Thursday, 30 November 2017

Consume This Mixture For 4 Days and Lose Up to 4 Kg and 16 Cm Waist. Amazing!

Problems with weight are some of the most common challenges people face. No matter the gender, people face this problem every day. They often feel bad and without self-confidence because of their excess weight. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we don’t achieve results. Luckily for you, in this article we’re going to present you a mixture that is going to help you lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist!

Lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist

Some people confess that they are not eating healthy and consume too many junk foods which may result in weight gain. Later, that excess of weight might cause them numerous health issues. The mixture we’re presenting you is made of completely natural ingredients that will help you lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist!

Note: This beverage has been used for centuries and its preparation is extremely simple. Take a look!



  •      8 glasses of water
  •     1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and cut into small pieces
  •     1 medium-sized lemon, cut into small pieces
  •     1 teaspoon of ground ginger root
  •     12 crisp mint leaves
  •     1 teaspoon of dried mint


You just need to blend all of the ingredients and store the mixture in the refrigerator! Consume 4 to 5 glasses throughout the whole day. Start with one glass in the morning before breakfast and after only two hours, you will notice the significant improvements!

According to numerous nutritionists, the consumption of this miraculous mixture combined with moderate physical activities will help you lose up to 4 kg and 16 cm waist in just 4 days. People who have already tried this beverage claim that they are amazed by the results which are far better than many other which they have tried. Consume this beverage for 4 days and then take 1-week break. You can repeat the treatment after 1 week.

If you do not exercise, the effects of this beverage will be less obvious, so try to have at least moderate form of physical activity!

Monday, 27 November 2017


Many studies have shown that lemon or lemon water  improves and boosts the process of burning fat. So,according to this we might realize that this lemon diet is what you always needed. You should definitely try this lemon diet, if you want to get the desired results and lose the weight you do not want. With this diet you will lose weight very quickly, almost one kilogram a day.

The diet is also called “cleaning with lemon” because it cleanses the body of the harmful and accumulated toxins. It will also boost your metabolism and improve the work of your immune system. You will feel refreshed and full of energy.

This diet is also known as “Beyonce’s Diet” because the star used exactly this diet to reduce the whole 38 kilograms after pregnancy.

Weight loss lemon diet – recipe:

Necessary ingredients:

  • 8 cups of water
  • Juice of 6 lemons
  • ½ cup of honey
  • Few ice cubes
  • 10 mint leaves

Method of preparation:

Put the water in a bowl and heat it.  It should not be boiling or hot. With other words, it should not be more than 60 degrees. Add all the ingredients in the water and stir for 2 minutes. After that, remove it from heat. When the mixture is cooled, you need to put it in the refrigerator. Leave it to stay for several hours. At the end, you should strain the mixture and your drink is ready.

How to use it:

Put one ice cube in each cup of the drink, because the body consumes extra energy to warm the cold foods or drinks.

Before breakfast, drink a glass of lemonade. Your breakfast should consist of fruit salad. At 11h nighttime, you should drink the second glass of this lemon drink, in combination of almonds as a snack.

Your lunch should be a boiled egg with some lettuce salad spiced with olive oil and apple cider vinegar, which also melts fat. At 16pm you should drink another glass of this lemon drink and eat some fruit as well. For dinner you have grilled fish or chicken and some seasonal salad. Two hours before bedtime drink another glass of the lemonade.

But, if your aim is to cleanse your body, and not lose weight, then you should drink the entire amount of this lemon weight loss drink during the day. You should do this for at least five days, and you should not consume unhealthy food. If you want to see results, you should start using this lemon weight loss diet immediately. You will see the results within a week.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017


Research over the previous decade has absolutely demonstrated that what you eat has a significant impact on your general wellbeing. The basic truth is that anti-cancer eating regimen does not look that dissimilar from the healthy nourishments you ought to be eating in any case. That implies a lot of fruits and vegetables, and in addition lean meat or fish.

To make a list of malignancy fighting nourishments would oblige a list of most organic products, vegetables, protein and herbs. A few foods will fight irritation which stimulates cancer development. Different nourishments power malignancy cell demise, while other foods help the body to substitute poisons and secure against free radical harm. Healthy natural foods will attack any ailment in some extent.


1) Beans
Beans offer various phytochemicals alongside fiber. Phytochemicals, for example, saponins can hinder cancer cell reproduction, protease inhibitors decelerate the division of malignancy cells, and phytic acid which likewise decelerates the movement of tumors. These are all ingredients of beans. Beans contain Folate a B vitamin that decreases the danger of pancreatic cancer.

2) Black seed/oil
It is otherwise called black cumin, black cumin seed, or black seed. This seed can balance out and reinforce the immune system. Dr. Hwyda Arafar M.D., PhD utilized black cumin as a part of the treatment of patients with pancreatic disease and it resulted with amazing aftereffects of 80% cell demise.

3) Carrots
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a cancer prevention agent that researchers trust preserves cell membranes from poison harm and decelerate the development of tumor cells. Just because they supply cancer prevention agents they can fight HPV. Carrots might likewise turn out to be valuable in the treatment of leukemia.

4) Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, for example, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards and cauliflower contain sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinols (I3Cs). These are two powerful malignancy fighters. They help to detoxify the body and help precancerous cells from forming into threatening tumors. In studies led by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer, broccoli and different cruciferous vegetables were most defensive against mouth, throat and stomach tumors. You might likewise consider consuming broccoli sprouts, for a much more prominent nutritional help.

5) Garlic
The same sulfur ingredients that give garlic its strong scent can prevent cancer creating substances from establishing in your body, increase DNA repair and destroys tumor cells. Bear in mind to add different foods from the alliaceous gathering; onions, leeks, shallots and chives. The sulfur in this collection of foods eases the death of prostate, colon, breast and lung malignancy cells.

6) Ginger
Ginger has intense calming properties and can slow disease development. The spicy root is likewise useful for diminishing nausea, headaches, sore muscles and joint pain. As per a study done at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, the anti-inflammatory force of ginger destroys ovarian tumor cells in a test tube quicker than chemo.

7) Grapes and resveratrol
Examination demonstrates that resveratrol offers various medical advantages including, diminishing aggravation, and averting oxidation of LDL cholesterol. It additionally serves to restrict the spread of cancer cells and triggers tumor cell demise. In the event that you are hoping to expand your resveratrol admission consider eating grapes, blueberries, cranberries and pomegranate each of which offer an extensive variety of antioxidants.

8) Green tea
Green tea is rich in polyphenols and catechins, specifically EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). EGCG is resilient on cancer cells. This strong cell reinforcement aides detoxify the liver and retards disease development. Lab studies have found that catechins in tea can diminish tumors and decrease tumor cell development.

9) Pomegranate
This organic product offers calming and cancer prevention agent advantages. Studies demonstrate this natural product can fundamentally restrain the development of prostate cancer cells. In the case of purchasing juice, make certain to peruse marks as bottled juice for the most part contains high measures of sugar.

10)Sea vegetables
Kelp, Kombu, Hijiki, Nori and Arame are strong mineral and vitamin rich foods that can undoubtedly be added to soups, plates of mixed greens, rice or noodle dishes. Sea vegetables offer a large group of nutritious and curing advantages. Kelp helps evacuate radioactive particles and heavy metals from the body. Kombu helps lower blood pressure and is plentiful in iodine, carotenes, vitamins B, C, D and E It is additionally high protein kelp that likewise contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, silica, iron, and zinc. Hijiki supports common killer T-cells for illness protection. Nori is rich in every one of the carotenes, calcium, iron, iodine and phosphorous. Arame is one of the wealthiest wellsprings of iodine. Herbalists use Arame to help decrease breast and uterine fibroids. Dried kelp can likewise be powdered to use in detox showers.

This green sustenance contains lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids evacuate unsteady particles and free radicals from your body. They are additionally found in other dark green leafy vegetables. A NIH/AARP research of more than 490,000 individuals found that people who ate more spinach were less probable to create esophageal tumor. A few studies propose the carotenoids in spinach and different foods decrease the danger of ovarian, endometrial, lung, and colorectal cancer.

This berry is rich in cancer prevention agents, for example, vitamin C and ellagic acid. Ellagic acid has anti-cancer properties that supercharge compounds to decelerate the development of tumors. All berries contain strong cancer prevention agents, which imply they normally stop the procedure in the body that makes free radicals that harm your cells. Extra berries rich in flavonoids, for example, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries are likewise effective antioxidants and considered preservative nourishment. Fruits and berries can possibly decline dangers of lung, mouth, stomach and esophagus malignancy.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. Various studies recommend that an eating regimen rich in lycopene is connected to a lower danger of prostate tumor. In lab tests lycopene has halted different sorts of tumor cells from developing including breast, lung and endometrial. Different foods that contain lycopene are watermelon, pink grapefruit and red chime peppers. While standard utilization of tomatoes and peppers are connected with lower dangers of a few tumors, particularly prostate cancer, it has a drawback, which is solanine. In the event that you have any inflammation in your body, eating nourishments with solanine is exceptionally liable to aggravate the situation.

Curcumin is a standout amongst the most effective cancer prevention agents found in turmeric and has various medical advantages. It is known for its capacity to destroy various tumor lines.

15)Vitamin D
In spite of the fact that this is not nourishment, there are an excess of studies that demonstrate this vitamin is instrumental in decreasing the danger of breast and colon cancer, and in addition enhancing the survival rate of lung cancer.

Friday, 17 November 2017

The World’s No 1 Food Against Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

If you have been wondering what is the most beneficial food in the world, you shouldn’t seek answers no more – it’s dates. Yes, the delicious fruit is indeed the most beneficial and healthy food you can eat thanks to the presence of numerous essential nutrients.

Dates are recommended against heart problems, stroke, heart attack, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and they will also boost your metabolism and digestion, which will result in weight loss. Here are some of the main health benefits of dates:

Regulate cholesterol

Dates can reduce the levels of the bad (LDL) cholesterol in your blood and keep your blood vessels clean, effectively preventing blood clots and cardiovascular problems.

Keep your weight in check

Eating dates every morning on an empty stomach can help you burn the excess fat on your body. They have no cholesterol, but they are rich in sugar, so make sure to eat them in limited amounts.

Prevent diarrhea

Dates are rich in potassium, a mineral that can regulate the intestinal flora and prevent diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Prevent constipation

Besides diarrhea, dates can also prevent constipation. Just soak a handful of them in water overnight, then eat the fruit in the morning to boost your digestion and relieve the problem.

Strengthen your heart

Soak some dates in water overnight, then strain them in the morning and pit the seeds and eat them. This will strengthen your heart health and prevent any problems.

Prevent strokes

Dates contain a lot of potassium, an important mineral that can boost the health of your nervous system and prevent strokes. Consuming 400 mg. of potassium a day is enough to protect your heart from damage, so make sure to eat dates every day.

Rich in iron

Dates are rich in iron among other minerals, which is great for children, pregnant women and anemia sufferers. 100 gr. of dates contain 0.9 mg. of iron, which is about 11% of the daily recommended allowance of the mineral. Besides treating anemia, iron plays a role in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which makes it very important for your overall health.

As you can see, dates are very healthy for you, which is why they should become a part of your daily diet. Eating them constantly will protect your heart from damage and boost your digestion, which will effectively result in better health.

Amazing Herb: Enlarges the Breasts in Women and Acts Like Natural Viagra for Men

When nature hasn’t blessed you with bigger breasts, you should know that there is something that can help you. According to studies, fenugreek seeds can increase your breast size naturally and without any side-effects.

Fenugreek seeds can be found in any store and are rich in essential nutrients that can improve your health. They are commonly used against throat infections and lung and respiratory problems. They also stimulate the function of the kidneys and lungs and warm up the body while treating allergies and fever.

Although it sounds strange, these seeds can indeed increase your breasts. They contain a rich amount of phytoestrogens that affect your breast growth positively. The seeds can be used by either massage or consumption of fenugreek seeds tea.


Soak the seeds in water overnight, then rub your breasts with them the following day.

Fenugreek seeds tea

To prepare the tea, boil a cup of water in a pot then add 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Simmer the mixture for a couple of minutes, then remove it from the heat and leave them to cool down for 20 minutes. Strain the tea in the end, and add honey and lemon if you like. Drink 2 cups of the tea every day.

Due to the diosgenin content, fenugreek seeds act as a natural Viagra for men.