymes in the body. Breast enlargement is a side effect of these processes. With regular use, many women will experience larger and firmer breasts. The results are typically noticeable within two months of beginning use. The recommended dosage is approximately 160 mg per day.

Fennel: Supplements designed to increase breast size almost always use fennel as the active ingredient, or as one of the main herbal ingredients. It can be used in two different ways. Fennel leaves can be used to brew a flavorful tea that can be consumed daily, or the herb can be added to moisturizing creams and applied directly to the breasts. Fennel works to enlarge breasts by helping the body to increase estrogen production.

Red Clover: This common plant is found across the U.S. and the U.K. Supplements made from this plant can help to increase breast size. It is beneficial because it contains four separate phytoestrogens that can act as estrogen in the body. The specific phytoestrogens found in red clover bind to estradiol receptors that are responsible for the development of breast tissue.

Wild Yam: This one plant not only can help to enlarge breasts and improve breast health, it may actually help to increase the libido in women too. Users can increase fullness in the breasts by mixing powdered, concentrated wild yam with any lotion and applying it to their breasts daily.

Black Cohosh: This herb is known for its ability to help women with menopausal symptoms and for increasing estrogen levels. The extra estrogen activity can increase breast size. It can also induce labor, so it should never be used by pregnant women. Black cohosh is typically sold in a liquid extract that can be massaged directly into the skin.

Hops: Most commonly known as an ingredient in beer, hops are another phytoestrogen. This easy to find plant contains what is considered to be one of the most potent of the phytoestrogens available. It also contains and anti-androgen which may reduce the levels of male hormones in women.

Women who want to use these products to enlarge their breasts can either purchase or grow the plants on their own or purchase herbal supplements in pill, liquid or powder form. If using a prepared supplement, always make certain that the product is 100 percent genuine and not primarily fillers. Diluted, inexpensive supplements will not have the correct concentration needed to provide the desired benefit.

In addition, women with known plant allergies may be unable to use these products. If an allergic reaction occurs, or there are side effects like abdominal distress when taken internally or a skin rash after applying topically, discontinue use immediately. Anyone currently on a prescribed medication should discuss the use of these plants with their doctor first to make certain there is no risk of interaction. It is generally safe to use more than one plant at a time to speed up results.

Monday, 22 May 2017

4 Simple Remedies to Treat Rosacea (Facial Redness & Broken Capillaries) – Home Treatment

Every woman dreams of a healthy and smooth skin. Unfortunately, inconvenience such as Rosacea (redness and snapped capillaries on the face) spoils the life and beauty of many representatives of the fairer sex. The causes of rosacea are still not fully explored.

It is assumed that the most responsible are genes and weak connective tissue, but certainly it is stimulated by the emergence of certain internal and external factors such as stress, UV radiation, alcohol, strong spices, caffeine, hormonal imbalance.

Redness is not only an aesthetic problem, because in the further development of this disorder, rosacea can also occur.

You can also get rid of telangiectasias with the help of efficient and proven national funds. Here are some helpful tips on how to get rid of cracked capillaries on the face with the help of traditional cosmetology.

How to cure rosacea, redness and broken capillaries on the face:

Cut the aloe leaf along and keep it in the fridge for several days. Before sleeping, apply the chopped leaf of aloe on the skin of the face, which you previously cleaned with green or black tea.

If you feel a little tingling – endure it, the tingling sensation usually goes after 2-3 treatments. This procedure should be repeated every other day within 2 weeks.

Green tomatoes
Within 10 days, on a daily basis, put a compress of green tomatoes, which contain essential acids that are active in combating rosacea (redness and cracked capillaries on the face).

Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them on the problem areas, keeping them 3 minutes. Then, apply a nourishing cream on the face.

This efficient recipe has been used by our grandmothers. Take a handful of parsley leaves and pour it with 100 ml of boiling water. Cover and let it stay for half an hour.

Then, strain and add 50 ml of milk. Wet a smaller washcloth in it, gently squeeze and put it on the face (or problematic parts of the face) for 20 minutes. The procedure should be done on a daily basis for 20 days.

Afterwards, repeat if necessary.

Prepare medicinal sage milk. Pour 4 tablespoons of dried sage with 200 ml of boiling water.

Cover and leave it for ten minutes. Strain and add 200 ml of milk. Thoroughly wipe your clean face with this milk. After 10 minutes, wash again with the remaining milk.

Then wash your face with cool water several times.

The procedure can be repeated every day, until the look of your skin gets improved.

Of course, keep a healthy way of life. Do not poison your body with cigarettes and alcohol, instead, exercise and eat healthy.

Worth Trying: Only Two Exercises And Two Cups of This A Day For A Completely Flat Stomach

Abdominal fat is not attractive at all, but we will help you get rid of it in no time! Women have experienced great success in doing these exercises, and they all agree that this drink is super powerful.

Proper physical activity and nutrient-packed drinks are match made in heaven.

Our natural, healthy combination of ingredients cleanses the body and flushes out toxins. This drink prevents water retention, improves brain function, and brings health to an optimal level.

Check this amazing recipe:


  • 1 cup fresh grapefruit juice (you can use orange juice as well)
  • 1 tsp. raw honey
  • 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar


Blend the ingredients until smooth.


Have this drink once a day for 10 days. Drink it about half an hour before your daily workout. Measure your waist at the beginning of your program to compare the results.

Physical activity is of essential importance. Cardio exercises can do miracles.

Here are a few easy tricks:

1.Try jogging or any other steady-state cardio exercise. You will melt excess pounds and calories.

If you decide to go for a run, you will burn 100 calories per mile, and your heart will love it. Beginners should start at a low pace and distance, and gradually increase the intensity.

2. Spin classes and high-intensity biking are effective as well.

These can help you burn fat and calories at a high speed. In spin classes you chose what resistance works best for you. The harder you pedal, the more pounds you lose.

Consider starting at a slow pace, because it still is a high-intensity exercise. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Sweating dehydrates the body, and you end up exhausted.

Recover Your Thyroid Gland, The Gallbladder and Fight Constipation Only With This Natural Remedy Without Taking Any Medicine!

There is a vegetable that has been come used for several years to treat various illnesses and diseases, because its properties are really effective and can especially eliminate problems with the thyroid gland, strengthen our skin and fight digestive disorders.

Therefore today, we are going to show you all the benefits that you can acquire if you include this vegetable in your diet. This food is capable of improving our health significantly. It can rejuvenate our skin tissues, help us digest our food well, eliminate the toxins from our body and fight stomach problems.

But that’s not all! This vegetable can offer various benefits to our liver, because it will help it function well. It can also dissolve gallbladder stones. On the other hand, it has the ideal properties to fight inflammation in our nose and eliminate sinusitis.

This magical vegetable is the radish! It’s got edible roots and it’s also abundant in numerous antioxidant properties and vitamin C, as well as very important nutrients that can benefit our organism greatly.

Our amazing recipe 

The radish works as an excellent laxative that will help you avoid constipation and regulate your intestinal flora. It will also help you dissolve kidney stones and detoxify your whole body.

The fiber that this plant contains is ideal for the absorption of cholesterol and saturated fats that can be found in processed meals. When it’s combined with a big quantity of iodine, it will help you regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. Here’s how to consume it best and obtain all of its benefits!


4 radishes
1 piece of ginger
4 tablespoons of honey
Juice of 4 lemons
½ a glass of water

Preparation and way of consumption:

Mix all the ingredients in a blender. Once you form a thick mixture, pour it in a glass jar and cover it with a lid.

Take a tablespoon of this preparation 3 to 4 times a day for 3 weeks and drink 2 liters of water a day so that you can ripe all of its beneficial properties.

The remedy will improve your overall health and you’ll feel replenished and full of energy!

Consume this mixture for 4 days and lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist. Amazing!

Problems with weight are some of the most common ones nowadays. No matter the gender, people face this problem every day. They often feel bad and without self-confidence because of their excess weight. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we don’t achieve results. Luckily for you, in this article we’re going to present you a mixture that is going to help you lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist!

Some people confess that they are not eating healthy and consume too many junk food which may result in weight gain. Later, that excess of weight might cause them numerous health issues. The mixture we’re presenting you is made of completely natural ingredients that will help you lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist!

Note: This beverage has been used for centuries and it’s preparation is extremely simple. Take a look!



  • 8 glasses of water
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and cut into small pieces
  • 1 medium-sized lemon, cut into small pieces
  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger root
  • 12 crisp mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of dried mint


You just need to blend all of the ingredients and store the mixture in the refrigerator! Consume 4 to 5 glasses throughout the whole day. Start with one glass in the morning before breakfast and after only two hours, you will notice the significant improvements!

According to numerous nutritionists, the consumption of this miraculous mixture combined with moderate physical activities will help you lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist in just 4 days. People who have already tried this beverage claim that they are amazed by the results which are far better than many other which they have tried. Consume this beverage for 4 days and then take 1-week break. You can repeat the treatment after 1 week.

If you do not exercise, the effects of this beverage will be smaller, so try to have at least moderate exercising activity!

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Prepare This Mixture Right Now And Your Wrinkles, Blemishes, Stretch Marks And Burns Will Disappear

Wrinkles, blemishes, burns, and stretch marks are among the most common skin problems that many people experience.

Even though there are many products considered as effective, it seems that they do not provide the desired results. So, the best solution for your problem is to use natural remedies.

You will save a lot of money and you will not have to be afraid of any side effects, as they are always 100% natural! The combination of coconut oil and Aloe Vera is amazingly effective, and can do wonders for your skin!

Finally, you can say goodbye to your stretch marks!

And the best part about this incredible remedy is that it is very simple and easy to prepare and you can make it in your own home!

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera:

  • Prevents wrinkles, blemishes, and stretch marks
  • Treats sunburn or burns caused by fire, boiling water, etc.
  • Calms irritated skin and allergic skin reactions
  • Hydrates and rejuvenates skin

Health benefits of Coconut:

  • Hydrates skin
  • Provides a natural shine of the skin
  • Recommended for people with dry skin


Needed Ingredients:

  • 113 grams (1/2 cup) of organic coconut (solid form)
  • 113 grams of Aloe Vera gel (gel not, juice.)
  • 3-4 drops of any essential oil (lavender or vanilla oils )


Put the Aloe Vera gel and coconut in a small bowl and make sure to mix well. Stir the mixture for 5 minutes in order to get a homogenous texture.

Then, add 3-4 drops of the chosen essential oil and put the mixture in a glass jar. Keep the mixture at a room temperature.

You should apply this mixture on your skin right after showering because then the skin pores are well opened so the skin will be able to absorb all the beneficial ingredients.

15 Almost Zero Calorie Foods to Help You Slim Down

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, the only way to successfully do so is by reducing your caloric intake and burning more calories than you consume. It’s as simple as that; however, while this weight loss equation may sound easy, it can be a lot harder than it seems.

It seems that foods that are low in calories either don’t offer enough nutrients, or they don’t fill you up; thus, you end up grabbing for foods that are higher in calories than you’d like because you can’t seem to satiate your hunger pangs.

Well, you don’t have to run for those calorie-packed foods anymore. Here are 15 foods that are actually packed with nutrients and are virtually calorie-free.

1. Asparagus – You may have hated it when you were a kid, but give it another try now that you’re an adult. Your taste buds change, so you’ll more than likely enjoy the flavor, and this nutrient-dense veggie on has 27 calories per cup!

2. Brussel Sprouts – With just 38 calories per serving, phytonutrients and fiber, you can fill up on Brussel Sprouts and not feel bad about it.

3. Arugula – This may be a food that you haven’t given much thought to before, but it is one that you should certainly think a lot more about. Arugula packs a ton of flavor – and nutrients – into virtually no calories. There’s only 4 calories per cup of this peppery-tasting leafy green, and it’s packed with potassium, fiber and vitamins.

4. Broccoli – Your mom knew what she was talking about when she said to eat your broccoli. With only 31 calories per cup and tons of nutrients, this veggie is super good for you.

5. Cauliflower – This cruciferous veggie boasts cancer-fighting nutrients, as well as vitamins, is filling and has virtually no calories.

6. Cabbage ­–It only has 22 calories per cup, it contains cancer-fighting nutrients, as well as tons of vitamins and it’s sweet and crunchy.

7. Lettuce – Bring on any type of leafy green lettuce and you’ll feel full without gaining a pound. At only 5 calories per cup and bursting with nutrients, this is definitely a veggie you’ll want to get more of.

8. Beets – They’re delicious, they’re healthy, they’re low in calories AND they’re beautiful. Beets have just 37 calories per ½ cup serving.

9. Coffee – Bring on that morning cup of coffee (or two or three). Coffee contains no calories, yet it contains many elements that prevent cancer, diabetes and even Parkinson’s disease.

10. Grapefruit – This diet-lover food has just 39 calories per half and it actually helps to burn calories! Plus, it contains lots of good-for-you nutrients.

11. Mushrooms – Tasty, satiating and good with almost anything, mushrooms are super low in calories and have a ton of nutrients.

12. Tomatoes – 22 calories per medium-sized tomatoes plus lycopene makes tomatoes a great choice.

13. Watercress – It’s refreshing, it’s tasty and it only has 4 calories per cup.

14. Lemons – 20 calories per lemon and packed with vitamin C, this is a great diet-friendly food.

15. Kale – It’s more than just a garnish; kale is nutrient dense and only has 5 calories per cup.

A Healing Cucumber and Garlic Salad: Lowers Cholesterol and Regulates High Blood Pressure

An estimated 70 million Americans over the age of 25 suffer from high blood pressure.
Physical inactivity, poor diet and stress are one of the most common factors which increase the risk of development of high blood pressure.

To regulate this condition it is important to include these pressure-regulating foods in your everyday meals, or simply add the healing cucumber and garlic salad on your menu.

1. Garlic

Raw garlic is great for treating many health problems and diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, heart attack, atherosclerosis, etc.…

Garlic is rich in allicin, the compound that can lower blood pressure and help relax blood vessels.

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers are rich in water, potassium, magnesium, and fiber.  Fiber regulates blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and stimulates weight loss. Potassium balances the amount of sodium in the cells, which can lead to atherosclerosis.

Cucumber Garlic Salad Recipe


  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • ½  tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • A few tbsp. of water


Wash the cucumber thoroughly and chop it into small pieces. Peel the garlic and crush it with a  knife. Put the chopped cucumber into a large glass bowl and add the minced garlic. Add the vinegar and water. You can serve this salad with mint leaves.

Consume this healing salad more often and improve your cardiovascular health.


According to many health experts, the incorrect posture is one of  the main causers of back pain, joint pain and pain in the legs.

Therefore,it is really important to change that in order to prevent further complications.

Besides, we will propose usage of this beautiful natural recipe which is capable to effectively corrects and regenerate the joints, bones, knees and to alleviate pain.

This is how to prepare:


– 1kg of  natural honey

-10 spoons of flax seed

– 50 g of pumpkin seeds

-5 spoons of sesame

-3 spoons of raisin

– 50 g of sunflower seeds

– 50 g of wheat grains


Mix all the ingredients together in a bigger dish, mix them well and store it in a jar.


You should take 1 spoon of this mixture before every breakfast and lunch.


To be honest with you, I really think that we all know that the excess weight can be the cause for many different health problems. According to the latest statistics, provided by the WHO (World Health Organization), the experts say that the excess weightcan increase the risk for development of chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

And unfortunately, many people around the world are still fighting with this health problem and face the consequences. According to the latest statistics, the experts say that more than 2 billion people around the globe suffer from obesity, which is almost 30 % of the entire global population – a problem which accounts for at least 5 % of deaths on the planet.

To be honest with you, I really think that this is a serious problem and we should do something about it. Agree? People who suffer from obesity usually start with some strict diets or even turn to liposuction when they think there’s no other alternative. But, I think that that’s not the best choice. You shouldn’t be worried, because there are many different natural drinks and remedies, which can help you solve your problem. Today is your lucky day, because in this article we’re going to show you how to make the best homemade drink which will help you speed up the weight loss process and lose weight much faster.

The Best Homemade Fat-Burning Drink – RECIPE:

First of all, you should be careful what you eat! Yes, you should consider moderation and consume more fruits, veggies and whole foods and eliminate sweets and sugars completely and immediately. And, don’t forget – if you want to get the best results, you must be dedicated and committed to your goal!

And, as we mentioned before, you should definitely try this amazing fat-burning recipe which will speed-up the weight loss process and help you lose weight much faster.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • cucumber
  • 3 pieces of pineapple
  • celery and a cup of parsley

Wash the fruits and veggies thoroughly, add them in a blender and blend them until they’re combined. Drink this beverage on an empty stomach in the morning. Don’t add any sugar or artificial sweeteners and drink it within 15 minutes so that it doesn’t lose any of its nutritional values.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Baby Massage Tips: Simple tips and techniques on how to massage your baby

Here on this page we have gathered simple tips and techniques on how to massage your baby. Experts agree to the fact that “Baby Massage” is an important aspect of an infant’s comfort and development. Daily baby massage is a great way of bonding with the baby. It also promotes sound sleep, relieves colic pain, enhances baby’s immune system, intellectual development and motor skills. Let’s see important baby massage tips here.

Start a massage when your baby is all happy and cheerful. Apply the baby oil on a small area first and check for any irritation. Start with a HELLO stroke!

Baby Massage Tips

Tummy Massage Tips

Massage abdomen with fingertips in clockwise motion. Use your pinky to paddle across baby’s belly. Do the I LOVE YOU stroke repeatedly. Gently push the legs towards her stomach holding baby’s feet and knees. Rotate the hips few times. Walk fingers around navel clockwise. Use both of your palms to gently rub the stomach.

Head & Face Massage Tips

Use your index finger & thumb to massage baby’s ears. Make a heart shape with both index fingers concluding at the chin. Cradle baby’s head in your palm. Massage scalp with fingers as if shampooing. Avoid top of head. Stroke with your thumbs the part between its eyebrows. Also stroke the closed eyelids softly. Massage jaw in very small circles. Stroke bride of nose to the cheeks.

Chest Massage Tips

From sternum to shoulders, stroke both hands outward. Use a crisscross pattern from to rub from side of hip to opposite shoulder. Trace a heart shape starting from sternum, up to the shoulders and down again.

Arms Massage Tips

Relax upper arm of baby by tapping it lightly. Wrap your fingers on the upper arm and rub from shoulder towards wrist. Grasp arm with both hands, one above the other. Then gently rub in opposite direction from shoulder to wrist. Massage palms with your thumbs. Stroke top of hand from wrist to fingertips. Gentle pull & squeeze each finger. Use small circles to massage wrist. Roll arms between both your hands.

Back Massage Tips

Place baby on his tummy. Keep his hands in front of him. Use circular motion to massage shoulders & buttocks. Rub both your hands on the back simultaneously from neck to hip and upwards. Use fingertips to massage side of infant’s spine and up the other. Never press spine directly. Holding fingers like a rake, stroke down his back.

Leg Massage Tips

Lift one of baby’s legs by the ankle. Relax it by tapping lightly the upper- thigh. Roll legs between your hands. Hold ankle with one hand and wrap other in C-shape around baby’s upper thigh. Stroke from thigh to foot. Just like wringing a towel, wring each leg gently. Use thumb-over-thumb motion for massaging heel to toe. Stroke the top of her foot. Gently squeeze and pull each toe. Massage around baby’s ankle using small circles.

Saturday, 13 May 2017


Everyone wants to look good. The feeling you get when you are admired by people around you, can be one of ecstatic exhilaration. Your self-confidence and morale gets a boost when you are in good shape and fit. However, staying in good shape requires a level of commitment and dedication that is really personal and dependent on the individual.

Whether it’s an exercise and workout program or a nutrition and dietary plan, it still requires the individual to execute the plan successfully to its logical end. Shedding that extra pound of fat can be a challenge, but with the dietary plan in this article, you will be on the right track towards losing that obnoxious fat in no time.

One major component of the plan is an organic lemon and this citrus fruit is known for having excellent antioxidants and its ability to boost a person’s rate of metabolism and consequently helping the individual to lose weight.

A woman with weight issues diligently adhered to this nutrition and dietary plan and shed an incredible 12 kg of weight in just 2 weeks.

Here’s the amazing weight shedding dietary plan inspired by organic lemon.

Day 1 – consume a single organic lemon juice squeezed in a glass of clean drinking water and to be taken three times in the day. It can be taken with your meals.

Day 2 – consume a solution consisting of 2 organic lemon juice squeezed in 500 ml of clean drinking water to be taken two times, one before your breakfast and on an empty stomach and the other at night after dinner and before bedtime.

Day 3 – the same as Day 1.

Day 4 – the same as Day 2.

Day 5 – consume a water and organic lemon solution on an empty stomach and before breakfast in the morning. Eat leafy green vegetables, chapattis and bread for the whole day, make sure you do not consume rice. At night eat, fruit and veggie salad for dinner, then drink a glass of organic lemon and water solution before you go to bed.

D ay 6 –the same as Day 2.

Day 7 – start all over again from the dietary plan on Day 5.

If you are committed to this organic lemon inspired dietary plan, you will soon see vast improvements to your weight and in just 2 weeks.

How To CureVaricose Vein With The Help Of Tomato

We have already heard about the efficient methods of Russian folk medicine, for the treatment of expansion of varicose veins. There is another effective prescription for their treatment.

There are many beneficial properties of tomato, but very few know that tomatoes can cure varicose (enlarged) veins.

You can cure varicose veins in two ways, by using green and red ripe tomatoes.

Treatment of varicose veins with green tomatoes

Green tomatoes are a simple folk remedy for the treatment of varicose.

You should take a few green tomato fruits, wash them well, and cut them into slices (or rings). You should place the slices of green tomatoes on the nodes of varicose veins, on the existing capillary venous network. If you want, you can put some bandage. You should keep the tomatoes on these places until you feel some tingling on the skin.

Even betters is to stand the tingling, and remove the tomatoes as soon as you feel a burning sensation on your skin, after that wash well the spots with cool water. If you want a visible result very soon, you should keep well to this procedure. You should repeat it 5 times a day, preferably in a row.

After 2 weeks of using this treatment, the venous nodes will start to fade. The capillary network, also nodes, swelling and pain the veins, will disappear completely.

The treatment of varicose veins with ripe red tomatoes.

This treatment is similar to the one with green tomatoes. You should wash few ripe red tomatoes and cut them into thin slices (rings). Put the slices on the painful veins, tight the places with some bandage, and keep it like that for 3-4 hours. You should do this procedure in the evening or at night. The duration of the treatment is individual, you can do it all summer in combination with green tomatoes. In additions to its seeds, the tomato has a substance which is similar to acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), thus it has healing properties. This acid dilutes the blood and gives her stagnation, it is considered to be an anticoagulant. The tomato can strengthen the walls of blood vessels because it has flavonoids. Red ripe tomatoes can help varicose veins to disappear , the same as green  tomatoes can do.


Hair damage and loss can be a sensitive topic for many individuals. After all, hair is one of the first things that people notice about us.

And, while you may be willing to spend money on expensive product after expensive product, there’s a cheaper and much healthier alternative to the numerous shampoos and hair masks currently on the market. Does that sound too good to be true?

Consider the unlimited benefits of juice and how juice can be used to make shampoos and hair masks that will repair and regrow dry, damaged, and thinning hair.


Whether you’re suffering from hair thinning, hair splitting, or hair loss, juices can be a helpful addition to your natural and homemade shampoo and hair mask recipes. How?

1. Juices Can Add Necessary Vitamins

The improper balance of vitamins, especially iron and vitamins A, B, and C, can cause premature hair loss, thinning, breakage, and more.

Vitamins provide your scalp and hair with a wide range of benefits. From the strengthening effects of collagen to the lustrous look provided with the help of fatty acids, a number of vitamins and minerals are absolutely vital to the health of your hair.

2. Juices Are Packed Full Of Antioxidants

Antioxidants, the free radical fighting molecular heroes, are an important part of any healthy and well-balanced diet. But antioxidants can also be added to your shampoos and hair masks for an equally positive outcome.

Juices, by their very nature, are packed full of vitamins and minerals. In addition, a number of juices are chockfull of antioxidants, such as those made up of some of the world’s most antioxidant-filled fruits and vegetables.

3. Juices Can Be Versatile And Personally Tailored For Your Needs

Whether you’re struggling to keep dandruff at bay, or you’re looking for a natural cure for alopecia and thinning, the uses of juices (both inside and outside of your body) can provide you with the help that you need.

Juice blends can be made to fit your exact needs. With the help of avocado, cucumber, ginger, and more, you can create a juice blend that’s right for you. And, if your needs change over time, so can your blends!


Aloe Vera, Almond Oil, And Cucumber Carrot Juice Shampoo

Juice Shampoo Ingredients:

  • Water (½ cup)
  • Liquid castile soap (½ cup)
  • Aloe vera gel (1/3 cup)
  • Olive oil (1 teaspoon)
  • Almond oil (2–3 teaspoons)
  • Geranium essential oil (10 drops)
  • Cucumber and carrot juice (½ cup)


Mix the ingredients thoroughly. If the shampoo is a bit on the runny side, add more aloe vera gel (a tablespoon at a time) until the shampoo is the consistency you like.

How to Apply:

  • Wet hair with warm water, and then lather shampoo into scalp.
  • Focus on the roots, and work your way down the shaft of the hair until you reach the ends.
  • Leave on your hair for 1–3 minutes, and then rinse completely and towel dry.


In this simple, homemade shampoo recipe, aloe vera gel and olive oil combine to provide your hair with a healthy shine and your scalp with a flake-free appearance. The addition of cucumber carrot juice to this shampoo base adds a boost of antioxidants which are sure to restore your roots and hair to their natural and healthful glory.

Friday, 12 May 2017


Today we’re going to show you how to prepare a wonderful fat-busting mixture made of natural ingredients that will help you lose weight fast.

Besides burning fat and eliminating excess water from your body, the beverage will also improve your memory, hearing and eyesight. All you need to do is take a couple of tablespoons of it every morning, and you will get slimmer in only 2 weeks. Here are the main health benefits of the incredible mixture:

Promotes sweating and elimination of toxins;

  • Burns fat;
  • Fights insomnia;
  • Reinforces the immune system;
  • Boosts your libido;
  • Accelerates your metabolism;
  • Relieves fluid retention;
  • Relieves hyperacidity;
  • Protects your throat and vocal cords;
  • Prevents the aging process;

Here’s how to prepare it:


  • ¼ cup of cold water
  • 2 cm. ginger piece
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder
  • 3 tablespoons of organic honey
  • 4 lemons

Preparation and use

Squeeze the lemons in a blender, then mix everything together until you get a homogenous mixture. Transfer it to a glass jar and take a teaspoon of it twice a day. Repeat the process for 2 weeks, then take a 2-week break before repeating it again. Keep the mixture in the fridge so it won’t spoil.

The mixture works thanks to its powerful ingredients. It will improve your digestion, boost your metabolism, reduce your blood pressure and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems as well. It possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which will detoxify your body and prevent numerous ailments. Start consuming it today and you should be slimmer and healthier soon.

How To Use Vicks VapoRub To Get Rid Of Belly Fat And Get Firm And Smooth Skin

Vicks’ VapoRub ointment has been used for treating colds, headaches, coughs, congested nose and chest and respiratory problems for a long time. But, did you know that it can do so much more than just this? Yes, besides being a popular decongestant, the amazing ointment has numerous other uses. Continue reading the article to learn 21 amazing uses of VapoRub you haven’t heard before!

Repels mosquitoes
Apply a bit of VapoRub on your clothing and skin to keep mosquitoes away.

Sinus headaches
Here’s something that will help you with sinus headaches: apply some VapoRub under your nose and breathe deeply – the menthol from the ointment will soothe your headache.

Eliminates acne
Did you know that VapoRub can clean your skin of acne? Just apply some of it on the affected area a couple of times a day and it will dry them quickly.

Repels insects
Rub some of the ointment on your neck, inner knees, elbows and behind your ears to keep insects away.

Eliminates bruises
Apply some VapoRub and salt on a fresh bruise and watch how it disappears!

Alleviates sore muscles
Massage your sore muscles with VapoRub, then cover the area with a warm towel. Lie down until the pain goes away and repeat the process three times a day for best results.

Moisturizes your skin
The amazing VapoRub can moisturize the dry skin on your body – just put some on the affected areas and you’ll soon see positive results.

Tennis elbow
If you want to get rid of the pain caused by tennis elbow, apply some VapoRub on the affected area and you will soon feel the pain go away due to the presence of camphor and menthol in the ointment.

Treats cracked heels
In order to keep your feet healthy and smooth, you need to apply some VapoRub on them and put on socks before you go to bed, then wash your feet with warm water in the morning. In addition, you can also exfoliate your feet with a pumice stone.

Fingernail and toenail fungus
Apply VapoRub on the affected nails a couple of times a day then put on your socks. Trim your nails regularly until you remove the infected part.

Relieves congestion symptoms and cough
Applying VapoRub on your chest and throat will help you relieve congestion and treat your cough.

Prevents cat scratches
Rub your walls, doors and windows with VapoRub to prevent your cat from scratching them.

Fast healing of cuts and splinters
Apply Vicks on your cuts and splinters to accelerate the healing process and prevent infections.

Reek-free racehorses
In order to keep the horses focused on the race and prevent the fascinating stench of the female pony, professional racers rub VapoRub under the nostrils of their horses.

Stretch marks
Applying some Vicks on the affected area will get rid of your stretch marks easily and quickly.

Prevent your pet peeing inside
Place an open bottle of VapoRub in different areas of your house to keep your pet from peeing in these areas.

Eczema treatment
Applying VapoRub on the affected area will get rid of the inflammation and itching caused by this skin condition.

Relieves ear pain
Put a cotton ball with VapoRub in the affected ear and you should notice immediate improvement. Another option is to warm a garlic clove then apply Vicks on it and insert the clove in the opening of the painful ear.

Athlete’s foot
In order to relieve the infection, put VapoRub on the affected areas a couple times a day.

Removes warts
Apply VapoRub on the warts twice a day and cover the area with a gauze or sock – this will remove the warts in only days! Continue with the treatment until the wart completely disappears.

Fat burning cream
Vicks VapoRub can help you reduce fat and achieve your desired figure by stimulating fat burning in certain areas. You can also use it to tighten your skin and remove cellulite.

In order to reduce your excess fat, make a cream of VapoRub, camphor, baking soda and a bit of alcohol. Apply the cream on the problematic areas and cover them with plastic wrap.Using this method regularly will reduce your fat quickly and effectively.

Levomenthol is a dangerous ingredient present in VapoRub which could lead to skin rashes if used alone. However, dissolved in Vicks it is completely safe for use. Camphor is also dangerous on its own, but harmless as an ingredient of VapoRub. Here’s how to prepare this remedy:


Vicks VapoRub


Sodium bicarbonate



First, crush the camphor tablet and mix it with the other ingredients until a paste is formed. Put the paste in a plastic or glass container, then apply it on the affected areas, massaging the cream in with circular motions. In the end, wrap the area with a plastic bag and leave it to work overnight.

There you have it – amazing uses for VapoRub you haven’t heard of before! If you enjoyed the article, give us a like and don’t forget to share!


In today’s article, we’re going to present you a miraculous recipe for losing weight which will make this difficult process very simple for you! It is made very quickly. You can keep it in the fridge for one day or whenever you need to. Just mix one batch of it every morning before you have breakfast and that’s it!


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon


1. Boil the water in a pan and then add the cinnamon inside.

2. Leave it to simmer for 5 minutes and after that turn the heat off.

3. When the mixture is cooled down, add the honey in it and stir everything well.

4. Filter the liquid into a cup and divide into two half-cup quantities.

Take one half of this mixture one hour before breakfast.

Take the second half one hour before going to bed at night. Drink half of the mixture before bed and store the leftover mixture in the fridge. Drink the rest of it when you wake up in the morning. Consume the drink on an empty stomach! This drink will help you clean your body from toxins and harmful matters, but you’ll also lose weight without any other changes in your diet!

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Revitalize Your Bones With This Effective Recipe!

This is an old folk remedy that is extremely beneficial for bone health. Even our grandmothers were familiar with its efficacy. Apart from successfully improving your bone health, it’s only made of 3 ingredients.

This recipe can be applied in treatment of different leg problems including heaviness in your feet, joint and back pain as well as discomforts from older injuries. You no longer need to waste money on expensive medications, gels and magnets, because these 3 ingredients is all you need.


  • 300ml 70% alcohol
  • 100ml iodine
  • 10 aspirin pills – 300mg

All of the ingredients are easily available at your local drugstore. For one thing, iodine is a powerful germicide used against a wide spectrum of bacteria, viruses, fungus, protozoans or spores.


  • Crush the aspirin pills.
  • Mix the alcohol and the iodine together, and add the crushed aspirin pills.
  • Leave it in a dark cold place for 3 weeks.
  • Massage the painful areas with it or apply it as a compress.

80% Of Heart Attacks Could Be Avoided If Everyone Did These 5 Easy Things

The leading cause of death for both men and women in the US, heart disease claims the lives of about 1 million Americans each year. The most common form of heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to a heart attack.

In fact, there will be approximately 920,000 new heart attack cases this year, and almost half of them will occur suddenly without any warning signs.

What leads to a heart attack is blocked blood flow to a part of your heart. What compromised the blood flow is plaque build-up inside your arteries, a condition medically referred to as atherosclerosis. This plaque can rupture and form a blood clot that inhibits blood flow to the heart.

Unless this blockage is removed promptly, a part of your heart muscle will begin to die and be replaced with scar tissue. This can lead to even more serious issues in the future. For one thing,

a previous heart attack, especially one that damages a large area of your myocardium, leads to irregular heart rhythms which can cause another, fatal, cardiac arrest.

5 Lifestyle Changes Could Prevent 80% of Heart Attacks
As serious as this condition sounds, heart attack can almost always be prevented. Most people are already aware that lifestyle plays a vital role for heart health.

According to a new study by the Karolinska Institute, engaging in five healthy lifestyle habits could reduce first-time heart attacks in men by 80%. In the words of the researchers:

“It is not surprising that healthy lifestyle choices would lead to a reduction in heart attacks… What is surprising is how drastically the risk dropped due to these factors.”

A previous INTERHEART study in 2004, which examined heart disease risk factors in over 50 countries worldwide, found that 90% heart disease cases can be completely prevented by introducing some diet and lifestyle changes.

What do these five healthy lifestyle habits intail?

  • A healthy diet
  • Physical activity (walking/bicycling ≥40 min/day and exercising ≥1 h/week)
  • Healthy waist circumference (waist circumference <95 cm or 37.4 inches)
  • Moderate alcohol consumption (10 to 30 g/day)
  • No smoking

What Is a Healthy Diet for Your Heart?

As opposed to common belief, it is refined carbs, sugar, and processed foods that are the main culprits, and not the saturated fats found in foods such as butter, lard, or eggs.

This confusion is often associated with LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad” cholesterol. As most people believe, high LDL is linked to heart disease, and saturated fat can increase LDL in your blood. But, what most people don’t know is that there are TWO kinds of LDL cholesterol particles:

  • Small, dense LDL cholesterol
  • Large, “fluffy” LDL cholesterol

And, according to research, large LDL particles are not a risk factor for heart disease. It’s the small, dense LDL particles, which contribute to the accumulation of plaque in your arteries, and trans fat increases small, dense LDL. Saturated fat, on the other hand, increases large, fluffy, and benign LDL.

What’s more important is small, dense LDL particles increase with the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates, such as bread, bagels, and soda. Together, trans fats and refined carbs do far more harm than saturated fat on its own.

This had an impact on the food industry, which started introducing low-fat foods and replacing healthy saturated fats like butter and lard with harmful trans fats (vegetables oils, margarine, etc.), and lots of refined sugar and processed fructose.

This approach has clearly resulted in an ever-rising obesity and heart disease rates.

A True Heart-Healthy Diet Plan

The most important thing you need to do to protect your heart is avoid trans fats by eliminating all processed foods. This also includes most restaurant food. Next, you need to control your insulin and leptin resistance, which result from eating a diet high in sugars and grains. If you want to reduce your risk of heart disease, take the following into consideration.

  • Stay away from sugar, processed fructose, and grains. This also includes cutting down most processed foods.
  • Follow a healthy balanced diet of whole foods, preferably organic. Swap the grain carbs with:
  • Lots of vegetables
  • Low-to-moderate amount of high-quality protein (ideally organically raised, -pastured animals)
  • High-quality healthy fat (saturated and monounsaturated from animal and tropical oil sources).

In fact, most people really need to increase their fat intake by 50-85% for optimal health, which isn’t even close to the 10% currently recommended. Consider the following sources of healthy fats:

  • Avocados
  • Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk
  • Raw dairy
  • Organic pastured egg yolks
  • Coconuts andcoconut oil
  • Unheated organic nut oils
  • Raw nuts, such as almonds, pecans, macadamia, and seeds
  • Grass-fed meats

The balance between omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids plays an essential role in heart health. These fatty acids participate in the formation of cells in the arteries which are responsible for prostacyclin, a compound which allows the blood to flow smoothly. Lack of omega-3 can lead to serious health issues, including mental and physical disorders, and can be the major cause of 96,000 premature deaths annually. It is recommended that you avoid vegetable oils and consume more wild-caught oily fish (sardines and anchioves). Also, you can consume a high- quality krill oil supplement.

Should You Eat More Fruit for Your Heart?

According to a study presented this year at the ESC Congress in Barcelona, Spain, people who regularly consumed fruit had 40 percent lower risk of developing heart disease, and 32 lower risk of death from any cause, when compared to those who did not.

Fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients which have the ability to improve heart health and prevent inflammation. A study published in the British Medical Journal showed that one apple a day has the ability to prevent heart death and cardiovascular disease in people older than 50 almost similarly as using a daily statin.

However, fruits should be consumed in moderation, especially those which are sweeter. The most effective phytonutrients usually have bitter, sour, or astringent taste and are usually found in the skin and seeds. To satisfy the high demand, farmers stared breeding sweeter varieties of fruits, making them less nutritious than before. However, you can still find organic fruits, such as cherries, blueberries or apples. These should also be eaten in moderation. Fruits are loaded with fructose and therefore you should avoid consuming too much fructose since it can harm your heart health:

  • If you are resistant to insulin or leptin, or if you are overweight, hypersensitive or have high cholesterol levels (this includes nearly 80% Americans), you should reduce your fruit intake to no more than 15g fructose daily. This refers to all sources, including whole fruit.
  • If you are not insulin/leptin resistant, and have normal weight without diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol and if you do some physical activity on regular basis, then you are safe with high fructose intake, which means you can eat as much fruit as you like.
  • If you belong to the second group, fruit can still increase your blood sugar even your protein glycosylation. The best time to consume fruit is after a workout, because your body will then use the sugar as fuel rather than store it in your blood and thus raise your blood sugar levels.
  • Plus, if you’re an endurance athlete, you can also consume large amounts of fruits because your body will burn most of the glucose during exercise, and it won’t be stored as fat.

Diabetes Drug Increases Heart Disease Risk

One of the most common diabetes drugs on the market is Metformin, which makes your body tissues more sensitive to insulin. But, according to recent studies that included people with hypothyroidism, the use of metformin was linked to a higher risk of low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. A drastic decrease in TSH levels may lead to serious health issues, including heart problems such as atrial fibrillation, which in turn could result in congestive heart failure. A different study has found that if you treat type 2 diabetes with glucose-lowering drugs, you actually increase your risk of death from heart-related issues. In the words of researchers:

“The overall results of this meta-analysis do not show a benefit of intensive glucose lowering treatment on all cause mortality or cardiovascular death. A 19% increase in all cause mortality and a 43% increase in cardiovascular mortality cannot be excluded.”

However, you don’t need to expose yourself to these risks unnecessarily as type 2 diabetes can be treated without drugs. The best thing you can do is replace processed foods with whole organic foods, which contain less sugar and sugar-forming carbohydrates. Add a few minutes of regular high-intensity exercises to your new dietary regime and you are on the safe track to reverse diabetes.

A Warning About Beta-Blockers and Scientific Misconduct

Beta-blockers are medications aimed at the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. What these medications do is block the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine (adrenaline) from binding to beta receptors and dilate blood vessels, thus reducing your heart rate and blood pressure. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) used to recommend the treatment of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery with beta-blockers. But, it was earlier this year that researchers calculated that this beta-blocker-use guideline, which they found was based on “questionable and probably fraudulent research,” may have led to nearly 800,000 deaths in the past five years in Europe only.

For one thing, these guidelines were mostly based on research conducted by a scientist who was fired for scientific misconduct in 2011, and who was also the chairman of the committee that drafted the European treatment guideline. So why weren’t immediate actions taken once this was brought to light? It’s still unclear why it took two years before the ESC withdrew the beta-blocker recommendation upon the scandal revelation. This delay caused almost half a million people to die unnecessarily.

This two-year span left many European clinicians to feel that their hands were tied, because they still had to follow guidelines for fear of being penalized — even though they knew the guidelines could possibly do more harm than good. A revised version of the article was published last month, which shed even more light on the harms that are incurred when fraudulent research is published and put into clinical practice. Forbes reported:

“They write about a culture of neglect in which few if any participants have anything to gain by finding or reporting scientific misconduct. They cite numerous examples in which misconduct has been alleged but the responsible actors– authors, home institutions, journals, and medical societies– have responded in only the most minimal and nonaggressive fashion. The portrait they paint is of a scientific and medical establishment devoted to not rocking the boat.”

Avoid Becoming Another Heart Attack Statistic

You can employ many strategies to protect your heart and basically eliminate your risk of heart disease. The worst thing you can do is wait for heart attack symptoms to appear before you take action. Be aware that the most common symptom of heart disease is sudden death, meaning that you will be dead before you can even address the problem. Take the following steps to protect your heart and prevent any long-lasting damage:

–     Stay away from all sugars, including processed fructose and grains if you are insulin and leptin resistant. No matter whether they are conventional or organic, a high-sugar diet supports insulin and leptin resistance, which is the n.1 cause of heart disease.

  • Eat unprocessed saturated animal fats, because you can benefit from these fats. Many may also benefit from increasing the healthy fat in their diet to 50-85% of daily calories.
  • Avoid statins because the side effects of these drugs are numerous, while the benefits are questionable. In fact, the only group of people who may benefit from a cholesterol-lowering medication are those with genetic familial hypercholesterolemia, a condition characterized by abnormally high cholesterol. These people tend to be resistant to lifestyle strategies like diet and exercise.
  • Avoid sitting for too long. In fact, reduce the time you spend sitting to three hours a day or less and try to take 10,000 steps a day (apart from your exercise).
  • Do regular exercise as physical activity along with a healthy balanced diet, preferably organic, may be even more powerful than cholesterol-lowering drugs. Ideally, combine high-intensity interval training, strength training, stretching, and core work.
  • Get optimal intake of vitamin D, either through appropriate sun exposure, a tanning bed, or as last a last option, an oral vitamin D3 supplement.
  • Walk barefoot to ground with the earth on regular basis. When you do, free electrons are transferred from the earth into your body, and this grounding effect is one of the most potent antioxidants we know of, and reduces inflammation throughout your body.
  •  Reduce your stress daily. You can try the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for stress management.