Monday, 18 March 2019

Do You Want Firmer Breasts? Don’t Miss These 6 Tips

Do you want firmer breasts? Besides having good posture and doing exercises specific to the area, if you want firmer breasts you'll need to adopt some new habits and eat well.

Breasts are one of the female form’s most attractive features, but unfortunately they tend to change over time.

Hormonal activity, sudden weight loss or gain, and even breastfeeding can be factors in sagging breasts, stretch marks, and other issues.

This, along with the loss of elasticity that comes with the aging process, is a big obstacle to keeping them firm for a long time.

While it’s normal to see some sagging after you turn 40, sometimes the process is accelerated by neglecting your muscles and skin.

That said, it’s important to take special precautions and try to apply them every day, from early on.

Since many people don’t know what they can do to help, we’ll share with you a series of recommendations to help you keep them firm and healthy.

1. Watch your diet

Many people have no idea how good a healthy, balanced diet rich in high-quality nutrients is for your looks.

In this particular case it’s fundamental, since a good diet is essential for muscle and skin health.

Many foods stimulate the production of estrogen in your body, fostering breast growth and firmness, especially in their developing stages.

A healthy diet should include:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • White meat
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Whole grains
  • Seeds

2. Ice massages

Ice massages are a firming therapy that’s become popular all over the world for how good it is for your skin and its rejuvenation.

Applying it to your breast tissue has a contracting effect that helps improve firmness over time.

How do I do it?

  • Take a few ice cubes and gently massage them onto your breasts.
  • Repeat for a minute or two, and after drying, immediately put a bra on.
  • Do this twice a day for optimal results.

3. Improve your posture

Having good posture doesn’t just show off your figure but also will help you get firmer, more toned, and better-looking breasts.

Your body position, both at rest and while moving, has a big impact on the health of your chest, abdomen, and back.

Standing straight makes you look taller, reduces your risk of injury, and as if that weren’t enough, helps keep your breasts from sagging.

4. Exercise
Though it’s hard for many people to get out there and exercise every day, physical activity is one of the best ways  to keep your breasts toned, firm, and looking great.

Exercise tones, firms, and even helps you gain muscle mass to increase their size naturally.

It’s also good for your circulation and skin health, which is key to preventing stretch marks and flabbiness.

Ideally, you should do exercises that work your pectoral muscles, back, and arms together.

Some recommendations are:

  • Push-ups
  • Swimming
  • Lifting weights
  • Butterfly chest exercise with weights

5. Egg white mask for firm breasts

Regularly applying an egg white mask can help with any skin flabbiness in your breast area while improving its elasticity and firmness.

In addition to having astringent properties, egg whites contain essential nutrients that, once absorbed, firm up flabby skin.

How do I make it?

  • Beat an egg white well, then apply all over your chest.
  • Let sit for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water.

6. Increase your water intake
Hydration is vital for both firm breasts as well as the health and strength of all your muscles.

Drinking enough water daily is good for your whole body, since it keeps your circulation going and ensures proper cellular oxygenation.

Drinking 6 to 8 glasses a day will be a big help in keeping your skin firm, cellulite-free, and with no stretch marks.

As you now know, all it takes is a few simple, healthy habits to keep your breasts firm. Make them a part of your routine and enjoy everything they’ll do for your body!

Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels and Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat Naturally

Do you suffer from high cholesterol or maybe you have excess pounds in your body. Surprisingly, you can now reduce your cholesterol and get rid of stubborn belly fat without eliminating plenty of food or having to start rigorous workout program.

Today we will present you simple and extremely effective remedy that will boost your immunity, improve your organs’ function and purify your blood.

This 2 ingredient drink will significantly accelerate your metabolism and thus support the process of weight loss. It will also remove the harmful deposits and waste from your body.


Here is the recipe

  • 1/2 l red wine
  • 12 peeled garlic cloves


The first thing you should do is to chop and place the cloves in a jar. Fill the jar with the red wine and then close with a lid. Do not forget to place the jar on a direct sunlight near a window for 2 weeks.

Shake it every day and transfer the liquid into  dark glass bottle after 2 weeks.


Take a tsp of the remedy for 3 times per day for one month. Make a break of 6 months repeat the procedure if needed.


This powerful combo is full of anticancer, antibacterial, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also does the following things besides reducing your cholesterol and weight.

  • Improves stamina
  • Burn your fat
  • Boost your blood vessels and health of the heart
  • Purify the blood
  • Boost energy
  • Remove the excess salt from the body
  • Flush toxins from the body.
  • Treat inflammatory issues
  • Boost immunity

Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol, present in the red wine, you can prevent heart attacks, heart failure and formation of blood clots by taking this remedy.

This substance also kills cancer cells without affecting the healthy ones and prevents them from spreading and growing.

This combo will answer the question of how to burn your belly fat and normalize your cholesterol.

If You Feel These Symptoms Your Intestines Might Be Full Of Parasites!!! Get Rid Of Them With This Natural Mixture!!!

Children are more prone to parasitic infestations in their body, but many adults can have parasites in their intestines as well. This is a big problem which may have serious consequences on our health if left untreated. Doctors usually prescribe medications that should eliminate the worms, but although mostly successful, most of them have adverse side-effects as well.


  • swollen belly
  • bad breath
  • belching or flatulence after meal
  • loss of appetite
  • vomiting
  • itching at the anus
  • mucus or blood in the stool
  • swelling at eye level, migraine

People also give cravings by eating foods such as white bread, sugar and products containing sugar, vinegar, acidic foods like lemons, among others.


Grate 2 carrots and eat them to kill the parasites in your gut and prevent further infestation.


Mix a cup of peppermint juice, salt and lemon juice and drink the mixture to eliminate parasitic infections.


Consume coconut every day for a week to kill the parasites in your stomach.


Grind some lemon seeds to a paste, then add it to a glass of water and drink the mixture to eliminate the parasites.


Crush some papaya seeds, then consume the paste to clean and disinfect your digestive tract.


Add some salt and black pepper on a tomato and eat it every day to prevent fungal and parasitic infections in your body.


Chew some garlic cloves to eliminate the intestinal parasites effectively. Garlic has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties which can eliminate the parasites.



Sunday, 17 March 2019

Best Foods for Prevention Of Heart Attack And Cleansing Your Arteries 99%!! Start Eating Them Today!!

There are numerous elements that may growth the chance of a coronary heart attack consisting of loss of movement, stress, and dangerous eating regimen. But, a few simple changes to your weight loss program will let you to guard yourself, and reduce the danger of heart disease.

So, we present you a few beverages and meals which let you to hold your arteries free of blockage:

1. Salmon
Salmon is considered as the most beneficial meals in your coronary heart health. It includes many wholesome fatty acids which can be evidently present within the fish. they’ve the ability to lessen and prevent ldl cholesterol, infection and triglyceride ranges.
Tuna, mackerel, and herring are a few other wholesome fish which you want to encompass in your food regimen. Ensure always to buy natural fish.

2. Orange juice
Natural orange juice has many antioxidants that could support healthful blood vessels. Moreover, it can help you to lessen high blood strain.

By using ingesting 2 glasses of sparkling orange juice on a each day foundation, you’ll get the endorsed daily dosage of vitamin C, for this reason supplying your body with nutrients and minerals as a way to have a effective effect for your health.

3. Coffee
Many research proved that consuming 2-4 cups of coffee an afternoon will reduce the hazard of coronary heart attack by using 20%. However, you have to be aware of the truth that the immoderate consumption of espresso may be dangerous to your stomach.

4. Nuts
They include many healthful fat along with omega-three fatty acids and unsaturated fat. They’re extraordinarily powerful to your cholesterol levels, and that they have the capacity to enhance your memory and joints. One handful of almonds and walnuts a day and you will see its benefits!

5. Persimmon fruit
It has a rich content of fiber and wholesome sterols that can lessen the levels of cholesterol. Its candy flavor is the purpose why they’re known as “divine end result”. you could upload this fruit on your salads or cereal.

6. Turmeric
Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric can offer several blessings. It will assist you to lessen tissue inflammation and prevent overactive fat garage. you may use turmeric as addition to exclusive food, or consume it as a tea.

7. Green tea
It has powerful calming and energizing houses. That is because green tea consists of catechin, a powerful antioxidant which can assist the metabolism and reduce the absorption of ldl cholesterol. So one can get its maximum benefits, make certain to drink 1-2 cups of green tea an afternoon.

8. Cheese
The moderate intake of cheese let you to lessen the high cholesterol levels and blood strain.


How to Lose Weight and Get Rid of Your Belly Fat Fast Using Nothing But Ginger

As of today, belly fats have become one of the major problems of both men and women. And the good news is that Ginger can effectively eliminate those annoying fats of yours!

Ginger can not only help with weight maintenance in general but can also eliminate those belly fats that you have. Ginger targets the main reasons behind the accumulation of belly fats which includes overeating, hormonal changes and low energy which caused by lack of exercise.

Eating ginger or drinking ginger water limits the urge to overeat and can also make your stomach feel full.

Hormonal imbalance and prolonged stress can cause the increase in level of blood cortisol which tosses the immune system and metabolism out of balance.

According to an article that was released last 2014 in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, ginger helps defeat cortisol production in the body. High levels of cortisol might contribute to weight gain which makes it hard to lose belly fat.

Consuming ginger can help bring back the internal balance and help promote the overall well-being and weight loss. The sharp and distinctive flavour of ginger can naturally help improve your energy level in both physical and mental.

How to Use Ginger for Weight Loss

If you want to use ginger as an instrument in order to lose weight, just follow these simple instructions:

Before eating, chew first a thin slice of ginger root. This will effectively help you in normalizing your metabolism, stimulating your digestion, reducing the production of cortisol in your body and will increase your energy.

You can also grate small pieces of ginger, add a squeeze of lemon juice and a pinch of salt in a bowl and mix them together. Eating a few pinches of this mixture before eating any meal can actually help you to control your appetite and digestion.

On the other hand, you can also make a ginger lemon tea because lemon can effectively help you in weight loss.

Do not limit your consumption of ginger before any meals. Use ginger as a spice whenever you are cooking in order to increase your consumption of ginger. Cooking ginger for a short period of time can actually enhance your health benefits.

Fortunately, ginger contains a tasty flavour that doesn’t need to be masked in order to get all the nutrients and good health effects of this plant in our body.

Cancer, Dies When You Eat These 7 Foods, Time To Start Eating Them

Here is a list of 7 amazing foods which prevent the growth of cancer cells and the development of various types of tumors. This list contains foods which many people love like: tomatoes, curry, red wine, green tea, blueberries and black chocolate. Scientists claim that they are even more effective than chemotherapy.

What caused their hidden power?

They are effective because they stop the blood supply to cancer cells or contain anti-angiogenesis properties. Angiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels are formed. This process is accelerated in newborns while in adults it is rarely triggered – if you have wounds for example, when capillaries and tissues need to be restored. Angiogenesis is regulated by the activity of activators and inhibitors. Inhibitors are more dominant but activators are necessary for stimulation of vascular cell growth which is crucial for formation of new blood vessels.

Cancer cells need nutrients to spread through blood vessels. They need more blood vessels as well. So they activate their angiogenesis- molecules that cheat the body to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels which will help in supplying the cancer with oxygen and nutrients.

There are common medicines- inhibitors which do not attack the cancer cells but prevent the formation of new blood vessels.

In order to help our body to fight against tumor cells we need to consume certain types of food which will stop angiogenesis.

Foods that stop angiogenesis:


Harvard study made research on men who consumed cooked tomatoes or tomato sauce more than four times per month. The study showed that they had a lower risk of developing prostate cancer by 50%. This is due to lycopene which is found in tomatoes and is anti-angiogenic. This substance is dissolved in fat and is absorbed through the digestive tract.

Unlike vitamin C, lycopene level increases when tomatoes are cooked at high temperatures.


Meals prepared with curry contain turmeric as well which is great for melting fat and our overall health.

Red wine

The grape skin contains resveratrol – a powerful antioxidant which prevents heart diseases and prolongs the life span.

It also kills bacteria, fungi and viruses, it inhibits cancer, eliminates dangerous free radicals, increases glucose tolerance to diabetes, , improves physical and mental ability, improves heart function, concentration, repair damaged DNA, boosts energy and prevents cell damages caused by nuclear radiation. 225 ml of red wine contains about 640 mcg of resveratrol and the recommended dosage of resveratrol supplement is 200-600 daily.

Two common drinks can also replace chemotherapy – coffee and green tea!

The specific dark color of blueberries and raspberries is due to phytochemicals which are proven to protect against many types of cancer. They reduce the oxidative stress and prevent the angiogenesis. They are especially effective against ovarian cancer.

If you want to protect yourself try to include at least some of the foods from the list above. You can even eat something sweet- dark chocolate which improves cardiovascular health, mood and is effective against bad cells.

Friday, 15 March 2019


The number of women diagnosed with breast cancer is large and it is increasing day by day.  One in eight women has a chance of breast cancer diagnosis in her lifetime. This is a dangerous disease and there are many risk factors. There are loads of researches about reducing the risk of this terrible disease and a research has shown that flaxseeds are a potential cure for breast cancer.

Why flaxseeds?

It has been shown that one ingredient in the flaxseeds called lignin is what works against breast cancer. It has a weak estrogenic effect on the body and it is classified as phytoestrogen and it reduces the amount of natural estrogen which affects the cells. Beside lignin, flaxseeds contain fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. All these can be a great prevention against breast cancer.

How do flaxseeds prevent breast cancer?

80% of the breast cancers are estrogen – receptor positive. Lignin can help in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer because they interfere with the natural estrogen processes in the body.  A great number of researches, studies and trials have been conducted and it has been found that flaxseeds definitely are a great prevention against breast cancer. Beside prevention, they can serve as a treatment for patients who are already diagnosed.

Flaxseeds as treatment

A clinical experiment has been performed on patients with breast cancer. They have been given a muffin with flaxseeds and a muffin without flaxseeds. Those patients who consumed flaxseeds had increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation in the breast cancer.

Normally, cancer cells live longer than the other cells and apoptosis is the process which describes the death rate of the cancer cells. Proliferation on the other hand, is used to describe the tumor growth. Cancer tumors grow very fast and that is because of the fact that cancer cells proliferate quickly. 2.5 tablespoons of flaxseeds increases the cancer cells death rate. Another study showed that women with breast cancer who consumed flaxseeds while fighting the disease, lived longer compared to the women who didn’t consume flaxseeds. All in all, flaxseeds are natural prevention against breast cancer and they can fight the already existing cancer cells. A person with breast cancer should consult their doctor in order to make a nutrition plan with increased amount of flaxseeds in the diet.

How do you take the flaxseeds?

The most important rule of flaxseeds is that they have to be grinded in order to be fully digested. If they are whole, they might only pass through the intestines without being digested. You can grind them in a coffee or spice grinder.

You Only Need One Ingredient To Get Rid Of White Hair Permanently!

If your hair has started graying but you don’t want to dye it this is the perfect solution for you. All you have to do is prepare the following recipe and get rid of those annoying white hairs for good.

The preparation of this remedy is very simple and you only need one thing – potato peels. Peel 5 potatoes and put their peels in a pot with water. Bring it to boil and let it simmer for some 5-6 minutes. Set it aside and let it cool down. Then strain the liquid and store it in a plastic container or a bottle. If you’d like to make it smell a bit nicer you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Your white hair eraser is ready for use.

First wash your hair and then rinse and massage your scalp with this mixture. Leave it in for five minutes before washing it off with warm water and your regular shampoo. Repeat the process a few times a week and soon you’ll notice significant improvement. In just a few weeks you’ll be amazed by the results.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

How to Increase Breast Size Without Gaining Weight

It’s a known fact that when we gain weight our breast size increases as well which is due to the fact that our breasts are comprised of fatty connective tissue, just like the rest of our body. All women have a different body composition, some have denser breasts with less fatty tissue and others have more fatty tissue, which is why all women gain or lose breast weight differently.

Even though gaining weight might be the easiest way to enlarge your breasts without surgery, not everyone wants to put on some pounds just to have a bigger cup size. Is there another natural alternative which could help you do it?

Of course there is, you just need to implement a few lifestyle changes, do some targeted exercises and try some herbal treatments which will get to your goal without putting on weight.

Lifestyle changes

What you eat and how much you exercise plays an important role in your breast size. Exercises are crucial and there are certain breast-targeted ones which if performed regularly can have a big impact.

Some of the most effective exercise routines you should follow regularly are pushups, lifting dumbbells, wall presses and chest presses. These can help you build up muscle in the breast area, enlarge your breasts and keep them firm and perky.

All of these exercises are quite simple and performing them on a daily basis will just take a few minutes of your time but will have amazing effects.

Here’s how you can perform one of the most effective exercise:

Start by adjusting your workout bench to 60 degrees. Then take 2 dumbbells, lie on the bench and rest the dumbbells on your thighs. Next you should bring the dumbbells up to shoulder height, with your palms facing forward. Press them straight up in the air over your chest until they are about 1 inch apart, and then slowly lower them.

What you wear is also very important and the wrong sized bra can make your breast look smaller, baggier and overall less attractive than they really are. Always choose the right bra size and choose some clothes that make your breasts look more appealing, like lower necklines. Posture is important as well, so try improving it to make your chest appear fuller.

Breast Massage: This is an excellent way to improve blood circulation in your breast and improve nutrients absorption into the body. As a result, your breast size will increase as well. For best results, massage your breasts on a daily basis.

Herbal Treatment: Certain herbal methods are famous for their ability to increase the bust size of a woman. Here are the most effective ones:

  • Fenugreek: This amazing herb stimulates the production of prolactin which helps increase breast size.
  • Fennel: This herb and its seeds are rich in flavonoids that enhance the growth of breast tissue cells.
  • Saw Palmetto: This herb controls excess testosterone (testosterone hinders breast development) and thus stimulates breast growth.


Did you know that the food can help you to protect your skin from the sun? According to different studies different foods may provide limited protection. Although we use protective creams to prevent the burning of the skin, there are certain foods that can help us to deal with the harmful effects of the sun rays. The most important antioxidants are:

1.Orange foods

Fruit and vegetables that are orange colored are rich in the antioxidant beta –carotene. It can be found in carrots, celery, apricots and peaches. According to German scientists consuming beta- carotine for ten days can protect your skin from the sun.

2. Green foods

Despite being rich in beta- carotine, it is also rich in lutein. These antioxidants can be found in spinach, broccoli, beans and kale.

3. Tomatoes

This vegetable is red colore because of the lycopene, which contains antioxidants that make our skin resistant to sun. It is found that people who eat tomatoes have 33% more resistant skin than those who do not eat tomatoes.

4. Pomegranate

This fruit is rich in nutrition fiber that helps to reduce the UV radiation that causes cancer. These fruits are also rich in antioxidants that are great fighter against inflammations and skin problems.

5. Vitamin C

It is food that is rich in vitamin C and protects the cells from the free radicals that occur under the influence of UV rays. Peppers, kiwi and different types of salad contain the vitamin C.

6. Chocolate

Dark chocolate can act as a cream for sunbathing. It can be of immense benefit in order to prevent the harmful effects of the sun on your skin. Only 20 grams are necessary to increase the natural protection of the skin.
But also there are two drinks that can protect your skin from the sun:

1.Green tea

According to one research made in 2011, the powerful antioxidants that can be found in the green tea which are the catechins, absorb the UV rays, and that is how they protect the skin.

2. Red wine

It is found that the antioxidants which can be found in the red grapes prevent the oxidative stress that the skin endures because of the exposure to UV rays.


Ginger has powerful benefits that helps us lose weight by its thermogenic effect, it also functions as a metabolism accelerator and a body fat burner.That is why, when we consume ginger correctly we can lose up to 3 kg in just one week, only combines with a little cardio daily but without making much effort. In addition ginger has many healing properties as it allows normalize the pressure, lowers the cholesterol level, accelerates the metabolism, works as a disinfectant and promotes weight loss. Would you like to know more about this topic? Keep reading.

Now if we mix ginger with lemon we can get a powerful shake which can help us to lose weight fast. So, look and learn how you should do it, it’s very simple.



  • 2 liters of water.
  • 100 g mint.
  • 2 lemons.
  • 10 gr. Of ginger.


First, mince the mint, then squeeze the juice of the lemons and grate the ginger. Now mix all ingredients and pour water over them but boiled at room temperature. Let the mixture stand for 2 to 3 hours, then filter. You can store it in the refrigerator.

This drink can be a bit spicy, so be careful when you take it. It is recommended to start with small doses, take 100 ml a day before each meal, gradually consume up to 200 ml. The drink should be taken for a week, and you will see how you can lose up to 3 kilos.

Remember that to get better results in those 7 days you should reducecarbohydrates in your diet and incorporate a little exercise.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019


Millions of women around the world dream of a fit figure and losing weight easily. However, this is a difficult task which requires a lot of dedication. Luckily, there are some natural ingredients that can accelerate your metabolism and help you lose weight without making big sacrifices in your lifestyle.

For example, cinnamon combined with a proper diet and exercise can accelerate your metabolism and prevent food cravings, which will result in efficient weight loss. Continue reading below to learn how to prepare a recipe that will help you lose weight easily.


250 ml. of water

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

2 tablespoons of honey


Boil the water in a pot, then add the cinnamon and simmer for a few minutes more. Afterwards, remove the pot from the heat, leave the drink to cool down and add the honey. Drink half of the mixture in the evening before going to bed and the other half in the morning.

Continue with the process for a week and you will be amazed by the results! Honey contains certain enzymes and antioxidants which have beneficial effects on your body.

Experts say that cinnamon is beneficial as well, as it can regulate your cholesterol levels and boost your metabolism, helping you lose weight naturally and effectively. A combination of the ingredients amplifies their effects, which results in more significant weight loss and will give you the figure you’ve always wanted.

She Rubbed A Freshly Cut Tomato On Her Face Skin For 1 Minute! The Effect You Will Not Believe!

Tomato is one of the fruits that is never lacking in our home, whether to accompany salads, steak or sauces.

But not only serves to flavor, also has great nutritional content that will help us to maintain optimal health.

Among the health benefits tomatoes are found that can improve eyesight, provide good intestinal health, improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes and improvements in skin problems and urinary tract infections .

Tomato also provides many antioxidants that according to various scientific studies have shown that tomatoes can fight different forms of cancer and additionally it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, and exerts a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.


One of the best ways to start benefiting from tomato as part of your skin care routine. In which you can get results like eliminate acne and reduce the appearance of the undesirable scars of it.

As this fruit is rich in various vitamins like Vitamin A, C, E, K and B6, these will help in reducing the pores and provides your skin with the necessary nutrition.

It also balances pH levels in the skin, reducing the likelihood of new acne bottles appearing.

You can use it in different ways one of them is slicing it and rubbing it in each of the parts of your face where you can find spots, scars or acne and then rinse with abudante water.

Another way to use it is to process it as a mask, for this you must place the tomato in hot water for about a minute, then you will remove the skin.

You will remove the seeds and to finish you will grind it until it is as a paste and then place it on your face and let it act for at least an hour and then wash with lots of cold water.

And a quicker way is to apply tomato juice mixed with a little lemon and apply it only to the affected area of ​​the face and leave it there for 5 minutes and then rinse.

4 early symptoms of ovarian cancer that every woman needs to know

The leading cause of death in the world is cancer. In The world, a country with sophisticated cancer treatment technology, cancer claims 30% of the yearly death toll.

Of course when speaking of cancer, many different variations exist. One of those would be ovarian cancer, which claimed close to 1750 deaths in Canada. In the US alone, at least 14,000 deaths per year were recorded.

Ovarian cancer is a result of cells in the ovaries developing malignant tumors. Those tumors are also known as silent killers, since there is a lack of information available on them. It is actually difficult to detect ovarian cancer when screening.

Ovarian cancer can occur to women who are in their 30s and 40s, maybe even younger. Early detection facilitates survival of the disease, so constant checkups with your doctor is something you should do.

There’s another problem with ovarian cancer though. It’s not just a silent disease. It is also hard to detect. There are currently no reliable tests that can be used to find malignant tests, and blood tests are not reliable for detection. Additionally, the disease may be mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome, up until the point where it becomes too late for treatment.

Thankfully, new research has shown that there are signs of early ovarian cancer. Regardless, women must be quite observant, to detect any problems that may show up. We’ll be showing you 4 of those symptoms below to help you out!

(1) Constant Bloating.

If your body is bloating often (usually for more than 2 weeks), then this could be a sign of ovarian cancer growing. Check a doctor and get tested if this is the case.

(2) Lower Abdominal and Pelvic Pain.

Areas where menstrual cramps can be felt can be symptoms of ovarian cancer. Pain during your menstrual cycle is normal, but if it occurs outside of your menstrual phase while persisting (again, for more than 2 weeks), then it could be ovarian cancer. This is a symptom that should be monitored with pre-menopausal women, since this can be interpreted as period pain.

(3) Eating Difficulties.

If your appetite is decrease for a period of longer than 3 weeks, simply speak to a doctor. The pain could signify ovarian cancer, with pain signals at a variety of areas in your stomach.

(4) Need to Urinate Often. 

You may be in need of visiting the ladies room more often, even if you haven’t taken in too many liquids. In such a situation, you may have ovarian cancer.

All of the previous symptoms are often mistaken as gastrointestinal problems. If you find yourself experiencing any of these issues, you should monitor your ovarian health persistently. 2 weeks is the checkup time for the problems, where if they don’t go away, a doctor should be contacted for a cancer check.

In the end, it is primarily a woman’s responsibility to check for signs of a disease that is inherently fatal to her. You can aid other women in fighting ovarian cancer too by spreading awareness! Simply share this article with family and friends!

How To Fight Diabetes, Triglycerides, Cholesterol and Ulcers with Figs and Figs Leaves

Imbalances in blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides can be one of the most difficult conditions to treat and can turn into a constant struggle, which restricts an impressive number of unhealthy foods that significantly affect these values, This causes people to completely change their lives and maintain a lifelong diet that helps them maintain healthy levels, if you are one of them you will appreciate how the figs and the leaves of your tree can significantly help you with this problem.

Believe it or not this fruit can be used as a home treatment to combat high blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides and ulcers, we will tell you how to use it.


The figs are a fruit whose origin comes from the western Asia, in this area was used very old for its great healing values. At present, not many people know how healthy this food can be.

The figs are a very delicious fruit and has a lot of medicinal properties that will surprise you, besides the fruit the leaf of your tree, can also be used as a treatment for different conditions, here are some of its benefits:

1.For diabetes, the leaves of the tree of this fruit have large amounts of insulin, so if you have diabetes and are insulin dependent, you will like to know that the water consumption of this leaf decreases the need to inject this substance, to prepare it only You have to boil drinking water, then remove the fire and place the leaves, this is left to stand covered for about 15 minutes before consuming.

2.For triglycerides the water of this prepared leaf is also used in the same way as mentioned above, if you want triglycerides to have appropriate levels, we recommend that you consume this water frequently. It can also help prevent heart attacks and prevent overweight.

3.For ulcers, if you want to treat stomach ulcers we recommend chewing the leaf and swallowing the resulting juice.

4.For constipation, the fruit has a large amount of fiber that not only helps you fight constipation but also maintains good cholesterol levels and improves and accelerates the functioning of the digestive system, so it will also be favorable if you want to lose weight. weight.

Although there are people who think that being a very sweet fruit is not recommended its use in certain cases, anyone can consume them, in fact it is recommended to include it in our diet, thus guarantee your stomach health, avoiding the onset of gastritis, ulcers And problems with heartburn and reflux.

Its properties promote the proper functioning of the digestive system and guarantee the general well-being of your entire body, so do not hesitate to consume it and begin to enjoy its benefits and the benefits of tea consumption that you can prepare with its leaves.

Monday, 11 March 2019


Bladder cancer is a deadly disease which affects thousands of people around the world. This type of cancer makes up 5% of all cancers in the USA compared to breast cancer which contributes to 12%. Additionally, 40-50% of people over 65 are suffering from skin cancer, while 1 in every 4 Americans is dealing with lung cancer.

Although bladder cancer doesn’t affect so many people, there are still more than 80 000 cases annually. Most of the symptoms are misdiagnosed, which makes the disease deadlier.

Bladder cancer occurs when the cells of the organ change and start behaving differently. Besides bladder cancer, changes in the organ may also cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones or benign tumors such as fibroma. There are 2 types of the disease – invasive bladder cancer, which occurs to the cells in the urothelium, and non-invasive bladder cancer, which occurs when the disease spreads to the bladder wall muscles and the connective tissues.

The usual treatments for bladder cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or immunotherapy. Although the symptoms are often misdiagnosed, you can and should recognize them as early as possible. Here are the main symptoms of bladder cancer:

Early symptoms:

  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Blood in the urine
  • Pain during urination

Late symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Anemia
  • Fever
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Lumps in the pelvis
  • Pain in the rectum, anus and pelvic bones
  • Changes in bowel movements

Bladder disorders are related to risk factors such as age, being a Caucasian male or bladder-related birth defects. These risk factors can’t be changed, but there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of bladder cancer.

-Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water every day is a must – keeping your body hydrated will stimulate the production of urinate and help the kidneys eliminate waste from the body.

-Stop smoking

If you’re a smoker, you should ditch the cigarettes as soon as you can. Smoking is a highly dangerous habit that can harm your health and raise the risk of numerous types of cancers.

-Reduce your exposure to chemicals

If you want to keep yourself healthy, you need to drastically reduce your exposure to chemicals. Wear a face mask and protective clothing if you’re working in a hazardous environment, and start eating a healthy diet which doesn’t include processed foods.

-Eat fruit and veggies

Eating a variety of fruit and vegetables every day will provide your body with fiber and antioxidants and keep your organs healthy. Fiber is important for our digestion and stimulates proper bowel movement, while the antioxidants can fight free radicals in the body which are often the main culprit for cancer.


Cabbage leaves are used by some women to help reduce breast swelling and relieve the pain and discomfort that breast engorgement or weaning a baby frombreastfeeding can cause. Researchers do not know if there is a property within the cabbage itself that helps to decrease the pain and swelling, or if the swelling goes down because the cabbage leaves are acting as cold compresses.

Either way, studies show that if your breastfeeding and you put cold cabbage leaves directly on your breasts, it’s not only soothing, but it can be soothing can help lessen your breast pain and swelling.

How to Use Cabbage Leaves for Breast Engorgement or Weaning

  • Before you use the cabbage leaves to treat your breast engorgement, they need to be cold. So, place a head of cabbage in the refrigerator. You can use green or red cabbage, but red cabbage is more likely to leaves stains or discoloration on yournursing bra and breastfeeding clothing.
  • Once the head of cabbage is chilled, remove it from the refrigerator. Peel off the outer layer of leaves, and throw them away. Then, pull off two of the inner leaves and place the head of cabbage back into the refrigerator so it will be ready the next time you need it.
  • In the sink, use cold water to rinse off the two leaves you just removed. You want to be sure that they are clean and free from dirt, pesticides, and residue.
  • After you rinse the leaves, carefully cut out the stem from the center of each leaf. Once you remove the stem, the leaves will be able to fit nicely over your breastswithout covering your nipples.
  • Now, you can place the clean, cold cabbage leaves on your breasts. Wrap the leaves around your breast, but leave your nipples exposed. If you keep the leaves off of your nipples, it will help the skin around your nipples to stay dry and intact.
  • Hold the cabbage leaves in place on your breasts the same way you would hold a cold compress. Or, you can wear a bra to keep the leaves in place for you.
  • You can leave the cabbage leaves on your breasts for approximately 20 minutes or until they become warm. Then, remove them from your breasts.
  • Repeat as necessary.

When to Stop Using the Cabbage Leaves if You’re Still Breastfeeding or Pumping

If you are still breastfeeding, or pumping for your baby, and just want to use cabbage leaves to help decrease breast swelling and relieve breast engorgement, you should stop this treatment once you notice that your breasts are feeling better, and the swelling has gone down. The use of cold compresses or cold cabbage leaves on your breasts can help to lessen breast swelling and engorgement, but it can also decrease your breast milk supply. If you continue to use cold cabbage leaves on your breasts after the swelling and engorgement are relieved, you could end up with a greater decrease in your breast milk supply than you wanted.


If you uproot all nourishments high in sugar, dull veggies, sweet natural products particularly the juice, snacking, and 50% of your carbs particularly grains and rice, and after that workout with light weights for thirty minutes each other day, the body will assemble new muscle from the protein and blaze fat for energy for the following 12-48 hours after the workout.

These are the best 3- step fat burning approaches:

Step number 1:

STOP consuming ALL sugar!

• No starchy veggies.
• No organic product juice at all and just natural product low in sugar like apples.
• No desserts of any kind or any product with any kind of sugar or sweetener.
• No alcohol, desserts, oats and prepared nourishments with added sugar. You should consume nothing with sugar.

Why? As if your body has sugars then it will simply utilize the calories or the energy from this source and will not try smoldering any current fat reserves.

Step number 2:

Eat A LOT of vegetables with beans.

• Have greens for breakfast, (cooked or steamed is fine, even squeezed is alright).
• Have extensive servings of mixed greens for lunch and supper.

Your meal should consist fifty percentages of vegetables.

Choose fresh vegetables and steamed cruciferous vegetables. Why? Since it takes more calories or vitality to process raw vegetables and with their high fiber makes them extremely purging, in this way ideal for weight reduction. Simple, eat lots of greens.

Squeezing vegetables consistently helps however without the fiber it is not as purifying as fresh veggies. If you have glucose problems, concentrate on dark greens. Celery, kale, parsley, spinach are the best. For a heavier juice with more protein, you can include asparagus, string beans and cauliflower. To sweeten it up, you can utilize limes not carrots, beets or apples. To supplant a dinner simply add around six tablespoons of hemp seeds and two or three teaspoons of crisply ground flax seeds.

Utilize just vegetable protein, diminish sugars and include sound oil/fat

• Stop all animal protein and supplant with vegetables: Beans (kapha-sort and Pitta-sort) and lentils (Vata – sort).
• Use coconut oil rather than butter, and sunflower oil rather than olive oil.
• Bit by bit lessen sugars, for example, rice and other whole grains to half servings.

Choose toward suppers of beans or lentils with heaps of veggies and a little portion of whole grains with a little oil. Why? Your body needs protein to construct new muscle and tissue as a consequence of the light weight preparing. Both protein and oil (fat) are extremely fulfilling for the body and takes away cravings. Keep in mind, there must be some oil and a decent partition protein with every supper. Else, you will turn out to be nutritiously lacking and will begin desiring more carbs.

Step number 3:

EAT LESS! Stick to a tight eating schedule

• Never eat after 7pm even organic product. Attempt to eat prior like at 5 or 4 pm.
• Drink just water with lemon or herbal teas between suppers; no natural product juices.
• Eat 3 little suppers a day or only 2 suppers, or simply have a plate of mixed greens for supper. That means you should eat less.

Why? The body smolders fat between meals so the more you can make the space between meals the more fat you will smolder. Yet, do not omit meals even breakfast. Do a late breakfast and early supper or sometimes you can skip supper. Regardless, do not begin eating on “healthy” snacks. You should be cooking and setting up a few complete dinners every day. Additionally do not start squeezing each meal and not utilizing a plate! Cook, get ready, take a seat, eat gradually and when you begin to feel full, you should stop.

You may need to work at this for a couple of weeks or even a month.

Here is a bonus step: Add some light weight training and/or juice fasting

Do 30 minutes each other day

• Do 10 minutes of strong cardio, such as running set up or biking to start to sweat and get your heart rate up.
• Do no less than two sets each and rest 1-2 minutes in the middle of sets.
• Every set ought to be until you have some muscle strain (work up to it).
• Do some cardio to warm up and cool down yet concentrate on the weight preparing to construct muscle.

You need not to bother with a gym center to do this, simply keep running I place, utilize a stage or go up stairs and afterward lift a few weights or some enormous cans of beans! Just works those muscles!

If you cannot work out ordinary, then the following choice is to do juice fasts and eat just two suppers a day. Settle on your decision, workout or eat a considerable measure less.

• A juice fast will further “constrain” the body to lose more weight if this kind of treatment is suitable or even important.

The Oil That Cures Acne, Cold Sores, Fungus, Psoriasis and More

Tea tree oil or also known as melaleuca oil represents an essential oil obtained from the leaves of Melaleuca alernifolia. 92 components are consisted in this oil and its color ranges from peal to clear yellow. It is native to Southeast Queensland, Australia and New South Wales.

Melaleuca alternifolia is commercially the most used and important oil besides there are eight species of tea tree grown for their oil.

This oil is rich in potent purifying properties. In order to promote clearer airways, Aborginals used to ceush the leaves and inhale the vapors.

They also used its cooling properties by applying the crushed leaves onto the skin.

You can get a healthy complexion and purify your ski by using this oil. It can also boost your immunity if you take it orally.


  • Tissues regenerative
  • Stimulant
  • Neurotonic
  • Insecticidal
  • Immune stimulant
  • Expectorant
  • Digestive
  • Decongestant
  • Antiviral
  • Antiseptic
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti infections
  • Antifungal
  • Antibacterial
  • Analgesic



  • Rub a couple of drops of tea tree oil into your toothbrush in order to  eliminate bacteria from it
  • Make a DIY all-purpose cleanser by adding a couple of drops to water in a spray bottle
  • Make a homemade hand sanitize by mixing 8 oz of aloe Vera gel, 10 drops of lavender oil, clove oil, and  30 drops of tea tree oil
  • You can treat irritated skin by applying a drop or two on your skin
  • Promote healthy complexion by adding a few drops to your facial cleanse
  • Keep your fingernails and toenails looking nice by applying some oil after having s shower


  • Promote clear breathing by a adding drop of this powerful oil into your palms, bring them under the nose and then inhale the vapors
  • Add a few drops to a diffuser to purify larger area,


  • Make a mixture between 4 ounces of water and a drop of tree oil
  • Boost your immunity by adding a veggie cap of coconut or olive oil, citrus beverage, warm tea, water and a drop of this oil.

Additional Uses

  • Insect bites and stings
  • Lice
  • Vaginal infections
  • Congestion and respiratory tract infections
  • Fungal infections
  • Bacterial infections
  • Halitosis
  • Chickenpox
  • Cold sores
  • Earaches
  • Boils
  • Acne


Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears and  and other sensitive areas. Keep away from children and consult your doctor if you are pregnant


Aging is a natural process that can’t be stopped. The first signs of aging appear on the face in the form of fine lines and wrinkles around the lips, forehead and eyes, and are an unpleasant sight everyone wants to get rid of. However, this is easier said than done. Many people spend thousands of dollars on expensive cosmetic treatments and products that don’t often provide results, but there are some natural remedies that can help.

The wrinkles on your face appear as a result of the loss of collagen in the skin. Although the aging process is unavoidable, natural remedies such as the one we have for you today can delay it and reduce the appearance of the signs. The recipe we have for you is for an effective anti-aging cream that can be easily prepared from the comfort of your own home. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Ingredients

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 medium-sized tomato


Peel the banana and cut the pulp, then squeeze the tomato on it and add the Aloe gel. Now, mash the banana peel well and apply the resulting mixture on the affected areas on your skin. Leave the mask to work for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with cold water and repeat the process every day until you notice improvements.

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Glycation: The Reason Why You Have Wrinkles And Flaccid Skin

The surprising reason why you have wrinkles and flabby skin, that has a name: Glica: Every time we look in the mirror we realize that new wrinkles have come out and that the skin hangs and it is getting more and more flabby.

Glycation is the name of the main cause of aging of the skin.

What does glycation mean?

Glycation is a chemical reaction that makes us old, but what does this strange word mean? It is similar to the word glucose and is not by chance … Glycation is the result of the body’s reaction to sugars, something that is given more and more because of poor eating. We give you some explanations to understand and combat this phenomenon that contributes to skin aging.

We have been able to elucidate the mystery of glycation thanks to the study of Valérie Espinasse, doctor in pharmacy, micronutrition, nutriterapeuta and phytotherapist. What is it? Where does it come from? That makes? Can you fight? Questions to be answered in the comments of this anti-aging specialist.

Glycation: a food phenomenon

Glycation is a chemical reaction that mainly operates in the dermis: the glucose molecules (sugar) present in our food react with molecular protein structures, thus generating disorganization of the dermis. On the other hand, glycation engenders larger proteins, called “glycosylated proteins”, harmful to the body, since the body can not destroy or release them.

How are the effects of glycation translated?

With age, the glycosylated proteins accumulate in the cells and end up destroying the mattress supporting the skin (forming collagen and elastin). In other words, the glucose overlaps around the collagen and elastin fibers that over time become stiffer, they could even break. This slow process affects all the proteins of the organism throughout the life and unfortunately, it is irreversible. Hence the importance of combating the phenomenon of glycation earlier, since, little by little, it damages the subcutaneous substance that supports the dermis. Result: loss of elasticity and tonicity. We can see how surface wrinkles are installed and hollowed out and how skin hydration weakens.

Glycation: a healthy diet for a healthy body

We can be 40 years old, be splendid and count the wrinkles with the fingers of one hand if we have a good hygiene of life … And have lots of wrinkles and flabby skin with 45 years if we do not care our body. Fighting against glycation is very easy if we pay attention and care for food. To avoid this phenomenon and its undesirable effects, bet more on steamed or slow cooking and low heat. Forget the grills, the cooking from 180 degrees and prepared sauces filled with fat.

Eat raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables that are packed with antioxidants. These latter help the body not to produce glycosylated proteins. Obviously, it decreases or even eliminates the consumption of sweets, cakes and fast sugars in general. In short, a basic diet follows, there are no better foods than others, but the way to consume them, which gives them some properties or others.

If we want to caricature the anti-aging diet of the skin, the more raw foods we eat, or the less cooked we can, the better! And above all, you have to drink water! Many times we forget it, but when water is mineral, it stimulates the collagen fibers and the elasticity of the skin … Without forgetting that it hydrates its interior and, therefore, the exterior of our body!

Carnosine, which we have known for more than a century, is naturally present in our body (in the human brain and muscles). Composed of two amino acids from the digestion of meats, it is known for its preventive properties of aging. Its most important effect is antigliction. It acts on the sugar molecules that, instead of being fixed on the collagen fibers, are fixed on the carnosine and this reduces the glycation of the proteins.

In the fight against stiffness of the tissues, carnosine helps to preserve the flexibility of the mattress supporting the skin that will retain a good elasticity and better resist the daily alterations and the appearance of new wrinkles. Your epidermis will rejuvenate!

Foods that have carnosine

If you eat cereals, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables, you acquire the essential amino acids so that your body then manufactures creatine and carnosine. It is true that these two amino acids are found directly in products of animal origin, so the body does not need to make them, but it does not matter too much where the amino acid comes from, whether it comes from a piece of meat or Own organism, both are good alike, although in the first case, an animal is killed to be able to get it.


Unwanted hair is a cause of embarrassment for many. While you need to get rid of unwanted hair at hidden places like armpits for hygienic purposes and to get rid of body odor, the hair on your face, hands, legs etc. does not pose any risk to your health. But yes, these unwanted hair can be removed so that you feel confident enough to face people. Clean and clear skin is a dream of everyone and you are no exception. So, if you have decided to get rid of your unwanted hair and are researching about various techniques like laser, electrolysis, permanent waxing etc. you must try certain home remedies for hair removal for some days. You may succeed in saving a lots of money and getting rid of unwanted hair removal in an easy and cheap way.


1. Raw Papaya Remedy for Unwanted Hair Removal

Papain is one of the active enzymes in papaya. It is capable of breaking down hair follicle and prohibit the growth of hair. Not only this makes your fine hair less noticeable but it also naturally exfoliate your skin to give it an inproved texture. Papaya is most suitable for sensitive skin. Thus, use raw papaya in one of these two ways to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently.

1st way of using raw papaya for unwanted hair removal

Get this:

• Raw papaya paste- 1-2 tablespoons
• Turmeric powder- ½ tsp

Do this:

  • Make papaya paste by peeling and grinding raw papaya pieces.
  • Mix turmeric powder with this raw papaya paste.
  • Massage your face with this paste for about 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with water.
  • Do this once or twice a week.
  • 2nd way of using raw papaya for unwanted hair removal

Get this:

• Papaya powder- ¼ tablespoon OR Papaya paste- 1 tablespoon
• Turmeric powder- ¼ tablespoon
• Gram flour- ¼ tablespoon
• Aloe vera gel- 4 tablespoons
• Mustard oil- 2 tablespoons
• Essential oil (optional- lavender or any other)- 2 drops

Do this:

  • Combine all the ingredients and mix well to get a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste to your body part in opposite direction of hair growth.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes or till it dries off.
  • Take a clean cloth and rub in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  • When all of the paste has been removed in this way, wash off with water and pat dry.
  • Take a few drops of olive oil, moisturizer or baby oil and massage the skin with this.
  • Repeat this thrice a week and continue for at least 3 months.

2. Turmeric for Unwanted Hair Removal
Turmeric has been used for ages in India for healthy clean glowing skin. This is because along with its antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties, turmeric also has this quality of preventing hair growth. While turmeric is used with many ingredients to remove unwanted hair, this is a simple remedy where turmeric can just be used with water or milk.

Get this:

• Turmeric- 1-2 tsp (or enough to cover your body area with hair)
• Water or milk- enough to make paste.

Do this:

  • Soak turmeric powder in water or milk to make a paste which is not too tight but which can stay on your face.
  • Apply this to your face.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes or till it dries up.
  • Wash off with warm water.
  • However, this remedy is for those who have very little hair on face or other body parts. If you have denser hair, turmeric has to be used with some other ingredients like gram flour, rice flour or ground oats along with milk.

3. Chickpea Flour Mask for Unwanted Hair Removal
Chickpea flour, also known as gramflour and garbanzo beans flour, has been used traditionally in the Indian subcontinent for removing and preventing growth of unwanted body hair. Mothers use gramflour mixed with turmeric and water or milk on small babies’ face, hands and legs so that their skin remains soft, clean and hair free. You may also try this remedy for removing your unwanted hair.

Get this:

• Chickpea flour- ½ bowl
• Milk- ½ bowl
• Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
• Fresh cream- 1 tsp (omit this if you have oily skin)

Do this:

  • Take the chickpea flour in a bowl.
  • Add turmeric, milk and fresh cream to this and mix well to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste on your face in the direction of your hair growth.
  • Ensure you have all your hair covered.
  • Leave it for about half an hour.
  • After 30 minutes, start rubbing the flour mask with gentle hand in the opposite direction of your hair growth.
  • If the paste has dried a lot, you may wet your fingers a little to rub your face.
  • Afterwards, wash off your face with lukewarm water.

4. Sugar-Lemon Mix to Remove Unwanted Hair on Face
When you mix sugar with water, it acts as an excellent exfoliate due to its granular texture. Lemon juice in this mixture acts as an astringent. Lemon juice is also a natural bleach which lightens the color of your facial hair.

Get this:

• Sugar- 2 tablespoons
• Fresh lemon juice- 2 teaspoons
• Water- 10 tablespoons

Do this:

  • Mix sugar, lemon juice and water.
  • Sugar will dissolve, though not fully, in the water. There will be granular effect of sugar.
  • Apply this to your face in the direction of hair growth.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with water while rubbing gently.
  • Do this twice or thrice a week. After few weeks, you will see noticeable reduction in hair on your face.

5. Sugar-Lemon-Honey Mix to Remove Unwanted Hair on Arms, Legs
While sugar and lemon juice mixed with water can act as a good remedy for facial hair removal, the same sugar and lemon juice when mixed with honey can act as a good homemade wax like ingredient to remove unwanted hair from your other body parts like arms and legs. However, this can be a little painful process just like waxing done in a parlor because sugar mixed with honey acts as a sticky paste that is used to pluck the hair.

Get this:

• Sugar- 1 tablespoon
• Honey- 1 tsp
• Lemon juice- 1 tsp
• Cornstarch or plain flour – 1-2 tsp
• Strip of cloth OR Waxing strip
• Vessel (to heat)- 1
• Waxing spatula or a butter knife
• Water (optional)- if needed to make the paste a little thinner

Do this:

  • Add honey and lemon juice with sugar and put them in the vessel.
  • Heat the mixture to get a smooth paste. You may also use microwave oven for the purpose. If using microwave, heat it for about 3 minutes.
  • If you see that the paste is getting too thick, use a little water too.
  • Now let the mixture cool down to a temperature where it is still a little warm.
  • Dust your body part having unwanted hair with some cornstarch or plain flour.
  • Using the waxing spatula or butter knife, spread a thin layer of this warm mixture on your body part. Do this in the direction of the hair growth.
  • Now immediately, cover the area with the cloth strip or waxing strip, press to stick it to the paste and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
  • This is a painful process to remove unwanted hair but is a natural one. If you want painless remedy, use chickpea flour remedy for removing hair, given earlier in this article.

6. Egg Mask for Removal of Unwanted Facial Hair
When it comes to stickiness, egg white is no less then sugar-honey. Egg white too dries off and sticks to your face and when you pull it, this mask will come up with hair on your face.

Get this:

• Egg white- of 1 egg
• Sugar- 1 tablespoon
• Cornflour- ½ tablespoon

Do this:

  • Add sugar and cornflour with egg white.
  • Beat till you get a smooth paste.
  • Apply this egg mask to your face and let it dry.
  • Once dried, it will become a thin mask attached to your face.
  • Pull this egg mask with firm hand so that the hair too comes off with it. Watch though, pulling firmly doesn’t mean hurting yourself!

7. White Pepper- Camphor for Unwanted Hair Removal from Legs
As pepper and camphor both are strong and may have a burning sensation when applied on sensitive skin, this remedy is strictly for removing hair from legs. Some people recommend kerosene oil to be mixed with this mixture of camphor and pepper but it is a total no-no for at least two reasons. One, kerosene is highly inflammable and you may accidentally catch fire even form a little spark! Second, kerosene can damage your skin beyond repair! If you need, you can use almond oil but that’s totally optional.

Get this:

• White pepper- 2 tablespoons
• Camphor- 2 tablespoons
• Almond oil- few drops

Do this:

  • Grind the white pepper to get its fine powder.
  • Mix the ground white pepper with camphor.
  • Add almond oil and mix well.
  • Apply this paste on legs.
  • Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash off the paste.
  • If you try to see carefully, your hair on legs will fall off with the paste.

8. Potato-Lentil Ayurvedic Remedy for Unwanted Hair Removal
Potato is a natural bleaching agent. When mixed with yellow lentil or moong daal as it is called in India, potato juice not only makes your hair light in color but also works with dried lentil paste in pulling hair off face. This is a natural Ayurvedic way of removing unwanted hair from face, legs and hands.

Get this:

• Potato (peeled and crushed)- 1 bowl
• Yellow lentil – 1 bowl
• Honey- 1 tbsp
• Lemon juice- 4 tbsp
• 1 sieve or thin cloth to filter juice

Do this:

  • Soak the yellow lentil in water overnight.
  • In the morning, ground the lentil to get its paste.
  • Take the peeled and crushed potatoes and place onto the sieve. Press with hands or a spoon to extract its juice. You can also use a cloth to extract potato juice.
  • Add honey, lemon, and potato juice to yellow lentil paste and mix well.
  • Apply this paste on face, hands, and legs, wherever you want your hair to go away.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes or till the time it dries off.
  • Once it dries, remove the paste by rubbing it with fingers. The dry lentil paste will pull off the hair with it.

9. Banana- Oatmeal Scrub for Unwanted Hair Removal
If your skin is dry, banana is one of the best ingredients that can be used for removing hair for you. Banana leaves your skin soft and supple. But just banana is not enough for removing hair. You need to mix it with something which is a little rough on skin to exfoliate it. However, this roughness should not harm your delicate skin. Oatmeal is the perfect thing to use then. It is also a great natural cleanser for skin.

Get this:

• Ripe banana- 1
• Oatmeal- 1-2 tsp

Do this:

  • Mash the banana.
  • Add oatmeal to it.
  • Apply this paste to face rubbing in circular motion.
  • Do this for about 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with water.
  • Repeat this twice a week.

10. Sugar-Molasses Homemade Wax for Unwanted Hair Removal
You have seen earlier that sugar combined with lemon and honey can be used to make a depilatory wax for removing unwanted hair. Sugar can also be used with molasses or dark corn syrup for the same purpose.

Get this:

• Sugar- 1 cup
• Molasses OR Dark corn syrup – enough to top the sugar.
• Lemon juice- from half a lemon

Do this:

  • Place sugar in a microwave safe bowl or a vessel.
  • Top this with a drizzle of molasses or dark corn syrup, whatever you are using.
  • Let it sit for a couple of minutes.
  • Microwave for 2-3 minutes or heat it up to dissolve the sugar.
  • Now add the lemon juice to the mixture. Stir well.
  • If you see the mixture needs to blend more, microwave or heat for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Let it cool for sometime. However, it should be warm and not cold before you apply this to your hair for removing.
  • Apply the warm mixture to your hair on hands and legs. Use a strip of cloth or waxing strip to pull off the hair.

11. Alum-Rosewater Remedy for Removing Unwanted Hair
Here is something which is traditionally used by the women of India and Pakistan to resolve the menace of unwanted hair. This is alum and rosewater. Alum can be found as a rock of alum or in powdered form. This remedy uses alum powder. You can even ground rock alum to get this powder.

Get this:

• Alum powder- ½ tsp
• Rose water- 2-3 tablespoon
• Cotton ball
• Olive oil or sesame oil- few drops

Do this:

  • Add rosewater to alum powder.
  • With the help of a spoon, dissolve the powder into the rosewater, as much as you can.
  • Now take the cotton ball and dip it in this water.
  • Apply this rosewater mixed with alum powder on the body parts with unwanted hair.
  • Let it sit there and when it dries off, apply again.
  • Repeat this for about 50-60 minutes. However, if your skin is sensitive, don’t do it more than 15 minutes.
  • Wash off and dab some olive oil or sesame oil to moisturize the area.
  • Repeat this 2-4 times a week.

12. Basil-Onion Paste for Unwanted Hair Removal
Did you know that onion not only makes your dishes tasty but also can remove your unwanted hair when applied with basil leaves! However, you need to do a little exercise and find out the thin transparent membranes that lie between the layers of onion.

Get this:

• Basil leaves- 10-12
• Onions- 2

Do this:

  • Take out the thin transparent membranes from between the onion layers.
  • Now crush the basil leaves along with the onion membranes to get a paste.
  • Apply this paste on your unwanted hair.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with water.
  • Repeat this 3-4 times a week for a month or two to remove your unwanted hair.

13. Thanaka- Safflower Remedy for Unwanted Hair Removal
Thanaka is a tree whose bark is converted into a powder and used in Myanmar for cosmetic purposes. Thanaka powder is yellowish white in color and when mixed with safflower oil, you can hope to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently.

Get this:

• Thanaka powder- enough to cover your hair ridden skin
• Safflower oil- enough to make paste

Do this:

  • Mix safflower oil with thanaka powder to get a paste.
  • Apply this to your unwanted hair at night before going to bed.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Wash off with water in the morning.
  • Use regularly for about 3 months to get results.

14. Have Spearmint Tea to Prevent Unwanted Hair Growth
Appearance of unwanted hair may be, sometimes, a result of excessive production of the hormone androgen. This is called ‘Hirsutism,’ which refers to having excessive hair on the face, especially in women. It is the result of hormonal imbalance which occurs due to increased level of androgens and testosterone, the male hormones, or because of over-sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens. Spearmint herb is known to regulate hormones. So, you may consider having spearmint tea to bring down your androgens to an optimum levels.

Get this:

• Fresh spearmint leaves- 5-6 OR Dried spearmint- 1 tsp
• Boiling water- 1 cup

Do this:

  • Place spearmint leaves or the dried herb in a pot.
  • Pour hot water over it.
  • Cover and steep for 5 minutes.
  • Strain and drink the tea.
  • A cup or two of spearmint tea are enough.

15. Have Blackstrap Molasses to Prevent Growth of Unwanted Hair

If you are a woman with PCOS and unwanted hair on face, breast or stomach, you may consider having blackstrap molasses. Deficiency of certain minerals in women leads to some or the other kind of hair related problem. This means you may lose hair on the scalp or have unwanted hair on various body parts. Blackstrap molasses is high on iron and minerals that will help you do away with the lack of required minerals. This, in turn, means that the growth of hair at unwanted places will first slow down and gradually stop over time. Even if you don’t have PCOS, you may try having two heaped teaspoons of blackstrap molasses everyday to get rid of your unwanted hair.
Precaution: If you are diabetic or are having prescribed iron supplements, its better to talk to your doctor before you start having blackstrap molasses.

16. Have Foods Rich in Phytoestrogens for Unwanted Hair Removal

When male hormones androgens and testosterone increase in women, the female hormone oestrogen level may go down. This hormonal imbalance causes hair to grow where they should not. You can neutralize this effect by having such foods that are rich in phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen is a plant hormone similar to human female hormone, oestrogen. Thus, foods high on phytoestrogen may help reduce unwanted hair growth.

List of foods rich in phytoestrogen

• Soy and soy products like tofu and soy milk.
• Flaxseed
• Fennel herb and seeds
• Alfalfa
• Licorice
• Gotu kala or Brahmi herb

Thus, include these foods in your daily menu. You may have herbal teas made of the above herbs like licorice, fennel and brahmi. You may use flaxseed powder by adding it to your gravies, yogurts etc. Chew fennel seeds after meals and have soy products frequently.

Just remember, any home remedy for hair removal takes time to show results. So, have patience while using these home remedies for unwanted hair removal.