6 Incredible Reasons Why You Should Use Cayenne Pepper:
– Improves Digestion
Cayenne pepper possesses capsaicin. It is the compound that makes cayenne hot. Capsaicin has been proven to work as an excellent digestive aid by elevating the production of saliva, enhancing gastric motility, and increasing the production of digestive enzymes.
– Reduces Your Risk of Food-borne Illness
The consumption of spices in countries with hot climates actually dates back thousands of years. Before the invention of the refrigerator, people used many different spices to destroy pathogens and bacteria in their food. In addition, they used capsicums and hot peppers, such as cayenne. Cayenne has been found to destroy about 75% of the harmful bacteria they come up against, which means it can help reduce the risk of food-borne illness.
– Heals Stomach Ulcers
Recent research has proven that capsaicin can inhibit the secretion of stomach acid, induce the secretion of mucus and blood flow to the stomach. This compound can activate certain neurons in the stomach, which signal for protection against injury-triggering agents, thus preventing and healing gastric ulcers.
– Accelerates Weight Loss
Capsaicin and cayenne pepper may help you feel fuller, longer and reduce your appetite. A study conducted in rats confirmed that cayenne could enhance fat metabolism. But, comprehensive human studies should be conducted to confirm this effect of cayenne pepper.
– Alleviates Pain
Both capsaicin and cayenne pepper have been found to alleviate the pain associated with nerve damage, fibromyaglia, arthritis, skin conditions like psoriasis and shingles, and diabetes. They can also relieve chronic migraines, headaches and lower back pain. The anti-inflammatory properties of cayenne are partially attributed to this pain-relieving effect.
– Has Strong Anti-Inflammatory Properties that May Help Prevent Cancer
Researchers have found that capsaicin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which make it a good natural remedy for many inflammatory conditions and even cancer. This compound can suppress the enzyme activity of the proteins that may lead to these health problems and diseases.
Certain Types of Cayenne Pepper Provide More Effective Healing Properties than Others
Although cayenne is beneficial for your overall health, there are different types of the spice. Some of them are more beneficial than others. In fact, there are 2 classifications of cayenne, which differ primarily based on heat:
– African birdseye cayenne (capsicum fastigiatum)
– The American variety (capsicum annumm)
Both types of cayenne are available online. The American variety can be found at any grocery store, but it can also be found at your local health food store.
SHU (Scoville heat units) is the most commonly used method of scoring peppers based on their spice level. It is important to know that cayenne pepper typically ranges from 30,000-140,000 SHU. Moreover, the American cayenne ranges from 30,000-50,000 SHU. It can be found at most grocery stores. On the other hand, the African variety is much more potent. Namely, since it is extremely hot, make sure you take it with caution.
How to Determine If the Cayenne Is High-Quality:
You should buy organic cayenne because it does not possess chemicals and other toxic ingredients.
– As you probably know, cayenne pepper can actually have a range of color, from yellow to a reddish-brown. However, you should use the pepper that is a red or bright orange color for maximum benefits. The orange color indicates that it is rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene.
– You can get the benefits of cayenne by using cayenne that is minimum 30,000-50,000 SHU. Keep in mind that the SHU score is related to the level of capsaicin. As mentioned previously, this compound has the most potent inflammation and disease-fighting properties.
How to Introduce Cayenne Pepper into Your Diet:
Cayenne can be included into almost all meals or even desserts. However, in case you are new to spice, use a small amount. As you build a tolerance for heat, you can gradually add more.