Saturday, 4 March 2017

6 Proven Tips for Quick Migraine Pain Relief

Migraines are one common problem that affects around 18% of women and 6% of men in the U.S. Nowadays; they affect four out of five people in America. Doctors are trying to solve the mysterious reason for their occurrence. Some doctors believe that there is a combination of reasons that can cause migraines. These reasons range from neurovascular imbalances in the brain to genetics.

Why Do People Suffer from Weather Related Migraines?

It is not clearly defined why do people suffer from migraines due to change of weather. Although the right cause of these migraines is not identified, there are numerous ways how to prevent migraines and reduce their severity.

he National Headache Foundation conducted a study in which the participants were given a list of possible causes. They had to rank these causes in terms of what usually brought on the migraine. Three participants out of four said that it was the weather change that triggered their headache.

Weather Triggers Include:

Here are six tips that will help you prevent your migraines:

6 Tips on How to Cure Migraines

1. Keep a Diary of Your Migraines

This is the first step toward finding a solution which will prevent the migraines from disrupting your happy, productive and healthy life. First of all, you should find out what triggers your migraines. For example, if you think that it’s the weather change that initiated your migraine, record it in your diary. Show this detailed diary to your doctor so that he can prescribe the best treatment for you.

In the diary, you should include:

  • In what part of the head you feel the pain?
  • What the pain feel like?
  • The time when it began and when it ended.
  • Record any change in the weather including high winds, storms or high humidity.
  • Any sign you experience before a migraine
  • Any treatment that improved or made the pain worse.

2. Make Changes in the Daily Regimen

Some changes in your everyday habits can reduce the amount and severity of migraines. You can incorporate the following changes in your life to improve the number of migraines you experience.

Try to get enough of sleep and sleep around the same time every night. Some interruptions in your sleep routine can trigger a migraine.

Exercise Regularly
According to research, some moderate aerobic exercise can reduce the severity, number, and duration of migraines. With a regular exercise, you can also control stress thus preventing a migraine.

Have Regular Meals
Healthy and regular meals are important for balanced blood sugar level. Any drop in the blood sugar can cause a migraine.

Drink Plenty of Water
Drink as much water as you can in order to stay hydrated and prevent migraines.

Limit Stress
Stress is another important factor that can cause a migraine. Make sure you stay relaxed by doing yoga, meditating, listening to music or taking short walks.

Practice Complementary Therapies
Complementary therapy can help you prevent and reduce migraines. So, practice acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy or massages to manage stress and prevent migraines.

3. Include Some Foods into Your Diet

Food can be an effective method for prevention of migraines. Some foods can prevent and fight off migraines. They include:

Cayenne peppers are one of the most highly utilized and important ingredients in the Caribbean, American, Asian and Indian dishes because of the intense flavor and heat. This pepper can provide many other health benefits. It’s the capsaicin, the chemical that gives these peppers their heat and reduces blood vessel constriction. It can also prevent blood pressure fluctuations and cause migraine headaches.

Coffee is an important ingredient in many headache medications because the caffeine provides relief from migraines. Make sure you do not consume too much coffee because in that way you can trigger migraines.

Fish and Flaxseed
You can prevent migraines by practicing some anti-inflammatory diet. Fish and flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, and they can prevent migraines from occurring.

Riboflavin-Rich Foods
One of the eight B vitamins, vitamin B2 or riboflavin is important for the protection of the central nervous system and metabolism of nutrients. If there is a deficiency of this vitamin, headaches can occur. So, foods rich in riboflavin can correct these deficiencies thus preventing migraines. Therefore, consume the following sources of riboflavin: broccoli, avocados, eggs, alfalfa, romaine lettuce, mushrooms, walnuts, and asparagus.

Magnesium-Rich Foods
Around 60% of all migraine sufferers have magnesium deficiencies. Magnesium is an essential mineral that normalizes the nerve impulses in the brain that are responsible for transmission of pain signals. So, magnesium can help intense pain which is associated with migraines. Also, it can regulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter chemical that can bring about sudden changes in the blood pressure – a contributing factor of migraine headaches. So, consume more magnesium-rich foods such as tofu, kale, kelp, lima beans, bananas, apples, apricots, and garlic.

4. Consider Dietary Supplements

It is one of the most significant minerals because it relaxes the blood vessels that cause the pain. It penetrates deep into the cell membranes including the mitochondria. Calcium channel blockers are other important drugs that treat migraines.

Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 or riboflavin converts the carbohydrates into energy. It provides the brain with more energy, so the brain is less likely to suffer from migraines.

Vitamin B6
The body needs vitamin B6 to use dopamine and serotonin in the proper manner. These neurotransmitters are necessary for the normal nerve cell communication. According to the researchers, people who suffer from a migraine usually have low level of serotonin in the body. So, vitamin B6 will help the body use these important chemicals in the proper manner and a natural remedy for migraines.

Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid
If Vitamin B12 is taken with folic acid and vitamin B6, it can be an effective solution for migraine relief. In June 2009, “Pharmacogenetics & Genomics” published a study in which the participants who took all the necessary supplements saw a reduction in the frequency and severity of migraine headaches.

5. Take the Herbal Supplements into Consideration

For centuries, the alternative therapies have proved successful methods of treatments of various health conditions. In terms of migraines, certain herbs were used to reduce the severity of pain. Certain herbs are as effective and as potent as prescription drugs. However, make sure you consult your doctor before you start using any herbal supplement. It should not conflict with any medication you are taking. So, do not take any herbal supplements until your doctor confirms their use. Also, if you are pregnant, avoid using these herbal supplements because they can harm your baby.

The following herbal supplements can prevent and reduce migraines:

  • Cayenne
  • Barberry Root
  • Alfalfa Leaf
  • Ginger Root
  • Honeysuckle
  • Evening Primrose
  • Bay Leaf
  • Catnip
  • Feverfew
  • Chamomile
  • Valerian Root
  • Peppermint Leaf
  • Brazilian Guarana
  • Kola Nut
  • Lemon Balm
  • Wintergreen
  • Butterbur
  • Green Tea
  • Hawthorne Leaf
  • Dong Quai
  • Passion Flower
  • Wood Betony
  • Lemon Balm
  • Griffonia Seed
  • White Willow Bark

6. Prescription Medications

Experts do not always recommend the usage of prescribed drugs to prevent weather-related migraines. However, if you have tried holistic, alternative and natural methods to eliminate the migraines and nothing has proved a success, you should concentrate more on prescribed medications which treat this condition.

Here are some prescription medications for those who experience migraines:

Antiepileptic Drugs
Some medications are used for both controlling seizures and preventing migraines as well. They calm the neurons in the brain, whose “hyperexcitability” can play an important role in epilepsy and migraine. So, about 20% of the people with epilepsy suffer from migraines as well.

Some of the medications that both control seizures and help migraines include Depakote, Depacon, Topamax, and Topiragen.

Beta-blockers are used in the treatment of heart disease and high blood pressure. It is not clearly defined in what way they can prevent migraines. However, they can improve the blood flow and prevent migraines. Beta-blockers that have proved effective in the prevention of migraines include Blocadren, Toprol XL, Lopressor, Innopran, and Inderal.

Antidepressants affect the production of the brain chemical serotonin. Both Effexor and Elavil work well in the prevention of migraines.

When to Use Medication to Prevent Migraines

You doctor will recommend you when to start using these medications. In the beginning, you will probably start with a small dose, and over time you will gradually increase it. After few months, you will find the dose that works the best for you. Keep in mind that you should never stop taking these preventative medications because this may lead to a severe migraine in the very moment.

Under your doctor supervision, you may slowly reduce these preventative medications. Bear in mind that these medications can remove the migraines completely. If these medications do not help you, you may still need some acute medications.

  • Changes in temperature
  • Changes in humidity
  • Extremely dry conditions
  • Storms

Other people do not have an idea of the real cause of their migraine, but they were interested in what they could do to prevent, reduce the amount and decrease the severity of migraines.

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