Monday, 30 December 2019

7 Uses for Baking Soda That You Probably Didn’t Know

Baking soda is one of the most versatile ingredients we all have in our home. The crystalline powder is commonly used to rise dough when preparing cookies, cake or bread, but it can be also used for cleaning and resolving a variety of health problems.

Baking soda is an effective cheap cleaning solution that won’t harm your health like store-bought cleaners. Here are 7 uses of baking soda you probably weren’t aware about:

Relieves insect stings and bites

Baking soda is an alkaline compound that can efficiently soothe insect bites and stings. The alkaline properties of the ingredient will fight the acids in the wound and draw out the contaminant, providing some much-needed relief. Mix some baking soda and water and apply the paste on the bite or sting to treat it quickly.

Removes splinters

If you want to easily remove a splinter from your hands or feet, all you need to do is apply a paste of baking soda and water on the affected area. The paste will then draw the splinter out to the surface so you can easily remove it.

Eliminates sweating and body odor

Rub a paste of baking soda and water on your armpits to prevent excess sweating and eliminate body odor.

Treats sunburns

Fill your bathtub with water and add half a cup of baking soda in, then soak yourself in the solution to get some much-needed relief from sunburns.

Treats your feet

Add some baking soda to a foot bath to soothe the skin on your feet and relax them.

A great shampoo

Adding baking soda to your shampoo is a great way to make your hair and scalp cleaner. The mixture will also degrease your hair and regulate the pH balance in your scalp, effectively preventing a variety of problems.

Treats stomach discomfort

To reduce stomach discomfort or heartburn, add a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and drink the mixture immediately.

How To Burn 12 Pounds In Just 1 Week With This Egg Diet!

The egg diet that we will present you today is intended for rapid weight loss. This diet deprives the body of nutrition for extended time so it is not for long term weight loss.

Egg Diet

Eggs are extremely healthy , they are rich in protein and nutrients. You will supply the body with the majority of nutrients and vitamins by consuming eggs. There does not appear to be much food upon looking at this diet. By following this egg diet, you will lose 12 pounds after seven days.

Diet Plan

Day 1

  • – Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 2 oranges , a glass of milk (low-fat),
  • – Lunch:a glass of yogurt , 6 ounces of boiled chicken (skinless),
  • – Dinner:5 ounces of boiled chicken , one orange and boiled egg,

Day 2

  • – Breakfast: cup of warm water with a one squeezed lemon and 2 boiled eggs
  • – Lunch: 1 grapefruit,  5 ounces of roasted fish ,
  • – Dinner: 3 boiled eggs

Day 3

  • – Breakfast:  glass of warm water with a freshly squeezed lemon and 2 boiled eggs
  • – Lunch:  6 ounces of boiled beef , 1 grapefruit,
  • – Dinner: 3 boiled eggs

Day 4

  • – Breakfast: parsley with 3 scrambled eggs , onion and dill,
  • – Lunch: salad with 5 ounces of cooked chicken
  • – Dinner: 1 boiled eggs , 2 oranges

Day 5

  • – Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 2 carrots , 1 tbsp of sour cream,
  • – Lunch:  2 carrots , a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice,
  • – Dinner:  3 ounces of fish (boiled) , 1 boiled egg,

Day 6

  • – Breakfast:5 ounces of Yogurt (low fat) , 1 freshly squeezed orange or lemon,
  • – Lunch: 2 boiled eggs , 2 grapefruits,
  • – Dinner: a cup of water

Day 7

  • – Breakfast:  2 eggs , ½ grapefruit,
  • – Lunch: 6 ounces of beef, 1 orange ,
  • – Dinner: a cup of water

As we’ve mentioned before, you have to stick to the diet for only 7 days. You must also consume large quantities of water to maximize the weight loss

Start eating normally after these 7 days. Consume plenty of boiled eggs in the first few days in order to prevent shocking the body with food .

Get rid of the extra pounds and enjoy your body like never before!

Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bedtime Will Change Your Life For Good!!!!

Apple cider vinegar offers numerous tremendous benefits, but you probably don’t know all of them. We’re going to present you some of the benefits which drinking apple cider vinegar before bedtime can offer to you!

Sore Throat Treatment

The bacteria responsible for sore throat can’t thrive in the acidic environment apple cider vinegar creates. Additionally, the vinegar contains natural anti-bacterial properties.
An hour before bed, swallow one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Half an hour later, swallow another teaspoon, and then another right before you hop in bed.

Acid Reflux Treatment

Acid reflux occurs when you have too little stomach acid. The small amount has to slosh around in order to do its job and some of the acid winds up in your oesophagus.
Apple cider vinegar restores your stomach’s acidity, reducing the need for this sloshing. Mix one tablespoon with a large glass of water and drink an hour or so before bed.

Bad breath

The bacteria in the mouth can be the reason for your bad breath in the mouth. As we said before, ACV can kill the bacteria, thus keeping your mouth fresh. You should take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before bedtime.

Lowered Blood-Sugar

The second most common cause of insomnia is a high blood-sugar level. It stops your body from going into the fat metabolism stage, which is necessary for sleep.
Apple cider vinegar works to lower blood-sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity.
Take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar straight before bed each night if high blood-sugar levels are a problem for you. If you are on diabetes medication, consult with your doctor before using this remedy.

Leg Cramps

The leg cramps are often a result of a lack of potassium in the body. The consumption of 2 tablespoons of ACV in a cup of lukewarm water before going to sleep will treat this issue and increase the levels of potassium in the body.

Stuffy Nose

ACV is high in potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, E, B1, and B2, all of which eliminate the mucus build-up in the sinuses. You should add a teaspoon of ACV in a cup of water, stir well and drink just before bedtime to quickly relieve the stuffiness in the nose.

The inability of the body to properly digest the consumed food leads to acid reflux, bloating, nausea, constipation, and insomnia. The consumption of a mixture of a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of ACV and a cup of warm drinking water half an hour before going to sleep will provide miraculous effects!

Weight loss

Many studies show that there is a strong link between obesity and sleep deprivation. As a matter of fact, the more weight a person has, the more sleep issues will experience. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, a compound which provides a sense of feeling full, reduces the appetite, and prevents fat build-up.

12 Simple Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Completely

Dark circles under the eyes can happen due to various reasons. Find the best possible way for how to prevent and eliminate it. You may be thinking of what can i use to cover serious black circles, But it is better to focus on some of the home remedies that what helps to cure this issue quickly. Here are few tips to go about with the remove darkness under eyes completely.

Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes:

1. Rose water:

Rose water has an incredible ingredient for skin care.

How to do:

Soak cotton eye pads in pure rose water for a few minutes and put them on your closed eyelids. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Repeat it twice a day for a few weeks.

2. Potato juice:

How to do:

Grate a raw potato and take out its juice. Now, soak a cotton ball in it and place it on your eyelids. Apply it properly so that it covers the area under your eyes, which is darkened. Let it remain for about 15 minutes, and then, wash it off with water. Potato is a natural bleaching agent, and therefore, one of the best home remedies to reduce dark circles beneath the eyes.

3. Cucumber:

Cucumber is the most effective home remedy that helps to remove the dark circles from your face. It has a cooling effect for the skin and lighten the circles. It is an efficient cooling agent that helps to provide comfort to the eyes. It has a great soothing agent in terms to relax the eyes.

How to do:

It is quite common remedy to keep the slices of the fresh cucumber on your eyes after keeping them in the refrigerator. Keep them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
Mixture of cucumber and lemon juice can be applied under your eyes to get rid of dark circles under eyes.

4. Apply Teabags to Eyes:

Brew some tea with regular black teabags and apply the wet bags to the eye area. The tannin and caffeine in the brewed tea helps constrict the blood vessels to their original shape and can give you fast relief from puffiness and dark circles.

5. Mint:

Mint is great because of anti-bacterial properties. It also has astringent properties, which help to constrict blood vessels near the eyes. It is a cool and soothing remedy and a more effective solution to use if you are looking for the best home remedy for dark circles under eyes.

6. Buttermilk:

Buttermilk is a rich source of probiotics and lactic acid as well. Lactic acid can exfoliate skin to give it a radiance. The acidic and astringent properties of buttermilk can cure discoloration under eyes. It is used along with turmeric to get the anti-inflammatory effects of this very good spice for health and beauty as we discussed in the previous remedy.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar has astringent and bleaching properties. It removes the dead skin cells and the dirt from the under eyes. Follow an easy way to lower the dark circles.

How to do:

  • Take a spoon of apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  • Soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar.
  • Use cotton swab to gently massage the under eyes.
  • Follow it daily two times in the morning and the evening.

8. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is very useful and effective for eliminating dark circles and eye bags. Massage a few drops of coconut oil around the eyes to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. You may have to do this home remedy every day to reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

9. Cold Compress:

Occasionally the arteries near your eyes dilate and they show up as dark circles, as the skin near eyes is thinner. Chilly compress help shrink your arteries. It’s possible for you to take anything that’s not hot and dab on the region around your eyes. Use anything which is cooled, an ice bag, iced water, cold milk, frozen spoon. You may even make use of this method to take care of your eyes using a cold compress.

10. Chamomile:

Chamomile has numerous great benefits to offer in order to help you relieve your stress and relax easily. You can also drink some chamomile tea before bedtime if your dark circles are caused by stress and fatigue.

Another method is to insert an unused chamomile tea bag in a bit of mineral water and with which you can then moisten two cotton pads. Apply them on your eyes for 10 minutes.

11. Orange Juice:

Another powerful home remedy to get rid of dark circles is orange juice. Combine using a couple of drops of glycerine and apply this mixture on the dark circles. The dark circles will reduce and may also give an all-natural glow to the region around your eyes.

12. Proper Sleep:

Lack of proper sleep is often a big contributor for under eye dark circles. Stressful lifestyle along with improper rest and fatigue can work as a primary reason for formation of dark circles in people of all the ages. Mental as well as physical stress due to high work pressure can also contribute to the factor.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

10 Signs You’re Gluten Intolerant A Must Read

Many people are becoming gluten intolerant nowadays. Therefore, we’ve assembled the main 10 signs that you should keep an eye out for if you think you are gluten intolerant.

10 Signs Of Gluten Intolerant

1. Intestinal problems
A standout amongst the most well-known signs are stomach related issues like bloating, gas, diarrhea, and dyschezia. People who have IBS find that their symptoms vanish when they stop eating gluten meals.

2. Fatigue 
People feeling fatigued subsequent to eating gluten foods are gluten intolerant, so removing wheat or some other grains that contain gluten would be a sure mean to lift their levels of energy.

3. Migraine/Headache
One 2001 research has confirmed that consuming gluten could cause headaches to the gluten intolerant people. MRI scans approved that the greater part of them had irritation in their sensory systems, most likely made by reactions to gluten.

4. Behavior problems
Loads of mental issues like anxiety, depression, ADHD, and mood swings can be improved by expelling gluten from your eating routine.

5. Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis pilaris is a skin issue that shows up by the presence of small red bump on the skin. This issue is linked to improper absorption of fatty acids and vitamin A because of the extensive period of being exposed to gluten.

6. Fibromyalgia
Specialist aren’t clear on what the reason for the persistent aching is, however, taking out gluten from your eating regimen can help.

7. Joint issues
Inflammation, aching and swelling in the joints range can be caused by gluten intolerance.

8. Neurological Symptoms
Side effects like vertigo, shivering or prickling may all cause a swelling in the sensory system potentially caused by an influence that is gluten-based inside the immunity.

9. Autoimmune Diseases
Immune system illnesses normally happen to people that are intolerant to gluten because of swelling and also because of consistent gluten consumption. These conditions incorporate rheumatoid joint inflammation, lupus, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, scleroderma, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

10. Hormone Imbalance
Gluten intolerance is commonly connected with uneven periods, and infertility, because the inflammation caused by it positions an astounding measure of weight on the adrenal glands, which could disrupt their functioning, irritating the entire endocrine framework.

After Reading This You Will Start Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar Every Morning!

Apple cider vinegar is one extremely beneficial herbal remedy which will let you improve your typical health and is powerful against some of clinical situations. consuming simply 1 tablespoon of ACV inside the morning can do wonders on your fitness, providing you with all of the wanted vitamins and nutrients for correct functioning and stimulating wholesome weight reduction as properly.

Right here are 10 incredible reasons why ACV should turn out to be part of your regular morning ordinary:

It strengthens and whitens your tooth
apply vinegar directly for your enamel then rinse. This easy procedure will whiten and fortify your enamel.

It’s wealthy in potassium
Potassium is one of the crucial minerals your body depends on for proper increase, right muscle feature, transmission of nerve impulses and regular heart pastime.

It restores pH stability
Apple cider vinegar is awesome for restoring inner pH stability due to its high content material of acetic and malice acid.

It has strong antiviral residences
ACV has powerful antiviral homes owing to which it could fight off a number of not unusual infections. Plus, it breaks up mucus in your frame and decreases susceptibility to allergies.

It enables to eliminate pollutants out of your frame
Apple cider vinegar can effectively detoxify your body by way of eliminating the pollutants to your liver.

It facilitates maintain your blood sugar and blood pressure below manipulate
adding ACV in your food prevents blood sugar spikes, but additionally will increase your blood awareness of insulin that typically happens after consuming a meal.

It boosts weight loss
As mentioned above, ACV is an appropriate ally to a wholesome weight reduction because it correctly breaks down fats on your body. Drink each morning added to a tumbler of water.

It resolves skin conditions and blemishes
Rubbing some apple cider vinegar on pores and skin blemishes and age spots can appreciably reduce their look. Use a cotton ball or a cotton cloth for this. preferably, do the treatment earlier than going to mattress and depart overnight.

It makes your hair bright and voluminous
to feature more shine and volume to your hair, wash it with apple cider vinegar as soon as per week. follow ACV after your shampoo.

It heals brises and sunburns quicker
Soak a easy towel in a few apple cider vinegar then apply it at the sunburn. Your skin will absorb the vinegar and the ache and discomfort will soon lessen.

8 Things You Should Not Do To Your Private Part

Your private part needs much more attention than you think. You must take care of it.
Here are 8 things that you should never do to your private part!

If you feel something strange in your intimate area, be sure to see a doctor. Do not try to find your diagnosis on the internet.

Try not to scratch your private part, if you do not want infections.

Never apply perfume to your intimate area. It is meant to apply on your neck, not on your private part.

Avoid using aromatic soaps.
#5Make sure that you disinfect your private part correctly. You do not want infections, right?
#6Narrow clothes and underwear are not the best options for your private part. Your vagina needs to breathe.

When you get out of the shower, make sure that you dry your vagina correctly. Do not wear clothes if your private part is still wet.

Try to limit sweets and add fruits and vegetables to your diet.

1 Week Challenge That Remove All Dark Marks/Spots From Your Face

If you have some unwanted marks/spots from your face and you wanna remove them naturally, this post in just for you. This remedy will not only make your skin flawless but will also keep your skin healthy and glowing

Ingredients Required

  • Aloe vera gel
  • Vitamin E capsules
  • Rose water
  • Glycerin

Steps to follow:

  • In a  clean bowl take 3 spoons of aloe vera gel
  • Add oil of 2 vitamin E capsules
  • Add 2 spoons of rose water
  • Add 1/2 spoon of glycerin
  • Mix it well and your serum is ready
  • Take few drops of this serum and apply it all over your face
  • Massage for 10 minutes and then leave it for 1 hour at least
  • Wash it off with plain water

Friday, 27 December 2019

Put These 2 Ingredients in Your Coffee. After Just 2 Sips, Your Belly Fat Will Disappear And Your Metabolism Will Be Faster Than Ever!

There’s no doubt coffee is the most enjoyed morning drink throughout the world. For one thing, it instantly boosts your energy levels and prepares you for the day ahead. Plus, it packs a number of other health benefits, such as improved metabolism, and when consumed moderately, it protects your heart.

But, few people know that you can turn your favorite morning brew into a powerful fat burner by just adding a few common ingredients such as coconut oil, cinnamon and honey. If you mix these ingredients into your coffee, you’ll easily drop a few extra pounds without having to make any dietary or lifestyle changes.

Why Is This Combination So Powerful?

1# Cinnamon provides numerous health benefits. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory agent which reduces inflammatory processes in the body. Plus, it’s full of antioxidants meaning it neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals. It also reduces blood sugar levels by increasing blood sugar metabolism. It supports the breakdown of sugar, which is transformed into energy. In this way cinnamon prevents fat buildup in your body. The most popular types are Ceylon and Cassia cinnamon.

2# Coconut oil is another gift from nature which provides a long list of health benefits. It mostly consists of medium-chain fatty acids, which the digestive system immediately sends to the liver. If they are not turned into energy, they are transformed into keton bodies  meaning they aren’t stored as fat. The best advantage of coconut oil for weight loss is that it naturally sets the metabolism to burn fat more efficiently.

3# Honey may be full of sugar, but this is natural sugar that the body depends on for energy. Honey is also abundant in important minerals such as sodium, iron, zinc, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Plus, honey contains niacin, folate, vitamin C, riboflavin and Vitamin B6. It has proved highly beneficial for regulating blood cholesterol levels and reducing stress.
Now, the fat burning process in the body largely depends on minerals and vitamins. This is where honey steps in. It provides the essential nutrients thus preventing any mineral or vitamin deficiencies in the body. Raw unpasteurized honey is the healthiest.

What you need:

  • – ½  cup of honey
  • – ¾ cup of coconut oil
  • – 1 tsp. of cinnamon
  • – 1 tsp. of cocoa (optional)

What you do:

Make well-blended paste by mixing all the ingredients together. Store in a glass jar and keep in the fridge.

How to use it:

Add 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture in a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Stir well and enjoy your morning fat-burning cup of coffee!

Just rub your skin with this spice and the wrinkles will disappear!

Hello everyone. How are you today? Wrinkles and old age – we all know that’s related, right? And both men and women are dealing with this aesthetic problem, every day.

The real truth is that many women around the world are taking a good care of their skin, especially their facial skin. This means that most of them spend a lot of money on expensive beauty treatments and cosmetic products, in order to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. But, the bad thing is that not all of these women can afford these expensive products and treatments.

Note: you should also know that these expensive over-the-counter products cost a lot of money, and they can’t provide the desired effects. So, you should definitely go for all-natural alternative. What if we tell you that you can get the same effects with this amazing spice? This powerful spice will reduce the appearance of wrinkles and it will slow down the aging process. The wrinkles will be gone in just few days.

The best part about this method is that it’s completely safe, all-natural, cheap and extremely effective. And, as we said before, you shouldn’t be worried, because there is an easy and all-natural way to get the same effect, without spending too much money on these treatments.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • A handful of anise
  • 1 cup of water
  • Small pot


As we said, this method is very simple and easy to make – first, you should make a tea with the anise seeds. This amazing tea will help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles. So, make a tea out of it, let it cool down, strain it and keep the mixture in a glass container. How to use it – when you wake up in the morning, you need to wash your face with this mixture, especially in the areas where you have wrinkles.

You will be amazed by the results. This anise tea will help you get rid of the wrinkles. This means that your skin will be smooth and wrinkle free. And the best thing about it is that you won’t have to spend too much money on those expensive beauty products, when you can get the same results with this homemade tea. We highly recommend that you should try it. As we said, it’s cheap, safe and all-natural, so nothing is stopping you. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Face Serum For Youthful, Glowing Bright Skin Or Anti-Aging For Oily Skin

We all want to have beautiful and healthy skin, but due to different lifestyle and external influences, sometimes this is not feasible. The most common cause of skin problems, especially in the facial area, are unhealthy eating, alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes and stress.

Using them regularly can help with dark spots on the face. Your skin will be soft, shiny and gentle. Certainly patience and endurance is needed, because remember no miracles overnight.

Ingredients you will need

  • 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel ( I prefer fresh aloe vera gel )
  • 1 vitamin E capsule (evion 400)
  • 2-3 drops of almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin

Rose water as required


Firstly in a bowl take 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel, 1 vitamin E capsule, 2-3 drops of almond oil, rose water as required and 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Mix them really well to combine all the ingredients together. And your face glow serum is now ready to use.

Apply this to your skin and massage it for 5 minutes and leave it for overnight. Then rinse it off with normal water next morning.

Rub These Two Oils On Your Gums And Teeth And You Probably Will Not Need To Go To Dentist Again

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It occurs due to the accumulation of dental plaque, or deposits of teeth that are caused by bacteria that cause infection. It is most often manifested by gum bleeding after brushing. Gingivitis is the first and initial symptom of periodontal disease (paradentosis), which can be cured and prevented at this early stage. Failure to act in a timely manner can lead to an advanced stage when the teeth become defective and can be lost.


Here are some of the symptoms if you don’t treat gingivitis:

• Red, sensitive and swollen gums

• Gum bleeding after brushing

Pain between your teeth and gums

• Occurrence of periodontal pockets

• Gum withdrawal

• Unpleasant breath

• Toothache

• Tooth decay and loss

According to research in the journal of international oral health, it has been concluded that essential oils can inhibit plaque, eliminate bacteria, remove stains and keep your gums and teeth healthy.

Tea Tree Oil:

This precious oil regenerates and strengthens the gums, reduces the amount of toothpaste, prevents cavities, removes food between the teeth and gums and cleanses the tongue. With regular use the teeth can be bleached for 1-2 shades, all in a natural way. Procedure: First, brush your teeth in the usual way. Then brush and apply a few drops of this essential oil. Wash your teeth a second time. Rinse your mouth with water. After this procedure, your teeth will be very clean. and in the mouth, it will feel It is freshness. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. After a month you will notice a significant difference. Your teeth will become noticeably whiter.

Clove Oil:

The chemical called eugenol in clove oil acts as an antiviral and anti-bacterial agent that can easily treat all gum diseases. Eugenol compound is also containing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that reduces the inflammation in your mouth.

Apart from this, recent study has been evaluated cloves ability to treat all types of oral issues, including tooth decalcification. It not only helps to reduce this condition, often it remineralizes your teeth and makes them strong and healthy.

What You Need To Do:

All you need to do for maintaining healthy and shining teeth is, take few drops of close and tea tree essential oils together and rub or brush your teeth regularly with this oil to prevent cavities, gingivitis, tooth decay and even bad breath.

Say Goodbye to dark underarms

The dark areas of the armpits can be an embarrassing sight, so some hide under the clothes in the middle of summer. If you are among this group, you can try the following homemade and completely natural recipes that will brighten the skin in this area:

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is among the strongest natural whitening agents. You only need to squeeze lemon and rub the juice in the appropriate skin area. Wait 2-3 minutes and rinse with water. The result is noticeable in the first 7-10 days. Do this procedure every day.

2. Potato

With potatoes you can also whiten your skin in a safe way as it does not cause allergies or irritation. Put in the area of ​​the armpit a thin slice of potato and hold it firmly on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Do this 2 times a day until you see results.

3. Apple Vinegar

The acid in apple cider vinegar helps remove dead cells. Mix 2 tablespoons vinegar with a small packet of baking soda and apply to the skin using a pad. Hold for 10 minutes and rinse with water. The procedure is performed 3 times a week.

4. Olive oil

Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with brown sugar. Rub the skin in circular movements for about two minutes. Wash with warm water. Repeat after a few days. (The procedure is done 2 times a week).

5. Aloe Vera

Use aloe vera gel. Apply the underwear directly and wait 15 minutes. Then wash with water. The plant has strong antibacterial properties, removes dead skin cells and smoothes it while nourishing it in depth.

Get Rid of Nail Fungus Forever – 2 Ingredient Recipe

Say goodbye to the annoying nail fungal infection with baking soda and apple cider vinegar.

The fungus of the feet and nails are usually the result of moisture, mold or bacteria, and are often painful and unpleasant.

White or yellow dots at the tip of the nail are usually the first stage of a fungal infection. Over time they can change color or shape, and the nail can become very unpleasant and painful. Without treatment, the fungus cannot be cured, and what you probably didn’t know is that baking soda is one of the most effective fungal remedies.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar is good precisely because soda is not a fungicide, which means it will not kill the fungus, but will prevent its spread and growth, while vinegar is used to kill the fungus.

You need:

4-5 tablespoons baking soda

1 cup white vinegar or apple cider vinegar


Paper towels


Make a mixture of 1 cup vinegar and enough water to soak your feet in. Soak for 15 minutes. Then, dry with paper towels.

Add more baking soda to the water and soak your feet for another 15 minutes. Then, again dry your feet with paper towels.

Do this twice a day. The fungi will be destroyed by the vinegar, and baking soda will inhibit the growth of more.

Sunday, 22 December 2019

How To Make Pores Disappear With Only 1 Ingredient Naturally

A common skin problem in people with oily skin is large pores, caused by dirt and bacteria irritating your skin.  Unfortunately, those over-the-counter products which promise to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of large pores can only make the problem worse.

But, fortunately, you can try some natural treatment at home that can solve this issue. In this article we will show how to make pores disappear with only 1 ingredient: baking soda.


How to Use:

  • Mix well 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of water.
  • Apply the resulting mixture on your face and allow it to dry for 15 minutes.
  • After the mask tightens, wash your face with cool water.
  • Here are other natural remedies made of only 2-3 natural ingredients that are also extremely effective and can promise you positive results.


How to Use:

  • Peel the cucumber and then crush its flesh. Add a teaspoon of rosewater and a few drops of lemon water.
  • Place the mixture in a clean cloth, fold it and apply it to your face.
  • Rinse your face with cool water.


How to Use:

  • Apply a mask of a few drops of lemon juice and two egg whites on your face.
  • Allow it to dry for a few minutes and then wash your face with cool water.
  • This mask will not only tighten your skin pores, but it will eliminate dead skin cells and oil.


How to Use:

  • Add 2-4 lime juice in a tomato juice and apply the resulting mixture on your face with a cotton ball.
  • Leave it to act for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cool water.


How to Use:

  • Soak a few almonds in a dish of water and let it overnight.
  • The next morning, mash the almonds to get a paste. Add a tablespoon of lime juice into the paste.
  • Apply the paste on your face and leave it to stay for half an hour. Rinse your face with cool water.


How to Use:

  • Mix well a half cups of each  lemon juice and pineapple juice.
  • Then, soak a face cloth in the mixture and apply it on your face for 5 minutes.
  • After that, rinse your face with cool water.
  • Pineapples are rich in enzymes, essential for cleansing and tightening the skin.
  • The acid in the lemon juice works as an astringent.


The Stool As You Know Yourself, Depends Primarily On The Diet But By The Color, Texture And Shape Varies Greatly From Day To Day.

Nevertheless, if a sure sample seems consistently, it could additionally reveal sure problems, the shortage of key vitamins within the weight loss plan or sickness. Take a weight loss plan diary to seek out out the regularity of diarrhea, for instance, after a selected meal.

An important factor is to note adjustments in form or shade. Primarily based on this, you’ll know what’s your medical situation. We’ll clarify to you the primary form of the stool, that are 4, every being distinctive for itself. That’s the reason we’ll go in a row and you’ll acknowledge your situation.

Form of the stool

The conventional form of the stool must be rectangular, considerably curved to the letter “S” (with consideration to organ from which it comes) and clean, mushy surfaces.

Separate exhausting lumps are most frequently a mirrored image of low-fiber weight loss plan, indicating that the stool is held within the colon for too lengthy. Subsequently, it’s crucial to extend the consumption of fibers that speed up the digestion.

Sausage form however lumpy stool most frequently factors to constipation and dehydration. Steadiness your weight loss plan with herbs, drink extra water, and turn into extra relaxed.

Mushy blobs with clear-cut edges: That is regular in case you are pooping a number of instances a day.

Mushy stool signifies a balanced weight loss plan, but additionally cleanses the intestines, or that the digestive system solves undesirable substances.

Watery no stable items stool is least retain within the intestines, ie it passes proper by the digestive tract. There may be an excessive amount of splinter, overwhelmed with water and the symptom of diarrhea. Whether it is too lengthy, it’s advisable to seek the advice of a health care provider or perhaps a pharmacist to give you a rehydration resolution.

Mushy and sticks to the aspect of the bathroom bowl: Your physique shouldn’t be absorbing the fat correctly, due to the presence of an excessive amount of oil. Your physique can not correctly soak up that due to persistent pancreatic.

Shade of the stool

In case your stool is brown, it’s regular. Poop is brown as a result of bile produced in your liver.

Possibly you’ve gotten eaten quite a lot of inexperienced leafy veggies or inexperienced meals coloring. The meals is perhaps going by your giant gut too shortly.

This kind of poop signifies extra fats. That is due to malabsorption dysfunction like celiac illness.

Which means you’re bleeding internally, due to ulcer or most cancers. It might be brought on by some nutritional vitamins that include iron or bismuth subsalicylate. You must see a health care provider in case you are frightened about this.

Mild-colored, white or clay-colored
This might imply a bile duct obstruction. It may be brought on by some medicines. You must see a health care provider.

Blood-stained or pink
For those who see blood in your poop, it may be a symptom of most cancers. See a health care provider when you discover blood in your stool.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Very Few People Know About THIS Vaseline Trick to Grow Hair Faster

He reason your hair splits and breaks is most likely because it is dry. dry hair gives it an unhealthy appearance and makes hair prone to damage and split ends. Just like your skin, your hair needs moisture to stay healthy. while applying a very small amount of vaseline to the ends of the hair for moisture will prove beneficial, hair growth can be encouraged further by massaging a minimal amount of vaseline into the scalp. vaseline is ideal for hydrating and nourishing your hair, preventing split ends and enabling stronger hair growth.

Now let me quickly tell you about this remedy in detail.

Take small amount of vaseline and apply it on your hair ends while going to bed, it will prevent hair damaging.

Also massage little bit of Vaseline on your scalp, it will encourage stimulation that helps in faster hair growth.

It is always better to apply vaseline to your scalp and hair ends before going to bed and let it penetrate on your scalp whole night. Just once a week Vaseline treatment is enough.

Here’s What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Forehead

A simple acupressure self-massage at this point on your forehead can have amazing results.

We all have a tendency to rub our heads near the temples or our neck when we have a tension headache. The same is true for when you feel sinus pressure. Rubbing gently or applying pressure is something we do instinctively to try to help with pain.


Empowering yourself to treat your own ailments is powerful. When we can heal ourselves, we release the need to be controlled by modern medicine, which seems to more and more use the pattern of intake, medicate, and bill.

Acupressure, acupuncture and reflexology are all non-invasive, non-Western medicinal ways to help us feel better. We can learn from the techniques of Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and applying these techniques will help us heal ourselves.


How do we know that massaging a point on the forehead will have any affect on our level of pain, health, or the workings of our inner body? Scientists can use an MRI scan to look for activity in other parts of the body while one area is stimulated with pressure or massage.

MRI technology enables researchers to apply the techniques of reflexology or acupressure to certain points on the body and measure the effects in another part of the body. Researchers in Japan used functional magnetic resonance imaging to detect whether reflexology on the foot for the areas that are supposed to affect the eye, shoulder, and small intestine found that pressure on these points on the foot ‘induced a somatosensory process corresponding to the stimulated reflex area and that a neuroimaging approach can be used to examine the basis of reflexology effects.’

In other words, pressing a reflexology point works to stimulate another area of your body. Based on this research of the pressure points on the foot, we can say that the same is true for pressure points on the face, hands, and body.

We have discussed the energy meridians of the body in other articles. See ‘Here’s What Happens When You Tap These Points On Your Body’ for more acupressure points and self-massage information for weight loss, anxiety and more.

The governing meridian runs down the center of the face and the forehead, which is the area we are focusing on. When you touch the surface of the skin on the forehead, you activate the energy center under the skin. Gentle pressure (about what you would use to press and elevator button) can activate the flow of previously blocked energy to restore balance.

Energy gets blocked due to physical and emotional trauma that we have experienced. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the energy flow is necessary for good circulation and all of our bodily functions. Massaging and applying pressure to energy meridians in the forehead can improve your circulation, reduce muscle tension and stimulate your brain function.

Yang energy is what we are working with when you massage this point on your forehead. The energy begins in the head and flows downward to the rest of the body.

The point on your forehead that you will be working with is called the Third Eye Point. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this point is called GV 24 and the GV stands for Governor Vessel. It is located between the eyebrows, slightly above the upper bridge of the nose meets the forehead.

Applying pressure to this point on the forehead helps improve concentration, relieves headaches, and can also help with eye strain if you are at a computer for many hours a day. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, massaging this point can also help to strengthen your sense of intuition.

Apply pressure to the point between your eyebrows for 45 seconds – 1 minute to experience the benefits of this point on the forehead.

You can also use gentle pressure to stroke or massage the place from between your eyebrows to three inches above that point in a vertical line.

Researchers studying noninvasive beauty procedures found that the rejuvenating effects of reflexology to points on the forehead and face helped prevent wrinkles. The researchers say ‘This procedure activates one of the brain centers, amygdala nucleus, which affects the human lymphatic system causing elimination of nervous tension and helping removal of the negative metabolism products. Moreover, this procedure efficiently counteracts creation of new wrinkles, facilitates blood and lymph flow (prevents swelling), makes the skin excellently firm, corrects the eye and mouth corners and activates regeneration processes (e.g. after a surgery).’

Drink This Mixture Before Going to Sleep and You’ll Empty Your Colon of Everything You’ve Eaten During the Day

In this article we shall present you with mixture that will provide you with triple health effect like: boosting your metabolism, detoxification of the body system, and weight loss in the most problematic area like the belly. What is most important is that this drink is natural and highly beneficial.

Belly fat is the most difficult one to lose, people have lost considerable amount of weight, and still have the belly fat on them. According to experts existence of belly fat can lead to numerous health issues like heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

However, if you want to efficiently lose abdominal fat you need to introduce regular exercises in your workout, and of course completely change your food regimens.
This beverage has the most powerful fat-burning ingredient, the lemon, and of course other beneficial natural foods, among which is the herb parsley that also gives various benefits to the body.

Here below are the benefits that the parsley can provide to your body:

  1. Blood cleanser.
  2. Lowers fluid retention.
  3. Further on, it functions as natural diuretic thus removing the excess body water.
  4. Combats uric acid, and moreover it hinders cancer and tumor developments.
  5. It aids in bladder and kidney infections.
  6. It has powerful potent anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. It is abundant with strong antioxidant flavonoids like volatile oils.
  8. Battles against stress and anxiety
  9. If you want to eliminate bad breath, then you should chew the leaves.

How to prepare this remarkable mixture:
Needed ingredients:

  • 1 lemon
  • a handful of parsley
  • ½ cup of kefir
  • 1 cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger (grated)
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar

Instructions:It is very simple, just use your blender where you should put all the ingredients and blend them until a smooth juice is formed.

Consume the beverage prior to going to sleep and the results will be outstanding.

I have 4 children and still, my friends say that I have porcelain skin and I only use this recipe.

The types of skin that are most susceptible to having dark spots are oily and mixed skin. Your pores contain dirt and accumulated fat that clogs them.

Makeup, dust and pollution are some of the factors that could cause them. It depends on your skin type, but there are different ways that can help you prevent.

Here, I will present a mask prepared with baking soda that is very easy to prepare and the results will definitely surprise you!

Why would you use it?
It is for cleaning the skin, so it will remove all dirt from the pores. This dirt is what infects pores and causes acne to appear.

All black spots and pimples will be easily removed and will disappear soon.

If you notice that your skin hurts while you sing it, this mask is the ideal solution for you. The pain will be eliminated and your skin will be softer and hydrated. All oils and creams will be absorbed more easily.

You will fall in love with this amazing mask instantly!

Baking soda is an ingredient that is full of antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

It is a mask prepared with completely natural ingredients. All are cheap and you can prepare it at home! No more expensive products full of harmful chemicals!

Do it once a month in case of oily skin.

Pimples will be removed instantly. They dirty the complexion of your skin and appear when your pores are covered with dead cells and fat. The pores dilate.

Mask for dark spots and pimples


  • 1/3 tablespoon with baking soda
  • 1/2 tablespoon with apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 glass with water
  • 1/2 lemon
  • Honey


  • First, take a glass that will be half full of water. Put the apple cider vinegar and stir to dilute it.
  • Put the baking soda in another container.
  • Add the lemon juice and mix.
  • In the end, combine the diluted vinegar with all the other ingredients and add the honey. Stir well until the ingredients combine well.


  • Your face should be washed well to remove any impurity.
  • Dry it with a soft cloth.
  • Put the mask with the fingertips or a soft brush and let it act for 10 minutes. After that, rinse with plenty of water.

The results will even surprise you with the first application!

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Do You Know What The Half-Moon On Your Nails Reveals?

Probably even you, if not most people, you are not aware of the importance of the half-moon that is based on your nails. If it is missing or is small, it can point to various health problems in the body.
Pay attention to your nails. What you nail plate? Did you notice that at the bottom have a white crescent? In fact, says a lot about your health. This part cannot be damaged.
The white color of this “half-month” is only apparent, because the fifth basal layer of epidermis “conceals” the blood vessels found below.

Half-moon on the nails is called lunula and is a visible part of the nail root, colored and slightly transparent because it is hidden beneath the bloodstream If it is damaged, your entire nail will be deformed. In alternative medicine it is believed that the lunula can reveal some very important information about your entire health. For example, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lack of lunula indicates anemia and malnutrition, while pale or blue lunula suggests the possibility of diabetes. If the lunula in some people has reddish stains, this means that this person may suffer from cardiovascular disease.

The lack or absence lunula can show the following problems:
If it is not on my thumb, this may indicate the presence of psychological disorders.
If it is very small and is not at all on the index finger, it may indicate problems with the intestines, pancreas and liver, and reproductive organs in women.

The absence of lunula on the middle finger points to problems with blood pressure.
Small or non-existent lunula on your finger can be a sign that you suffer from problems with the thyroid gland.
If lunula is absent on the little finger it can mean that your intestines are clogged.

Lack lunula or very small lunula usually indicates poor digestion which may be caused due to slow metabolism and large amounts of toxins.

Chinese medical experts still point out that every healthy man has seven or eight lunula on the nails. If you have lunula only on the thumbs, this means that your kidneys are failing.

The normal nails should be pink, solid and harsh, and the lunula is clearly visible on the nails. Lunula shows how healthy and energetic you are. The more energy you have, the more you get. Otherwise, it will be darker.

Old Korean Formula 5 Minutes and All Your Facial Hair Will Disappear From Your Face Permanently!

You wake up in the morning, stretch your body out while still in your warm bed, then make your way into the bathroom, only to find that the hair you plucked from your chin yesterday is back, and longer than ever.

Unwanted hair is inevitably going to grow in unwanted places. And, depending on what kind of face you prefer to present to the world, these can be a huge problem. Unwanted facial hair can become an embarrassing beauty concern for women, specially when they age and their estrogen levels change due to menopause.

The hair removal process can be tedious and painful, but by applying these natural DIY turmeric hair removal remedy, it does not have to be!

DIY Hair Removal With Baking Soda and Turmeric in 5 Min, Naturally and Permanently At Home.


  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder
  • Water to combine


  • In a small bowl, combine baking soda and turmeric.
  • Add a small amount of water to combine the ingredients. There should be enough water that the mixture becomes a paste.
  • Apply directly to areas that you wish to remove the hair.
  • Allow the mixture to dry on your skin.
  • When the mixture is dry, rub it off of the skin using your fingers.
  • Complete the procedure by washing your face with your favorite face wash in order to remove the turmeric color, and apply moisturizer.


  • Don’t use on dry or sensitive skin, as it can tend to dry out the skin.
  • Don’t use processed turmeric, as this can tend to stain. Instead, focus on using organic turmeric powder in this remedy.
  • To remove the yellow coloration on your skin left behind after the application of turmeric, dip a cotton ball in milk and rub it on your skin.


Baking soda gives this mask a number of amazing features. This mask exfoliates the skin, removes dead skin cells layer and cleans the skin properly. Also, this mask makes your skin softer, smoother, cleaner and fresher from the first use.

Honey has antibacterial properties, making it ideal for treating and preventing acne naturally. Because is

full of antioxidants, honey is great for slowing the aging process.

It has a gentle action, being the proper ingredient even for very sensitive skin. Honey rejuvenates your pores and brightens the skin, providing a younger appearance.


  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of water (or less, depending on the desired consistency)

1.  Pour baking soda into a clean glass container then add honey over it. Gradually pour small amounts of water and mix vigorously to get a thick paste.

2.  Apply the paste on clean skin, being careful to avoid the eyes and the nostrils. Allow the paste to dry on the skin for 10-15 minutes. The skin will tighten a little and you may feel a slight tingling on the application area, which is perfectly normal.

3.  Soak a towel in hot water, squeeze it well then remove the paste from the face using circular motion. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry your skin by dabbing.

4.  The excess mixture can be used the next day. You can also use the surplus to exfoliate the body. For best results, use this mask once a week. The results are truly amazing!

Use This Oil On Your Hair Roots For 1 Week And Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing

Learn how you can Use This Oil On Your Hair Roots For 1 Week And Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing! This is one of the most powerful natural oils on earth that can help you speed up the hair growth process very fast! If you have been looking for ways to grow your hair naturally, you have come to the right place!

Use This Oil On Your Hair Roots For 1 Week And Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing
Most below suffer from hair fall and slow hair growth all over the world, this is a common problem but it can also be a result of other serious health conditions. If you suffer from extreme hair fall, please get a blood test to find out if your symptoms are being caused by vitamin deficiencies.

Essential Oils Hair Remedy For hair Growth

  • 3 Teaspoons of Castor oil
  • 3 Vitamin E capsules
  • 20 Drops of Rosemary essential oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Of Coconut oil

Preparation & Application:

In a clean bowl, mix all of your ingredients except the coconut oil into evenly and store it in a bottle with a lid. Make sure that the bottle is airtight to keep the mixture fresh.

Before applying the mixture to your hair, mix 1 spoon of the mixture with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil evenly. Apply it to your hair roots and massage it in for 10 minutes. Leave the mixture in your hair overnight and wash it off the next day with a chemical-free shampoo and conditioner.

Repeat this remedy daily until you are satisfied with the results.

There you go! You now know how you can Use This Oil On Your Hair Roots For 1 Week And Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing! If you liked this post or found it helpful in any way, please share it with your friend sand also take a moment to follow us on Pinterest and Facebook for more helpful Skin Care Tips & remedies.

Note: If you suffer from allergies or are allergic to any of the ingredients in the following recipe, please refrain from using it or at least get a skin patch test before you do just to be safe.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

10 Week No-Gym Home Workout Plan

If you want to lose surplus weight, gain muscle, or get in shape, then this both female and male workout plan is the right choice for you. Hence, you can do these workouts at the comfort of your own home, and, what’s more, you need no additional equipment!

Just follow these steps:

  • Drink a lot of water or infused water
  • Choose the time of the day when you will exercise
  • Pick a start date
  • Exercise regularly



  • 20 squats
  • 15-second plank
  • 25 crunches
  • 35 jumping jacks
  • 15 lunges
  • 20-second wall sit
  • 10 sit ups
  • 10 butt kicks
  • 5 push ups


  • 30 second plank
  • 25 crunches
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 25 lunges
  • 45 second wall sit
  • 35 sit ups
  • 20 butt kicks
  • 10 push ups


  • 15 squats
  • 40 second plank
  • 30 crunches
  • 50 jumping jacks
  • 25 lunges
  • 35 second wall sit
  • 30 sit ups
  • 25 butt kicks
  • 10 push ups


  • 35 squats
  • 30 second plank
  • 20 crunches
  • 25 jumping jacks
  • 15 lunges
  • 60 second wall sit
  • 55 sit ups
  • 35 butt kicks


  • 25 squats
  • 60 second plank
  • 30 crunches
  • 55 jumping jacks
  • 60 lunges
  • 45 second wall sit
  • 40 sit ups
  • 40 butt kicks
  • 30 push ups

Saturday/Sunday- rest

Cardio – by week

  • 30 second sprint, 30 second jog (5x)
  • 35 second sprint, 45 second jog (6x)
  • 45 second sprint, 60 second jog (7x)
  • 50 second sprint, 45 second jog (8x)
  • 55 second sprint, 30 second jog (7x)
  • 60 second sprint, 45 second jog (6x)
  • 65 second sprint, 60 second jog (5x)
  • 70 second sprint, 45 second jog (6x)
  • 75 second sprint, 30 second jog (7x)
  • 80 second sprint, 45 second jog (8x)

Naturally Whiten Teeth: 10 Ways To Remove Tartar Stains From Your Teeth

Although tartar is a delicious dish, the teeth tartar is something we dread for. It is actually a worse form of plaque and it occurs when you forget the golden rule of 3: brush, floss, and then rinse. Actually when you do not really remove tartar from your teeth, it can become rough and can lead to gum disease. What is more, that it’s pretty unpleasant to look at when you open your mouth. This is how to remove it and naturally whiten teeth.

Naturally Whiten Teeth: Baking soda and salt mix
You shall start with this simple yet effective method of tartar removal. This one is a powerful agent that has an antibacterial effect and aids in teeth whitening too.

Mix one spoon of baking soda with a little pinch of salt and then put some of this mixture on your toothbrush. What is more, add this to your regular toothpaste. Do not brush your teeth with this more than once a week as it can lead to enamel damage. It will naturally whiten teeth.

Orange peel
Have you ever wondered what to do with orange peel leftovers? Now you will know. The citrus fruits are generally very good for removing plaque stains because they contain acids.

You might directly rub the peel over your teeth for three minutes or make a paste and apply it to your teeth. Whichever one you will choose, rinse the mouth with lukewarm water afterward. Repeat this for several times a week.

Lemon juice
Interchange the orange peel with some lemon juice for better results. These acids not only dissolve plaque but will also whiten the teeth slightly.

Dip in the toothbrush in some fresh lemon juice and gently rub it over the teeth. Let it on for a minute before rinsing. Do not forget that lemon juice is a very strong agent and can cause tooth erosion, so use it carefully.

Sesame seeds
These are great in many ways: you should use them for seasoning your salad or removing tartar. They are acting as a natural scrub, and polish and clean the teeth at the same time.

Take a tablespoon of these seeds into your mouth and chew well. Try to create a kind of paste and not swallow it in this process. After that brush your teeth with this paste and a dry toothbrush. Do this thing twice a week.

Hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash

The hydrogen peroxide has in itself some antimicrobial properties, and so does mouthwash. Mix one tbsp of this antiseptic mouthwash with 3 tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Gargle this for a couple of minutes and finish the procedure with clean water.

Coconut oil
Yet another thing you can reach for in your kitchen cupboard is coconut oil. The pulling of oil is a popular procedure nowadays. Oil can absorb dirt in the mouth and also has an antibacterial effect against microorganisms living in there.

Place 1-2 tbsp of oil around in your mouth for 10-15 minutes and then spit it out and rinse well with warm water.

Strawberries and tomatoes
Both of these are highly rich in Vitamin С and you can use them if citrus is not your thing. Chop one of them, make a pulp of it, and apply it to the teeth. Leave for five minutes, then rinse your mouth.

Aloe vera and glycerin
This is a concoction of goodness for your teeth. You should mix 1 tsp of aloe vera gel, 10 drops of lemon essential oil, 4 tsp of vegetable glycerin and 4 tbsp of baking soda in 1 cup of water to get a smooth paste.

Then brush your teeth with this paste once daily until you see that the tartar is becoming less visible. Repeat this process once every 3-4 days. Aloe helps the teeth and gums to heal and essential lemon oil fights bacteria.

This spice has for a long time been used as a pain remedy for toothaches. It can as well fights microbes in your mouth. You shall grind the cloves (or find a ready-made powder), and add a little bit of olive oil, and then apply the mixture on the stained areas.

Yet another idea is to regularly chew on cloves in order to reduce bad breath and kill bacteria. Try this one instead of your usual chewing gum.

Sanguinaria (bloodroot)
This is one of the most unusual ingredients and it is called sanguinaria, or more commonly known as bloodroot. The extract of this is often included in toothpastes. I It is kind of a safe, and antibacterial agent which is effective for reducing tartar.

Only three to four drops of sanguinaria extract can be added to a cup of warm water to make a mouthwash. It might be gargled every day or even twice daily.

All of the given advice can work if the condition of tartar on your teeth and gums is not critical yet. In case it is or if you also have sensitive teeth that react strongly on acids — consult your dentist. There are some professional ways of removing plaque and tartar from teeth that only they can perform.

Drink Detox Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems

To drink warm detox lemon water during the morning has become a hit around the world in the last years and there is one good reason for it. It is a very powerful beverage that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as other nutrients important for our health. Taking detox lemon water each day in the early hours will alkalize the body and force fat burn. Furthermore, it will speed the metabolism up while improving the immune system. Detox lemon water can also relieve numerous ailments. Here’s what drinking it every morning can help you with:

Eliminates the acne
The detox lemon water will neutralize the acidity of your blood and therefore prevent the appearance of acne and other skin problems. A cut lemon rubbed on your face can also clean it and reduce the risk of skin ailments.

Detox lemon water eliminates kidney stones
This fruit is rich in potassium, which is a mineral which raises the levels of citrate in the urine and prevents the formation of oxalates which are responsible for kidney stones.

Treats colds and the flu
Lemons are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is known as a dominant antioxidant and it’s very powerful against viruses and colds.

Relieves GERD
In case of suffering from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), you should start drinking detox lemon water and you will feel much better in just a few weeks.

Strengthens your nails
The detox lemon water will strengthen your nails and eliminate the white spots on them.

Reinforces the immune system
Drinking lemon water every morning will improve your lymphatic system function and eliminate various pathogens.

Helps you lose weight and curbs your cravings
Lemons can regulate your blood sugar levels and contain a fiber known as pectin which can control your hunger as well. While consuming lemon water every morning, your metabolism will get boost and weight loss will be imminent.

Treats gallbladder pain
Lemon water can be also consumed along with our meals. This way it will reduce the pain of the gallbladder.

Prevents food poisoning
When travelling abroad, consuming lemon water can keep you away of food poisoning.

Treats fibromyalgia
Yoga and lemon water are great combination if you suffer from fibromyalgia. Combining these two will help you get rid of the pain.

Reduces inflammation
Lemons are extra powerful alkalizing food. They will neutralize the body and regulate the pH levels. This will without a doubt decrease inflammation and the danger of many genuine ailments.

Relieves sore muscles
Consume it after exercising. It will relieve sore muscles.

Relieves joint pain and swelling
Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease which can be neutralized by drinking lemon water every morning after waking up and it will relieve the swelling and pain and restore the mobility of your joints.

Top Ways To Treat Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women is considered much more taboo than hair loss in men and as a consequence many women suffer in silence. Despite the ‘awkwardness’ surrounding women and hair loss, it is important to remember that you are not alone as thousands of women suffer from hair loss.

Similar to any condition, hair loss can be treated more effectively the earlier it is treated, meaning that instead of trying to ashamedly cover it up by wearing your hair in a new style or even resorting to wearing a wig, if you are experiencing some worryingly abnormal amounts of hair loss, you should endeavour to treat it sooner rather than later.

So how exactly do you treat permanent female hair loss?

Minoxidil 2%
Minoxidil 2% is the only topical medication for female-pattern hair loss that has been approved by the FDA. As Minoxidil 5% is stronger than the 2% equivalent and therefore may be more effective in treating hair loss, it is typically only approved for male-pattern hair loss as one side effect is that it increases facial hair growth.

Both strengths of Minoxidil work by improving the growth phase of the hair, which consequently gives the hair longer to grow to its full density.

A laser comb
Laser combs are becoming an increasingly popular method of overcoming female-pattern hair loss. This innovative device essentially involves red light therapy which when combed through the hair increases circulation and encourages hair to grow.

It is however important to remember that this method can take a while to be effective and according to a recent study, 45% of users reported some improvement after using the laser comb for eight weeks, while 90% of users saw an improvement after 16 weeks.

Hair transplantation
Another popular treatment to combat female-pattern hair loss is to have hair transplantation. The procedure involves taking tiny hair follicles from a ‘healthier’ area of the scalp and transplanting the follicles into an affected area.

This transplant method is relatively successful creating results that are thought of as natural looking.

Hair enhancers
If using laser combs or popping pills doesn’t fill you with enthusiasm in your battle against hair loss then you could always result to a completely non-surgical way to disguise any bald patches or thinning hair.

The Enhancer, for example, is a bespoke non-surgical way, which combines hair extensions and mesh being attached to the scalp, to create the perception of a fuller head of hair.

Monday, 9 December 2019

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles and Sagging Facial Skin After Washing It With Coconut Oil and Baking Soda!

This powerful combo is very useful in reducing wrinkles and for getting deep into your skin pores. So, we can easily say that it’s very useful and beneficial in preventing acne and blackheads. When these 2 powerful ingredients are mix, they work very good in treating acne, redness, scars and removing excess dirt from your skin pores. And they also remove all the dead skin cells off the surface of your skin. Just try this combo and you will be amazed by the results.

People use this extremely useful ingredient for everything: for making homemade baked goods, as a polishing agent, deodorizing agent and for cleaning purposes. The name of this remarkable ingredient is Sodium Bicarbonate or also known as baking soda. Baking soda is the perfect alternative for many harsh and toxic cleaning products and the best of all is that baking soda always provides excellent results.

People also use this amazing ingredient to make homemade cosmetic and beauty products – teeth whitener, all-natural deodorant, etc. And, as we mentioned before, this ingredient is also very effective and beneficial in treating acne. The most common reason for skin breakouts and acne appearance is the pH imbalance. So, you can use baking soda to restore the pH balance and to prevent sin problems, like acne.

Let me just say few words about coconut oil and then we are going to show you how to combine these 2 ingredients and make the most powerful deep cleanser. Coconut oil is super healthy ingredients. It has antibacterial, healing and moisturizing properties, which are very beneficial for nourishing and soothing your skin. Here’s how to make the most powerful deep cleanser. Just follow the simple instructions.


  • 2 teaspoons of organic extra-virgin coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of aluminum-free baking soda


Here’s what you need to do – all you have to do is mix all the ingredients in a small bow. And always make enough just for one treatment. Mix the ingredients until you get a thick paste and apply it on your face, using circular motions. Then, you should leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. And again, massage your facial skin with circular motions. Dry your face with a clean towel, and you don’t need to apply any skin moisturizer, because the coconut oil will hydrate your skin.

You will be amazed by the results. Your skin will be smooth and soft. As you can see, this homemade deep cleanser is very simple and easy to make, and all you need is 2 ingredients, which you probably already have in your kitchen cabinet. Try it and share your opinion in the comments section below. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.

Natural Teeth Whitening With Just 1 Ingredient (3 Minute Recipe)

There are many different hygiene products, but nobody actually knows what they can do to our cavity. Many medical experts said that many different people reported problems with their teeth, gum irritation, brittle or translucent teeth – all caused by teeth whiteners. There are many reasons to stay away from all those harmful hygiene products and use all-natural products, which are much safer and more effective than the commercial products. What if we tell you that you can make your own homemade paste, using just one all-natural ingredient?

The best thing about this toothpaste is that it will work as a teeth whitener and healing remedy at the same time. Your gum and your teeth will be much healthier. The main ingredient in this homemade teeth whitener is ACV – apple cider vinegar. It’s made from fermented apples, and it’s rich in pectin and essential minerals. Apple cider vinegar is highly valued for its medicinal properties. People use apple cider vinegar to make many different health conditions, including teeth whitening.

Why is apple cider vinegar beneficial for teeth whitening?

Well, you should know that apple cider vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent, which is very useful in maintaining the acidic pH value. We can also say that this ingredient is highly beneficial and very useful in removing stains and whitening your teeth. It’s also very useful for treating gum disease – caused by mouth bacteria.

How to whiten your teeth using apple cider vinegar?

Here’s what you need to do – first, you need to dilute apple cider vinegar with some water. You should follow this ratio: ½ tsp. of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water. You need to store this mixture in a glass bottle. In the morning when you wake up, use this mixture as a mouthwash, and brush your teeth as normal after that. Remember: you need to do this regularly, if you want to remove the stains off your teeth and to whiten then at the same time.

Note: you should always shake the bottle with this mixture before you use it, because the essential ingredients will fall on the bottom. Don’t forget to dilute apple cider vinegar, because of its acidity – it can damage your tooth enamel. And one more thing – don’t use this treatment couple times a day. You can use it just once a day, in order to protect your enamel.

This homemade teeth whitener is very useful and completely safe. Try it and you will be amazed by the results. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.

Friday, 6 December 2019

The Three Week Butt-Lifting Challenge That Will Completely Transform You

Shaping the body into the ideal summer shape we all seem to have imagined is no easy task, especially when it comes to fitting our butt into a perfect form.

But aside from achieving an amazing look, focusing on butt-lifting exercises also fills people with self-confidence and will make your body stronger for other activities and exercises, such as an active lifestyle, running, dancing, cycling, and everything else.

Down below are several exercises recommended by the best of personal trainers for fast and lasting results. The butt-lifting challenge consists of five exercises, all of which work the thighs and glutes.

Note: Increase the number of reps you do each exercise, up to three sets of 15 reps each. Aside from this, follow the instructions of how to properly do the exercises, and remember – if the challenge feels easy, make it harder by increasing the number of reps.

Just like a regular squat, the single-leg squat requires you to stand firmly with both feet together, and place weight on your left leg, while lifting your right leg into the air in front of you. Once done, bend your left knee into a squat, while keeping your leg lifted and straight.

2. Pulsing Pile-Squat
Start off with a wide squat, while keeping your heels directly below your knees and toes turned outwards. Your hands should be on your hips and your shoulders over your hips. Maintain this position, but in the meantime pulse quickly lowering and raise your hips one inch to complete one pulse. Two pulses make one complete rep.

3. One-Legged Reversed Plank Bridge
While sitting down with your hands behind you, press the heels of your hands and feet and raise your pelvis off the ground. Raise the right leg into the air, before lowering your pelvis toward the ground. Once done, keep your arms straight and leg raised, before lifting yourself back up. This makes for one rep.

4. Superman Lift
This one is quite easy but provides quite the exercise. Lay down on your stomach and engage your abs, while extending your arms straight out in front of you. Extend your legs as well as much as you can. The next thing to do is lift your arms, chest and legs off the floor as high as you can. Lowering back down to the initial starting position makes for one rep.

5. Donkey Kick
Get down on all fours, with your knees right under your hips and your hands right under your shoulders. While maintaining your knee at a 90-degree angle, slowly raise your right leg behind you, parallel to the floor. Repeat with your other leg to complete one full rep.

7 Exercises to Quickly Eliminate Belly Fat And Get The Summer Shape

There is no doubt that when it comes to our overall body aesthetic, the number one issue which can ruin the entire posture and image of an individual is excess belly fat. With that in mind, belly fat also affects self-confidence and personality. That is the reason why millions of people around the world are on an every-day quest to find the best way to drop this excess belly fat, whether it is through exercising, dieting or other methods.

We found this to be a reason good enough to dedicate an article to losing belly weight fast and simple, and the things we are going to focus on are a healthy diet, the right exercises, and the abdominal area.

Best Exercises for Dropping Belly Fat


Start off by lying down on the floor, with your lower back pressed onto the ground. Place your hands on the sides of your head, before elevating your shoulders off the floor and curling your legs towards the rib cage at the same time. After you raise your torso up, go back to the initial position and start again. Do 5-10 sets or as many as you can.

2. Walkout from Push-Ups

Get into a pushup position, and place your hands two inches wider than your shoulders before walking forward with your hands as much as you can and going back afterwards. Do 12 reps and if you want to increase the intensity, keep one leg up in the air.

3. Bicycle Exercise

Despite what the name says, this exercise doesn’t involve riding a bicycle. In fact, you just have to lie on the ground with your lower back firmly pressed on the floor. Place your hands on each side of your head and lift your legs from the ground up, before bending them at the knees. Once done, start pulling the right knee close to your rib cage, while keeping your left leg out. When you are bringing up your right knee, try to touch it with your left elbow. Repeat the same procedure with your right elbow and left knee.

4. Squat Thrust

While in straight standing position, put your hands to the floor in front of your feet, and jump with your feet in a plank position, before jumping with the feet back to the hands. This is similar to a squat jump but requires far more preparation.

5. Jumping Jacks

All you have to do with this exercise is breathe in and out while jumping, and try to do quicker repetitionsas possible for 30 seconds straight.

6. Cycling

This is another effective method of burning belly fat as well as shaping the abdominal muscles. By adding cycling to your workout session, not only will it shape your belly and eliminate the fat, but it will also improve your overall body posture and lower your stress to a minimum.

7. Cardio Workout

Everything which involves dancing, brisk walking, kickboxing, running as well as other exercises adding cycling increase your heartbeat and have you sweating like never before are also highly recommended for burning belly fat. To achieve the best results, do half an hour of cardio exercises 4-5 times per week.